







汉语拼音:yú rén








  1. 愚昧的人;浅陋的人。

    《诗·小雅·鸿雁》:“维彼愚人,谓我宣骄。” 唐 韩愈 《师说》:“圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出於此乎?”《红楼梦》第七九回:“可知天下古今现成的好景好事尽多,只是我们愚人想不出来罢了。” 梁启超 《译印政治小说序》:“天下通人少而愚人多,深于文学之人少而粗识之无之人多。”

  2. 以他人为愚昧。


  3. 可与为恶,不可与为善的人。

    《汉书·古今人表》分人为九等,其第九等为“下下,愚人”。 蚩尤 、 妲己 、 赵高 等皆列于此等。



  1. It's simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!


  2. Though all his life a fool associates with a wise man, he no more comprehends the Truth than a spoon tastes the flavor of the soup.


  3. The fool was abashed and began to ponder gloomily how he might put an end to these unpleasant rumours.


  4. Luring the unwary from his path, turning the willful into a weapon, and leading the fool to embrace his own undoing.


  5. He's not such a fool as you assumed him to be.


  6. Actually I wanted to tell him that today was April Fool's Day, but I could not say it out.


  7. My dear friends , As the matter of fact, life is so short, why not try to fool the life, why should care too much about?


  8. Early 18th century, Fool's Day customs reached the United Kingdom, followed by the British in the early immigrants into the United States.


  9. Fool, the morning I do not eat breakfast, get used to it, is not always not remember to eat breakfast?


  1. 愚人受饶舌。

    The tongues of idle persons are never still.

  2. 愚人好管闲事。

    Fools will be meddling.

  3. 愚人越富越蠢。

    The more riches a fool hath, the greater fool he is.

  4. 愚人所言无关紧要。

    What a fool says does not signify.

  5. 大智若愚人只。

    He knows mint who speaks least.

  6. 愚人徘徊, 智者游历。

    The fool wanders, the wise man travels.

  7. 愚人徘徊,智者游历。

    The fool wanders, the wise man travels.

  8. 智者开创, 愚人模仿。

    What the fool do in the end the wise man do at the begin.

  9. 愚人总喜强出头。

    a fool always rushes to the fore.

  10. 智者开创,愚人模仿。

    What the fool do in the end the wise man do at the begin.

  11. 愚人常被希望骗。

    Hope often deludes the foolish man.

  12. 愚人常短于心计。

    A fool always comes short of his reckoning.

  13. 按愚人的蠢话回答愚人。

    Answer a fool according to his folly.

  14. 偏见是愚人的理性。

    Prejudice is the reason of fools.

  15. 固执是愚人的能源。

    Stubbornness is the energy of fools.

  16. 愚人瞎逛,智者游览。

    The fool wander, the wise man travel.

  17. 我成了你的愚人。

    My god, I'm your fool man!

  18. 愚人咬群,智者和睦。

    Fool bite one another, but wise men agree together.

  19. 智者不与愚人争。

    A wise man does not contend with a fool.

  20. 天使裹足不前, 愚人轻举妄动。

    Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

  21. 愚人才不认错。

    Fools persist in their error.

  22. 理智管理智者,棒喝愚人。

    Reason governs the wise man and cudgels the fool.

  23. 孩子和愚人不会扯谎。

    Children and fools cannot lie.

  24. 反讽对愚人没有效果。

    Irony is wasted on the stupid.

  25. 他能辨别贤人和愚人。

    He can discriminate the prudent from the fools

  26. 愚人自经验中获取教训

    Experience is the teacher of fools

  27. 智者通达权变, 愚人墨守成规。

    Wise men change their minds, fool never.

  28. 愚人的心挂在唇边。

    A fool's heart dances on his lips.

  29. 智者造谚语,愚人来效仿。

    Wise men make proverbs and fools repeat them.

  30. 凡夫愚人, 亦复如是。

    So are the vulgar people in the world.


  1. 问:愚人拼音怎么拼?愚人的读音是什么?愚人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愚人的读音是yúrén,愚人翻译成英文是 fool; stupid person

  2. 问:愚人节拼音怎么拼?愚人节的读音是什么?愚人节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愚人节的读音是yúrénjié,愚人节翻译成英文是 April Fools' Day, a western custom on April 1 every...

  3. 问:愚人统治拼音怎么拼?愚人统治的读音是什么?愚人统治翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愚人统治的读音是,愚人统治翻译成英文是 foolocracy




拼音:yú rén 英文:stupid and ignorant person 基本解释 [stupid and ignorant person] 愚昧的人