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亦作“ 赋閒 ”。 晋 代 潘岳 辞官家居,作《闲居赋》,后因称罢官闲居、失业无事为“赋闲”。
清 钱泳 《履园丛话,耆旧·秋史侍御》:“时 秋史 丁太守公艰,赋閒无事。”《官场现形记》第四三回:“吾兄在省候补,是个赋闲的人。” 朱自清 《背影》:“这些日子,家中光景很是惨淡,一半为了丧事,一半为了父亲赋闲。”
见“ 赋闲 ”。
Fadhliah Hj Taha, 32, unemployed, said that she has been breastfeeding for over a year and that support from her family was very important.
今年32岁的FadhliahHjTaha,赋闲在家,她说,她已经母乳喂养孩子一年多了,而来自家庭的支持对她来说非常重要。I took two years out of work, and it was one of the best things I ever did.
我曾赋闲两年,那是我做过的最棒的事情之一。A few retired politicians were dragged out to reminisce about slights suffered at the hands of the perfidious Frogs.
还会拖出几个退休赋闲的政客来追忆背信弃义的法国佬在过去给英国带来的小小不快。In the second place. . . there seem to be too many people without job by no means enough job position.
第二方面,赋闲的人好像太多而又没有足够的作事岗位。Lose your job, or appear to have taken a severe pay cut and be unable to afford anything except instant noodles.
失业,在家赋闲,或者表现得被狠狠的减薪了,只够家里三顿吃泡面的。She now stays at home, looking after the children and planning new ventures.
她如今赋闲在家,照看孩子,并规划着新的事业。With WB, my best friend. She left her job for a couple of years and freely stay at home, planning for a second child.
我最要好的朋友,离开工作后,赋闲在家,计划生第二胎。It is no coincidence that places of worship are places of silence: if idleness is the devil's playground, silence may be the angels'.
所以敬拜上帝的地方即是静默之地,这显然并非巧合。如果赋闲是魔鬼的活动场地,那沉默就属于是天使的。Those were depressing days, partly due to the funeral events, and partly due to his jobless state.
I have been taking it easy at home.
His father has been fired, and he's busy looking for a job.
He was amused, resting here on his American estate.
她如今赋闲在家, 照看孩子, 并规划着新的事业。
She now stays at home, looking after the children and planning new ventures.
But the retired farmer still spends all day trying to get information about his neighbors.
Los Angeles Galaxy coach to resign from his duties, Gullit has been jobless and idle.
His mom criticized his wife for her parenting style and for not getting a job.