




1. 峙 [zhì]2. 峙 [shì]峙 [zhì]直立,耸立:~立。对~(相对而立)。两峰相~。峙 [shì]〔繁~〕地名,在中国山西省。……



汉语拼音:duì zhì








  1. 相对而立。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·资水》:“县左右二冈对峙。” 唐 杨炯 《浮沤赋》:“排两足而分规,擘波心而对峙。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第十四章:“一条笔直的公路延伸过去,有一座两山对峙的山口,那想必就是 虎鸣山口 了。”

  2. 对抗;抗衡。

    清 黄鸿寿 《开设资政院》:“院中议员以钦选、民选两部分组织而成,两造之分子,隐隐然若两党之对峙。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十九章:“我军逐步后撤,退到 张朴墕 和 十字墕 村南,与敌人隔沟对峙。”



  1. But late last night there was a stand-off as officers moved to start to break up the climate camp that had been set up.


  2. Scott Snyder, a Korea expert at the Asia Foundation, said the stand-off was the most serious in years.


  3. Angry police confronted Mr. Correa and fired tear gas at him when he tried to meet with them.


  4. This led to an altercation in which Ding was thrown against the corner of an outside wall, causing injuries to his face and wrist.


  5. On Monday, China's foreign ministry denied that there had been a confrontation.


  6. The mourning ceremony quickly turned into a tense standoff between the police and opposition supporters.


  7. On Sunday, rebel forces and government troops were still squared off, just a few miles apart, down the road from Goma.


  8. The elderly to essence dry when, with Yin Yang Qiao for law, discipline can be filled over the years of a confrontation.


  9. This incident incited hundreds of blacks to gather in front of the police station the next day in a confrontation with the police.


  1. 两山对峙。

    The two mountains stand facing each other.

  2. 对峙与妥协

    confrontation and compromise.

  3. 皿内对峙培养

    inhibitony activity in vitro.

  4. 两军正在对峙。

    The two armies are facing out.

  5. 公开对峙型

    openly confronting.

  6. 战斗形成对峙局面。

    The fight resulted in a stalemate.

  7. 资方与工会之间的对峙

    confrontation between employers and unions

  8. 这种对峙的周期必须结束。

    This cycle of confrontation must end.

  9. 与卡米尔号飓风对峙

    Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

  10. 他们为了提名而对峙起来。

    They fought toetotoe for the nomination.

  11. 他们为了提名而对峙起来。

    They fought toe-to-toe for the nomination.

  12. 一方与另一方正在对峙。

    One side is pitted against another.

  13. 处在争论或者对峙的状态中。

    In a dispute or confrontation.

  14. 民族主义与超民族主义得对峙就此展开。

    Yet the tension between nationalism and supranationalism was there from the start.

  15. 民族主义与超民族主义的对峙就此展开。

    Yet the tension between nationalism and supranationalism was there from the start.

  16. 叛军和政府的对峙依然持续中。

    The fighting between the rebel troops and government continues.

  17. 她发现持续的对峙让人精疲力竭。

    She finds the continual confrontation very wearing.

  18. 和他对峙,要不你会进监狱的!

    Confront him or you're going to prison!

  19. 执勤的哨兵和一名持枪者对峙。

    The guard on duty was confronted by an armed man.

  20. 外层空间不应成为军事对峙的舞台。

    Outer space should not be allowed to become an arena for military confrontation.

  21. 与边靖楼遥相对峙, 竞相争高。

    Jing floor with the edge distance of confrontation, competing high.

  22. 鬣狗与我们对峙一阵后便走开了。

    Hyena and we walked away after a confrontation.

  23. 论水灾在南北朝对峙及战争中的作用

    A Research on the Influence of the Flood Disasters in the South and North Dynasties Wars

  24. 他对峙要本人们在会上提出这个问题。

    He insisted that we take up the matter at the meeting.

  25. 文学的雅俗对峙与金庸的历史地位

    The Confrontation Between the Refined and Popular Literature and Jin Yong's Position in History

  26. 后来指在艰辛的前提下对峙刻苦进修。

    Later it came to refer to studying under very hard conditions.

  27. 截至目前, 恐怖分子和警方仍在对峙之中。

    So far, terrorists and the police are still in confrontation.

  28. 几个世纪以来, 这样的对峙血流成河。

    For centuries, such rivalries led to torrents of blood.

  29. 就算全天下都支持我,我照旧对峙我的态度。

    Though all the world were against me, I should still hold to my opinion.

  30. 彷徨依然无倦, 与人的执着, 苦苦对峙。

    Loss is still not tired, with the dedication, hard confrontation.


  1. 问:对峙拼音怎么拼?对峙的读音是什么?对峙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对峙的读音是duìzhì,对峙翻译成英文是 confront



“对峙”是个多义词,它可以指对峙(陈宝国主演古装电视剧), 对峙(张夷非导演的同名电视剧), 对峙(中国人民公安大学出版社出版图书), 对峙(汉语词汇)。