







汉语拼音:chéng fá








  1. 处罚。

    《魏书·西域传·于阗》:“其刑法,杀人者死,餘罪各随轻重惩罚。” 杨朔 《渔笛》:“坏人都得到应有的惩罚,好人也踏上幸福的道路。” 艾芜 《漫谈三十年代的“左联”(一)》:“这是用经济上的惩罚,来补充政治上的虐待。”



  1. Yet he knows he is right and that there can be no question of punishment. A fate is not a punishment.

  2. It's no good trying to slide out of the punishment you deserve; this time you've been well and truly caught.

  3. Someone with both feet on the ground may not be as open and easy to deal with as someone down-to-earth.

  4. I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, or who has a will of the kind we experience in ourselves.

  5. What I'm trying to say is, if we dish it out we should be able to take it, otherwise we'll look like great big hypocrites.

  6. The next day I finally received on my palm the two red stripes that I had been avoiding during the entirety of my young life in school.

  7. She said the new resolution aims to give the United Nations and its members new tools to prevent violence and punish those responsible.

  8. Harsher punishment has been tried, with tough minimum sentences introduced in 1997, but seems to have had little effect.

  9. The judge said the agreement that the bank will pay a 33-million-dollar fine was too trivial a penalty.


  1. 报复,惩罚

    Retribution or punishment.

  2. 可怕的惩罚

    Scary punishment

  3. 高明的惩罚

    Smart punishment

  4. 残酷的惩罚

    A raw punishment.

  5. 公正的惩罚

    a just punishment.

  6. 地狱的惩罚

    infernal punishments.

  7. 惩罚违法者

    punish those who break the law.

  8. 请求免除惩罚

    Cry off from punishment

  9. 贴现惩罚函数

    Discounted Penalty Function

  10. 惩罚就要到来。

    Retribution is at hand.

  11. 鞭打惩罚,鞭笞惩罚

    Punishment by whipping or flogging.

  12. 失信惩罚机制

    punishment mechanism for losing credit.

  13. 不受惩罚地

    with impunity.

  14. 要惩罚我吗?

    Or punish me ?

  15. 惩罚拟似然

    penalized likelihood.

  16. 规训与惩罚

    Discipline and Punish.

  17. 我要惩罚你!

    I will punish you!

  18. 我是惩罚者。

    I am, the Punisher!

  19. 惩罚性关税

    punitive tariff.

  20. 一个是惩罚。

    And one was punishment.

  21. 惩罚性制裁

    punitive sanction.

  22. 短缺惩罚费

    shortage penalty cost.

  23. 权变惩罚律

    law of contingent punishment.

  24. 不惩罚即引渡

    aut punire aut dedere.

  25. 惩罚他以儆效尤。

    His punishment will be a deterrent to others.

  26. 警戒式的惩罚

    an exemplary punishment.

  27. 完全应受惩罚

    richly deserve punishment

  28. 受严厉的惩罚

    to take severe punishment.

  29. 我会惩罚我自己。

    I'd whip myself.

  30. 给某人以惩罚

    administer punishment to sb.


  1. 问:惩罚拼音怎么拼?惩罚的读音是什么?惩罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚的读音是chéngfá,惩罚翻译成英文是 punish

  2. 问:惩罚令拼音怎么拼?惩罚令的读音是什么?惩罚令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚令的读音是chéngfálìng,惩罚令翻译成英文是 punishment ordinance

  3. 问:惩罚性拼音怎么拼?惩罚性的读音是什么?惩罚性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚性的读音是chéng fá xìng,惩罚性翻译成英文是 punitiveness

  4. 问:惩罚权拼音怎么拼?惩罚权的读音是什么?惩罚权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚权的读音是chéngfáquán,惩罚权翻译成英文是 punitive power

  5. 问:惩罚法拼音怎么拼?惩罚法的读音是什么?惩罚法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚法的读音是chéng fá fǎ,惩罚法翻译成英文是 penalty method

  6. 问:惩罚的拼音怎么拼?惩罚的的读音是什么?惩罚的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚的的读音是,惩罚的翻译成英文是 vindicatory

  7. 问:惩罚税拼音怎么拼?惩罚税的读音是什么?惩罚税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚税的读音是chéngfáshuì,惩罚税翻译成英文是 penalty duty

  8. 问:惩罚者拼音怎么拼?惩罚者的读音是什么?惩罚者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚者的读音是Chéngfázhě,惩罚者翻译成英文是 Punisher

  9. 问:惩罚说拼音怎么拼?惩罚说的读音是什么?惩罚说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚说的读音是chéng fá shuō,惩罚说翻译成英文是 theory of punition

  10. 问:惩罚价格拼音怎么拼?惩罚价格的读音是什么?惩罚价格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚价格的读音是chéngfájiàgé,惩罚价格翻译成英文是 penalty price

  11. 问:惩罚功能拼音怎么拼?惩罚功能的读音是什么?惩罚功能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚功能的读音是chéng fá gōng néng,惩罚功能翻译成英文是 punitive function

  12. 问:惩罚原则拼音怎么拼?惩罚原则的读音是什么?惩罚原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚原则的读音是chéng fá yuán zé,惩罚原则翻译成英文是 principle of punishment

  13. 问:惩罚场所拼音怎么拼?惩罚场所的读音是什么?惩罚场所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚场所的读音是chéng fá chǎng suǒ,惩罚场所翻译成英文是 place for punishment

  14. 问:惩罚性的拼音怎么拼?惩罚性的的读音是什么?惩罚性的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚性的的读音是,惩罚性的翻译成英文是 chastening

  15. 问:惩罚手段拼音怎么拼?惩罚手段的读音是什么?惩罚手段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚手段的读音是chéng fá shǒu duàn,惩罚手段翻译成英文是 punitive tactics

  16. 问:惩罚措施拼音怎么拼?惩罚措施的读音是什么?惩罚措施翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚措施的读音是chéng fá cuò shī,惩罚措施翻译成英文是 punitive measure

  17. 问:惩罚效果拼音怎么拼?惩罚效果的读音是什么?惩罚效果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚效果的读音是chéng fá xiào guǒ,惩罚效果翻译成英文是 punitive impact

  18. 问:惩罚方法拼音怎么拼?惩罚方法的读音是什么?惩罚方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚方法的读音是chéng fá fāng fǎ,惩罚方法翻译成英文是 penalty method

  19. 问:惩罚时代拼音怎么拼?惩罚时代的读音是什么?惩罚时代翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚时代的读音是chéng fá shí dài,惩罚时代翻译成英文是 punitive era

  20. 问:惩罚机构拼音怎么拼?惩罚机构的读音是什么?惩罚机构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惩罚机构的读音是chéng fá jī gòu,惩罚机构翻译成英文是 penal institutions



“惩罚”是个多义词,它可以指惩罚(印尼电视剧), 惩罚(张信哲演唱歌曲), 惩罚(澄海3C玩家), 惩罚(汉语词语), 惩罚(羽泉演唱歌曲), 惩罚(1980年经典电影惩罚), 惩罚(陈淑萍演唱歌曲), 惩罚(阿杜演唱歌曲)。