


圈子,环绕:~围。~天。~转(zhuǎn )。~匝(a.环绕;b.周到)。普遍、全面:~身。~延。~全。~游。时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期:~岁。~年。~期。~星(十二年)。上~。完备:~到。~密。~详。~正(端正)。~折(事情进行不顺利)。……


1. 旋 [xuán]2. 旋 [xuàn]旋 [xuán]转动:~绕。~转。~舞。~梯。~律。盘~。天~地转。回,归:凯~。不久:~踵(喻极短的时间,如“~~即逝”)。~即。表示与各方来往或来往于各方之间:周~。斡~。古同“漩”,漩涡。姓……



汉语拼音:zhōu xuán









  1. 亦作“ 周还 ”。运转。


  2. 谓辗转相追逐。

    《左传·僖公二十三年》:“若不获命,其左执鞭弭、右属橐鞬,以与君周旋。” 杜预 注:“周旋,相追逐也。” 宋 苏轼 《和子由苦寒见寄》:“何时逐汝去?与虏试周旋。” 杨朔 《火并》:“如果能有五百个武装的队员,他们便可以建立抗日政权,不怕城里那一班绅士反对,也可以进一步和敌人周旋了。”

  3. 古代行礼时进退揖让的动作。

    《礼记·乐记》:“升降上下,周还裼袭,礼之文也。” 陆德明 释文:“还,音旋。” 孔颖达 疏:“周谓行礼周曲迴旋也。”《孟子·尽心下》:“动容周旋中礼者,盛德之至也。”

  4. 引申为交往;交际应酬。

    三国 魏 曹操 《与荀彧追伤郭嘉书》:“ 郭奉孝 年不满四十,相与周旋十一年,险阻艰难,皆共罹之。”《朱子语类》卷一三六:“ 王导 为相,只周旋人过一生。尝有座客二十餘人,逐一称赞。” 明 王世贞 《觚不觚录》:“余自 嘉靖 丁巳、戊午间为青臬,前后所周还三抚臺, 刘公 来 、 傅公 颐 、 丁公 以忠 ,皆知己。” 老舍 《四世同堂》三七:“叹完了气,他还得有说有笑的和友人们周旋。”

  5. 环绕;盘曲。

    《列子·汤问》:“其山高下周旋三万里,其顶平处九千里。”《三国志·吴志·诸葛恪传》:“众议咸以 丹阳 地势险阻,与 吴郡 、 会稽 、 新都 、 鄱阳 四郡邻接,周旋数千里,山谷万重。” 元 王子一 《误入桃源》第二折:“山环水绕 天台洞 ,势周旋,形曲折。”

  6. 盘桓;展转;反复。

    晋 夏侯湛 《东方朔画赞》:“周旋祠宇,庭序荒芜。” 宋 苏轼 《渔樵闲话录》下篇:“周旋宛转,思之不得。” 清 周亮工 《朱静一诗序》:“﹝近人之诗若文﹞骤观之,非不洋洋焉煜煜焉,周旋观之,嚼蜡矣。”

  7. 照顾;周济。

    《三国志·魏志·臧洪传》:“每登城勒兵,望主人之旗鼓,感故友之周旋。”《古今小说·裴晋公义还原配》:“当朝 裴晋公 每怀惻隐,极肯周旋落难之人。” 苏曼殊 《与刘三书》:“ 曼 前离 芜 时,已囊空若洗,幸朋友周旋,不致悲穷途也。”

  8. 美好;漂亮。

    《敦煌变文集·丑女缘起》:“毁谤阿罗嘆(汉)果业,致令人貌不周旋。” 蒋礼鸿 通释:“﹝周旋﹞是漂亮、好看的意思。”

  9. 交际;应酬。

    清 戴名世 《赠蒋玉度还毘陵序》:“习剽窃之文,工侧媚之貌,奔走形势之途,週旋僕隶之际,以低首柔声乞哀於公卿之门。”

  10. 周全;照顾。




  1. Their joy at being once again united with their families did not overcome a stern desire to engage the enemy at the earliest moment.


  2. The other cars will occasionally do something unexpected, like try to spin you out, but it's fairly easy to draft around them.


  3. and while I saw certainly that I could spin it out for long, I saw no hope of any ultimate escape.


  4. Airlines and banks do not always pursue such cases vigorously as they are constrained by the hassle of dealing with overseas law agencies.


  5. Being a man, he won't have the energy to see-saw between frosty relationships both at home and in the office for long.


  6. Chiang operated in the same way, trying to maneuver between both feudal China and foreign countries.


  7. At times, Einstein would pretend to be sick in bed so he would not have to pose with visitors who wanted photographs.


  8. Turn could have been done deal, it was unclear thinking, impatient for success in a slight panic anxiety, rather than optional essentials.


  9. Instead of needing to broker a coalition with the Socialists, Mr Borisov will now be able to govern with a smaller coalition partner.


  1. 与敌人周旋到底

    fight the enemy to the finish

  2. 她善於与记者周旋。

    She is deft at dealing with reporters.

  3. 她善于与记者周旋。

    She is deft at dealing with reporters.

  4. 周旋于达官贵人之间

    move in high society

  5. 他周旋于宾客当中。

    He circulated among his guests.

  6. 他暂时同意与他们周旋。

    He agreed to play along with them for the time being.

  7. 女主人周旋于宾客之间。

    The hostess circulated among her guests.

  8. 企鹅将军始终赢得斗智周旋。

    Penguin Generals always win in a battle of wits.

  9. 周旋于不稳定的方式。

    Move in an unstable manner.

  10. 周旋于上流社会的政客

    swallow tails

  11. 周旋在毒品, 音乐和我之间。

    Between the dope and the music and me.

  12. 努力与驱逐房客通知一事周旋

    Fight an eviction notice

  13. 她周旋於上流社会的圈子里。

    She moves in fashionable circles.

  14. 他在宴会周旋于客人之间。

    He circulated among the guests at the party.

  15. 而且你肯定知道怎么跟他们周旋。

    And you damn sure know how to handle them.

  16. 不过你是能跟它周旋到底的。

    But you can stay with him forever.

  17. 只要有人三五成群,我便周旋其间。

    Whenever I see a cluster of people, I always mix with them.

  18. 我还在和他们的检察长周旋。

    I'm still wrestling with the inspector general for them.

  19. 特遣部队仍必须同敌人的空军周旋。

    The task force still had to face the enemy's air force.

  20. 特遣部队仍必须同敌人得空军周旋。

    The task force still had to face the enemy's air force.

  21. 她周旋于上流社会的圈子里。

    She moves in fashionable circles.

  22. 在宴会上周旋于各人群之间

    circulate from group to group at the party

  23. 你不能和这么一个疯子周旋了。

    You can't fool around with a person like that.

  24. 通过亲戚得周旋, 他得到了那个职位。

    Through the agency of relatives he got the position.

  25. 通过亲戚的周旋,他得到了那个职位。

    Through the agency of relatives he got the position.

  26. 她周旋于许多作家和艺术家之中。

    She moves with a lot of writers and artists.

  27. 那么我就搞到传票并且与她周旋。

    Then I'll get a subpoena and go around her.

  28. 他们带着近于滑稽的殷勤互相周旋。

    They all helped one another with humourous attentiveness.

  29. 正如她以前观察到得一样, 他善于周旋。

    He fences well, as she had noticed before.

  30. 她是他的老朋友, 他懂得怎样同她周旋的。

    She is his old acquaintance, and he knows how to manage with her.


  1. 问:周旋拼音怎么拼?周旋的读音是什么?周旋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:周旋的读音是zhōuxuán,周旋翻译成英文是 circle; socialize; compete with

  2. 问:周旋的人拼音怎么拼?周旋的人的读音是什么?周旋的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:周旋的人的读音是,周旋的人翻译成英文是 broker

  3. 问:周旋轮线拼音怎么拼?周旋轮线的读音是什么?周旋轮线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:周旋轮线的读音是zhōu xuán lún xiàn,周旋轮线翻译成英文是 pericycloid



“周旋”是个多义词,它可以指周旋(汉语词语), 周旋(明宣德人物), 周旋(作家), 周旋(海南省五指山市财政局党组书记、局长), 周旋(民歌新秀)。