


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……





汉语拼音:xiāng chí








  1. 双方对立、争持,互不相让。

    《战国策·魏策四》:“ 秦 、 赵 久相持於 长平 之下而无决。”《陈书·高祖纪上》:“我师已老,将士疲劳,歷岁相持,恐非良计。” 宋 苏轼 《试馆职策题》之三:“此三者皆安危之所係,利害相持而未决者也。” 徐迟 《在高炉上》:“人都疲倦透顶,情绪越来越低,两种意见相持不下。”

  2. 互相扶持、抱持。

    《韩诗外传》卷二:“羣臣皆相持而歌。” 宋 苏轼 《王中父哀词》:“ 軾 自 黄州 量移 汝海 ,与 中父 之子 沇子 相遇於 京口 ,相持而泣。”《红楼梦》第六四回:“﹝ 贾母 ﹞见了 尤氏 婆媳,不免又相持大痛一场。”

  3. 互相依存。

    《韩非子·功名》:“名实相持而成,形影相应而立,故臣主同欲而异使。” 汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·官制象天》:“求天数之微莫若於人,人之身有四肢,每肢有三节,三四十二,十二节相持而形体立矣。”

  4. 互相牵制。


  5. 相打;交战。

    《京本通俗小说·错斩崔宁》:“那人也不回话,照面一拳。 刘官人 侧身躲过,便起身与这人相持。” 元 关汉卿 《五侯宴》第三折:“今差贼将 王彦章 ,领十万军兵搦俺相持。”《西游记》第四三回:“这泼邪!果然无状。且不要教 孙大圣 与你对敌,你敢与我相持么?”



  1. Strange also said that up, said the opportunities come, the two sides in a stalemate of the war, a series of three things happened.

  2. The index of scoring percentage of the rally part was "Pass" , but the using percentage was "No Pass" .

  3. "It was a difficult match even if the result doesn't show it, " Ferrer said. "There were a lot of long rallies with Ferrero. "

  4. Tragically, when excited spectators joined in to break the two sides' deadlock, the man's hand was suddenly ripped off.

  5. The well armed gunmen, estimated to number ten to 15, kept at bay one thousand commandos and elite combat troops for two and a half days.

  6. Stalemate miter oblique lines to the main opponent of the Boll offensive line pressure greater.

  7. In the plan, we defined three strategic stages: strategic defensive, strategic equilibrium and strategic offensive.

  8. You ask if the War of Resistance has reached the stage of stalemate.

  9. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao in a stalemate, and the building of the city base.


  1. 抗战相持阶段

    The War Rally stage

  2. 战略相持理论

    Strategic Stalemate Theory

  3. 战略上的相持

    a strategic stalemate

  4. 战争处于相持阶段。

    The war was at a stalemate.

  5. 双方已相持很久。

    The two sides have been deadlocked for a long time.

  6. 祝你们相亲相爱, 相扶相持。

    Wishes you to be on intimate terms falls in love, holds is locked in a stalemate.

  7. 两狗啃一骨,相持难服输。

    Two dogs over one bone seldom agree.

  8. 双方谈判已经相持了很久。

    Negotiations between the two sides have already been locked in stalemate for a long time.

  9. 双方谈判已经相持了很久。

    Negotiations between the two sides have already been locked in stalemate for a long time.

  10. 关于相持阶段的林业产业发展问题

    The Problems of Forestry Industry Development at the Deadlock Stage

  11. 相持阶段的林业建设工程质量监督

    Strengthening Quality Supervision of Forestry Projects in the Stalemating Stage

  12. 曹操与袁绍在相持着, 建设城垒。

    Cao Cao and Yuan Shao in a stalemate, and the building of the city base.

  13. 相持阶段林业有害生物的可持续控制

    Sustainable Control on Harmful Biology of Forestry during Stalemate Stage

  14. 我们很久没有这样相持不下的陪审团了。

    That's the first hung jury we've had in a long time.

  15. 第二阶段, 可以名之曰战略的相持阶段。

    The second stage may be termed one of strategic stalemate.

  16. 关于加强相持阶段森林防火工作的思考

    Thinking on Strengthening Forest Fire Prevention in a Stalemate Phase

  17. 先生们提到抗战的相持阶段是否到来的问题。

    You ask if the War of Resistance has reached the stage of stalemate.

  18. 通过前三板为相持的主动创造更多机会。

    More opportunities canbe created for the initiative in a stalemate by the first three strokes.

  19. 在战役的相持阶段, 我们侦察分队担任战场警戒任务。

    In a lull period, our recons formed the combat guard.

  20. 在这种意义上,抗战的战略相持阶段基本上已经到来。

    In this sense, basically the War of Resistance has reached the stage of strategic stalemate.

  21. 提高对相持阶段的认识增强搞好培训工作的责任感

    Further Understanding the Stalemate Phase in Forestry Development to Enhance the Sense of Responsibility for Training

  22. 提高对相持阶段得认识增强搞好培训工作得责任感

    Further Understanding the Stalemate Phase in Forestry Development to Enhance the Sense of Responsibility for Training

  23. 我们有几次打底线相持球,但我还不够有耐心。

    We have several times play the agent holding, but I also insufficiently have the patience.

  24. 我跟它正这样相持不下时,又有一匹马走了过来。

    While he had I were thus employed, another horse came up.

  25. 深化集体林产权制度改革推进相持阶段林业可持续发展

    Strengthen the Reform of Collective Forests Tenure to Promote Forestry Sustainable Development in Stalemate Phase

  26. 相持中正反手主动失误较多,正反手位被动失分也较多。

    Stalemate backhand errors are more active, are also losing a backhand bit more passive.

  27. 对我国生态建设处在治理与破坏相持阶段的理解和认识

    Understanding and Cognition to the Renovation and Destruction Stalemate Phase of the Ecology Construction in China

  28. 当双方仍在相持不下之际,有个渔翁经过,将它俩一网成擒了。

    While they were still grappling with each other, a fisherman passed by and netted them both.


  1. 问:相持拼音怎么拼?相持的读音是什么?相持翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相持的读音是xiāngchí,相持翻译成英文是 lock … in stalemate

  2. 问:相持不下拼音怎么拼?相持不下的读音是什么?相持不下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相持不下的读音是xiāngchíbúxià,相持不下翻译成英文是 to be locked in a stalemate

  3. 问:相持球拼音怎么拼?相持球的读音是什么?相持球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相持球的读音是xiāng chí qiú,相持球翻译成英文是 sustained rally; post-third-ball strokes; pe...

  4. 问:相持姿势拼音怎么拼?相持姿势的读音是什么?相持姿势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相持姿势的读音是xiāng chí zī shì,相持姿势翻译成英文是 neutral position



相持,指双方对立、争持,互不相让。语出《战国策·魏策四》:“秦、赵久相持於 长平 之下而无决。”