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汉语拼音:fǎ ér
As the feet were ragged past all darning, she had cut pieces out of a cast-off flannel petticoat, to make new soles.
脚跟烂得没法儿再补,她就从一条旧法兰绒裙子上剪下一块布,补成新后跟。I suppose the opportunity to see how the other half lives and realizing I feel many Americans are rather whiney individuals.
我认为就是能看看世界的另一半是怎样的活法儿,因此我发现美国人原来是很婆婆妈妈的。As I type this I'm in my pyjamas. I don't think I could be saying that if I'd gone to work for Big Corporate plc.
写这篇稿子时,我正穿着睡衣。假如去大公司工作的话,我想我就没法儿这么说了。Dinner sounds wonderful: a privilege to witness, if not so easy to get a word in edge ways.
你家的晚餐听上去很棒:即使没法儿轻易插话,你仍有资格见证讨论。And he won't like me, so I won't be able to ask him. '
他也不会喜欢我的,所以我还是没法儿问他。And the old man thought: "This be a terrible hard job; I don't seem to please nobody. "
于是老头儿心想:“这件事真是太难做了,像是谁都没法儿讨好。”I could not take the declension of the sun at noon today, again due to overcast.
由于多云天气再次出现,今天我没法儿从观测中午太阳倾角来判定方位。When you are unhappy, friends are there, trying to lift your spirits up.
当你不高兴时,朋友就在一旁,想着法儿让你振作起来。My branches are gone, " said the tree. " You cannot swing on them. . . . . .