







汉语拼音:jiāng chí








  1. 谓双方相持不下,无所进展。

    田汉 《乱钟》:“这样就使罢工更僵持下去,工厂快要关门了。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第六章:“可是出人意料,敌人既没有撤退,也没有再上来,竟形成了一种奇怪的僵持局面。”



  1. The draft had aimed at the adoption by consensus of a text which, however, had not been examined owing to a stalemate.

  2. However, it appears that nobody is willing to make compromises or make concessions and the situation seems to be in stalemate.

  3. We might have gone on like that. the habit of separation hardening into a permanent estrangement.

  4. it's gonna lose in the long run; and eventually start developing avoidance behavior that if it kills something, the wolves come along. . .

  5. With the two sides at loggerheads, IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said the IMF will take a bigger role in currency issues.

  6. They hurt each other, take us a few as still living together with the reasons, it had been a stalemate.

  7. DESPITE continuing violence and a four-month stalemate over forming a new government, at least you now can fly to Iraq a little more easily.

  8. For decades, there has been a stalemate: two peoples with legitimate aspirations, each with a painful history that makes compromise elusive.

  9. But if little seems to be changing inside Cuba, its long-strained relations with the West may be easing.


  1. 僵持的议案

    deadlocked bill.

  2. 双方僵持好久。

    For quite some time, neither party was willing to budge from its original position.

  3. 他们会僵持一会儿

    And they go back and forth for a while.

  4. 双方处于僵持状态。

    The two parties have come to a deadlock.

  5. 双方僵持了很久。

    For quite some time, neither party was willing to budge from its original position.

  6. 两人就这样僵持着。

    There was this deadlock of passion between them.

  7. 资方与工会间的僵持

    a stalemate between management and unions

  8. 于是我们完全僵持住了。

    We were then at a full stand.

  9. 战斗似乎已陷于僵持状态。

    The fighting seemed to be stalemated.

  10. 战争局势陷入了僵持阶段。

    The war situation has been stalemated.

  11. 不过,僵持的局面不可持续。

    However, the impasse is not sustainable.

  12. 事实胜于雄辩合作胜于僵持

    The Facts Surpasses Declamation, Cooperation Beter than Refuse to Budge

  13. 就这样僵持了一天,又一天。

    This went on for a day and then another.

  14. 贸易谈判得僵持仍在继续。

    The stalemate in the trade talks continues.

  15. 贸易谈判的僵持仍在继续。

    The stalemate in the trade talks continues.

  16. 两派为了附加福利僵持不下。

    The two factions are deadlocked over fringe benefits.

  17. 两派为了附加福利僵持不下。

    The two factions are deadlocked over fringe benefits.

  18. 僵持局面出现了,地球末日来到了。

    The situation was deadlocked; the planet doomed.

  19. 全面的僵持状态引得谣言四起。

    The total deadlock produced a spate of rumour.

  20. 在海上, 存在着同样的僵持局面。

    A similar sort of stalemate existed at sea.

  21. 一些固执的人使协商僵持不下。

    A few stubborn people deadlocked the negotiations.

  22. 和平谈判在所有方面都出现僵持。

    There is a stalemate in peace negotiations on all tracks.

  23. 僵持板安装在一个头板外侧。

    A standoff plate is mounted to an exterior side of the header plate.

  24. 多哈全球贸易谈判仍在僵持中。

    The Doha round of global trade talks is floundering.

  25. 世界承受不起这种持续僵持的状况。

    The world cannot afford this ongoing stalemate.

  26. 两人就这样僵持着, 她占了上风。

    There was this deadlock of passion between them, and she was stronger.

  27. 目前的僵持局面不能任其继续下去。

    The current stalemate cannot be allowed to continue.

  28. 尴尬的局面僵持着,杰克的脸也红了。

    Now the absurd situation was open, Jack blushed too.

  29. 她的病例使得政府和总统之间僵持不下。

    Her case has led a standoff between the government and the president.

  30. 这导致了危及整个机制存在的僵持局面。

    This has led to a stalemate which endangers the existence of the entire regime.


  1. 问:僵持拼音怎么拼?僵持的读音是什么?僵持翻译成英文是什么?

    答:僵持的读音是jiāngchí,僵持翻译成英文是 refuse to budge

  2. 问:僵持战拼音怎么拼?僵持战的读音是什么?僵持战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:僵持战的读音是jiāng chí zhàn,僵持战翻译成英文是 Holding War




拼音:jiāngchí 词性:动词 基本解释 [refuse to budge] 双方相持不下,不能避让也无法进展 打破僵持局面 详细解释 谓双方相持不下,无所进展。 田汉 《乱钟》:“这样就使罢工更僵持下去,工厂快要关门了。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第六章:“可是出人意料,敌人既没有撤退,也没有再上来,竟形成了一种奇怪的僵持局面。”