







汉语拼音:zhé rén








  1. 智慧卓越的人。

    《诗·大雅·抑》:“其维哲人,告之话言。” 三国 魏 曹植 《王仲宣诔》:“皇穹神察,喆人是恃。” 唐 韩愈 《王公墓志铭》:“气鋭而坚,又刚以严,哲人之常。” 清 陈梦雷 《木瘿瓢赋》:“惟哲人之素修兮,感曲成之奇姿。” 老舍 《四世同堂》五六:“ 富善 先生也不是什么哲人,也说不上来世界要变成什么样子。”

  2. 谓制裁犯罪者。哲,通“ 折 ”。

    《书·吕刑》:“哲人惟刑,无疆之辞属於五极。” 王引之 《经义述闻·尚书下》“哲人惟刑”:“‘哲’当读为‘折’。‘折’之言制也。折人惟刑,言制民人者惟法也。”《三国志·吴志·步骘传》:“明德慎罚,哲人惟刑,《书》传所美。自今蔽狱,都下则宜……平心专意,务在得情。”



  1. He returned to his kingdom to seek the answers to all beginning, from the princess, prostitutes, priests, philosophers to the court jester.


  2. as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.


  3. To talk with philosophers and wise men of the debate, the soul of the place finally got to talk.


  4. As well as being a player of uncanny perception, Cantona was something of a philosopher king.


  5. A wise man once said, " who you are speaks louder to me than anything you can say. " I suppose it must be so .


  6. Mr. Li is something of a philosopher.


  7. A couple of centuries ago, nearly all the world's accumulated learning could be contained in the heads of a few philosophers.


  8. He had contemplated danger with a smile, and when wounded had exclaimed with the great philosopher, "Pain, thou art not an evil. "


  9. I have ever heard of a story told by a philosopher. A traveler saw many flowers blooming prosperously and picked all the way as he walked.


  1. 古印度哲人

    ancient Indian sages.

  2. 采取哲人态度

    use philosophy

  3. 她喜欢引用哲人的话。

    She was fond of quoting the sayings of philosophers.

  4. 放荡的哲人、腐败的孩子。

    Wanton philosophers, children of putrescence.

  5. 放荡得哲人,腐败得孩子。

    Wanton philosophers, children of putrescence.

  6. 李君略有哲人风范。

    Mr. Li is something of a philosopher.

  7. 所有学生都应该成为哲人。

    All students ought to be philosophers.

  8. 我们这一代有一位哲人。

    Our generation has a philosopher.

  9. 主教走访不为人知的哲人

    The Bishop in the Presence of an Unknown Light

  10. 这位哲人是百代之师。

    The sage is the instructor of a hundred ages.

  11. 你显然具有几分哲人的气质。

    You're obviously a bit of a philosopher.

  12. 他们是那位伟大哲人的崇拜者。

    They are admirers of the great philosopher.

  13. 他自命为政治哲人,为后代指点迷津。

    He appointed himself a political sage, signposting the path for future generations.

  14. 我的小姐不是一个哲人,不是一个忍耐的模范。

    My young lady was no philosopher, and no paragon of patience.

  15. 他从伟大哲人的着作中寻求启迪。

    He sought illumination from the works of the great philosophers.

  16. 巴勒斯坦犹太哲人, 犹太教重要领袖。

    Jewish sage, one of the founders of rabbinic Judaism.

  17. 最后,在性别理论看来,哲人男性气质中的怒气。

    Finally, for gender theory the masculine anger of the philosopher, Mr.

  18. 我不是哲人,不能用深邃的思想思考我的价值。

    I am not a scholar, so I cannot value my price with my deep thoughts.

  19. 但是哲人的工作是一回事,机灵人的工作是另一回事。

    But the task of sages is one thing, the task of clever men is another.

  20. 如果你的妻子很糟糕,那么你将成为一个哲人。

    You will become a philosopher.

  21. 孩子是最贫穷的富翁,最无知的智者,最无忌的哲人。

    Children are the poorest millionaire, the most ignorant wise, the most Moji wise.

  22. 最后, 在性别理论看来, 哲人男性气质中得怒气。

    Finally, for gender theory the masculine anger of the philosopher, Mr.

  23. 哲人们的思想对一个民族的影响是很大的。

    Philosophers rs ideas have great influence on the nation.

  24. 哲人, 贤哲按某一特定哲学生活和思考的人

    A person who lives and thinks according to a particular philosophy.

  25. 蠢人容易发怒,哲人能在任何情况下保持镇静。

    A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control miscellaneous.

  26. 古希腊哲人苏格拉底在2300年前曾谈及此。

    The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates talked of this 2300 years ago.

  27. 阿伦,这个球队中的哲人说他曾经考虑过这个问题。

    Allen, the team's resident philosopher king, had thought about that one before.

  28. 这位哲人的意思太高深了, 有些话我理解不了。

    This philosophers meaning was too profound and I lost some of his words.

  29. 与哲人谈心, 与智者辩论, 心灵终于有了倾诉的地方。

    To talk with philosophers and wise men of the debate, the soul of the place finally got to talk.

  30. 真理问题从来就是一个令哲人极为关注的大课题。

    Truth is always a great subject makes sages much attention to.


  1. 问:哲人拼音怎么拼?哲人的读音是什么?哲人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哲人的读音是zhérén,哲人翻译成英文是 philosopher



zhé rén