







汉语拼音:jīn zǎo







  1. 亦作“ 今蚤 ”。蚤,通“ 早 ”。今朝,今天。

    元 无名氏 《桃花女》楔子:“到今蚤日将晌午,方纔着我开舖面。” 元 无名氏 《桃花女》楔子:“不想你今早果然无事回来。” 清 李渔 《比目鱼·耳热》:“今早有几个朋友,约我一同去看。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九一回:“今早奴进城格辰光,倒説有两三起拦舆喊冤格呀!”



  1. My back has been stiff for the last couple of days and I woke up this morning and it did not respond to the treatment I had last night.


  2. President Obama called it a "good day for America" this morning at a White House ceremony.


  3. I saw it last night, not easy to shoot at night, so continued this morning. If I could buy this, that's more or less nice.


  4. He had a little cough yesterday, but there was no sputum. This morning, I found the cough became hoarse but no asthma.


  5. A reader just wrote to say he had a dream this morning and he described this as if a giant hand were shaking the whole planet.


  6. But after the tests this morning, for the first time in a while, they were able to give me a different answer and a different problem.


  7. My purpose this morning is to help you anticipate what you will hear over the next few days or weeks as you listen to the evidence.


  8. He did not enjoy himself in the party because of his parents' scold this morning.


  9. Much more previous six this morning got up to start doing laundry, wash now just good, very tired, the heads were all dizzy, ha ha.


  1. 不,是今早

    No. Early this morning.

  2. 我今早迟到了。

    I was late this morning.

  3. 仆人今早没有来。

    The help has not come this morning.

  4. 飞机在今早降落。

    The plane touched down this morning.

  5. 今早下着倾盆大雨。

    It is pouring with rain this morning.

  6. 今早我?看到他。

    I arrived in Taipei last week.

  7. 我今早很早醒来。

    I wakened early this morning.

  8. 我今早睡过头了。

    I overslept this morning.

  9. 我今早太晚起床。

    I overslept this morning.

  10. 我今早情绪不佳。

    I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

  11. 今早的森林很漂亮。

    The forest is beautiful this morning.

  12. 今早身体不大舒服。

    I am not quite the thing this morning.

  13. 我今早头痛得厉害。

    I've got a terrible head this morning.

  14. 我今早大便非常痛快。

    I had quite a good motion this morning.

  15. 我今早大便非常痛快。

    I had quite a good motion this morning.

  16. 今早送来给你的。

    They were delivered for you this morning.

  17. 今早送来给你的。

    They were delivered for you this morning.

  18. 今早的事我很抱歉

    I'm sorry about this morning.

  19. 你今早到底为什么过来

    Why'd you really stop by this morning?

  20. 你今早去露营了吗?

    Did you go camping this morning?

  21. 你看今早的报纸了。

    You saw this morning's paper.

  22. 我今早没有见到他。

    I didn't see him this morning.

  23. 你今早去跑步了吗?

    Did you go running this morning?

  24. 我今早起床头非常疼!

    I woke up with the biggest headache this morning! #allergies

  25. 你今早去戏院了吗?

    Did you go to the theater this morning?

  26. 我今早喝了柚子汁。

    And I had grapefruit juice this morning.

  27. 今早你同意这说法吗?

    Would you agree with that this morning?

  28. 他今早在公园中散步。

    He was walking in the park this morning.

  29. 包裹是今早邮来的。

    The parcel came in this morning's post, ie by this morning's delivery.

  30. 我今早买了几只鹅。

    I bought some geese this morning.