







汉语拼音:qīng xián








  1. 见“ 清閒 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 清闲 ”。亦作“ 清间 ”。清静悠闲。引申指暇时。

    《汉书·循吏传·龚遂》:“臣痛社稷危也!愿赐清閒竭愚。”《后汉书·襄楷传》:“臣虽至贱,诚愿赐清间,极尽所言。” 唐 寒山 《诗》之二九四:“腾腾且安乐,悠悠自清閒。” 宋 曾巩 《孙少述示近诗兼仰高致》诗:“ 少陵 雅健材孤出, 彭泽 清闲兴最长。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·拒奸》:“ 淑娟 与母亲同居西院,虽然冷静,倒喜清閒。” 巴金 《沉落集·化雪的日子》:“山居是非常清闲的。”

  3. 专指清静。

    唐 赵元一 《奉天录》卷三:“循此而行,过数百步,忽见僧房严肃,廊宇清闲。”



  1. One confidant recalls advising him to just 'turn it all over to the state and do yoga for three years. '


  2. enough of a glimpse of her to leave her alone for months.


  3. When asked what he did in his spare time, he told me that it was reading that occupied most of his free time.


  4. People who find dull jobs unendurable are often dull people who do not know what to do with themselves when at leisure.


  5. And thus my life, normally so calm, suddenly took on an air of riot and chaos.


  6. She was paid tens of thousands of pieces that, in the factory yard for a very leisurely jobs.


  7. Secret Number 3 (automate, automate, automate) is a great goal, but it is just a step on the path to complete idleness.


  8. That's right. So you need to go to bed early and get a good night's sleep. You've got a busy day tomorrow.


  9. You can reduce service time by breaking up the contents of the cart and distributing them across several freely-available checkout counters.


  1. 通信业务清闲

    light traffic

  2. 业务清闲时段

    light traffic period.

  3. 业务清闲时间

    period of light traffic.

  4. 过清闲的生活

    live a life of leisure.

  5. 清闲的退休生活

    the idle life of retirement

  6. 快乐仁和,生活清闲。

    A life of joy and peace.

  7. 我不习惯这么清闲。

    I am unused to so much free time.

  8. 冷却装置,一刻也不得清闲!

    Cooling tower, it's not idle for a moment.

  9. 有时候我们也应当享受清闲。

    Sometimes we also should enjoy idleness.

  10. 他以此道为生,倒也清闲。

    He makes a living this way, which is pretty idle.

  11. 他以此道为生,倒也清闲。

    He makes a living this way, which is pretty idle.

  12. 我在这的生活也不清闲

    By the way, it's not like I'm living a life of leisure here.

  13. 她成天清闲地泡在电视前。

    All she does is veg out in front of the telly.

  14. 我喜欢清闲而不无聊的日子。

    I like to idle without boring day.

  15. 他过不惯清闲的退休生活。

    He finds it difficult to get used to the idle life of retirement.

  16. 我今天较清闲,而昨天很忙。

    Today I am comparatively free, while yesterday I was very busy.

  17. 我在那里过得倒是挺清闲的。

    I had a pretty soft time there.

  18. 这是实现完全清闲的最后一步。

    This is the final step of the path to complete idleness.

  19. 山里,空气清闲,处处弥漫着花香。

    The mountain air was very clean and smelled of flowers.

  20. 我干这个工作几乎没有清闲的时候。

    I have very little leisure time in this job.

  21. 有时我们很忙,可是在其他时间很清闲。

    Sometimes we're very busy, whereas at other times it's quiet.

  22. 现在公司最清闲的是我,要向我学习。

    It is me that freest in company, you all should learn from me.

  23. 利用这段清闲时光去思考,回顾和计划。

    Use this time to reflect, review, and meditate.

  24. 美国政府很多官员工作清闲却薪水很高。

    Many government officials in America are on the gravy train.

  25. 我想爸爸不会喜欢过这样清闲的生活。

    I don't think Father will fancy living an idle life like that.

  26. 他是这家公司的后座职员,工作相当清闲。

    He is a backseat staf memberf in the company, and his work is quite easy.

  27. 少一点钱财欲望,就会多一分平安清闲。

    of many minutes of vigilance is a bit less money lust, meet many minutes of restful at leisure.

  28. 你不想喝太多酒,你只想去放松下,清闲下。

    You dont want to have to think too much. Your job is just to relax and vegetate.

  29. 甚至她的两个妹妹也各有心事,不得清闲。

    Even her sisters were taken up with their own concerns.

  30. 不过随着时光消逝,我渐渐厌倦了清闲的生活方式。

    But as time passed, I grew bored with an idle lifestyle.


  1. 问:清闲拼音怎么拼?清闲的读音是什么?清闲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清闲的读音是qīngxián,清闲翻译成英文是 leisurely

  2. 问:清闲寺拼音怎么拼?清闲寺的读音是什么?清闲寺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清闲寺的读音是Qīngxiánsì,清闲寺翻译成英文是 Seikanji

  3. 问:清闲行业拼音怎么拼?清闲行业的读音是什么?清闲行业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清闲行业的读音是qīng xián háng yè,清闲行业翻译成英文是 leisure industry




【拼音】qīng xián


【基本解释】 [vacancy] 摆脱工作或摆脱精神集中的状态或事实