







汉语拼音:jiǎng shǎng








  1. I guess there is fame, and then there is merit, and even from the distance of time, it's not always easy to tell which is which.


  2. Oliver was led away to be locked up, and a reward was offered to anybody who would take him away and use him for work.


  3. I've never gotten up to see something one of my kids wanted to show me and not been rewarded.


  4. He did not get an immediate reply but he was elevated to the rank of marquis, first class, a reward for his perceived loyalty to the Qing.


  5. Whoever it was who thought of combining a JCB with a stonkingly huge wooden toy deserves some sort of an award.


  6. Why do we try to reward ourselves with the very things that aren't good for us and that we have been trying to avoid?


  7. Paraphrase: The reward of a thing well done cannot be isolated from the course of action. Those who have done it will naturally be rewarded.


  8. He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed.


  9. Yes, you did, but I have my reward. It was wonderful of you to have come. Shall we go in?


  1. 应得的奖赏

    a just reward.

  2. 奖品或奖赏

    A prize or an award.

  3. 给某人奖赏。

    Mete out rewards to sb.

  4. 愿上帝奖赏你!

    Wishes the God's award you!

  5. 受奖赏的驱使

    motivated by the goad of reward.

  6. 诚心修行的奖赏

    The Rewards of Sincere Practice

  7. 我已得这奖赏。

    I have secured the prize.

  8. 受之无愧的奖赏

    merited reward

  9. 艾米丽就是奖赏。

    We know Emily's the prize.

  10. 艾米丽就是奖赏。

    We know Emily's the prize.

  11. 给或为给予奖赏

    To satisfy or gratify recompense.

  12. 以奖赏劝服对方

    Persuade someone by offering a reward

  13. 奖赏一枚英勇勋章

    to award a medal for bravery

  14. 奖赏其成就的头衔

    A title conferred for achievement.

  15. 劳绩奖赏的平均增幅

    average merit increase

  16. 他积极努力,值得奖赏。

    He deserves a reward for his efforts.

  17. 须符合奖赏发放条件。

    Subject to satisfying bonus payment requirement.

  18. 奖赏是一个金苹果。

    The prize was a golden apple.

  19. 这份奖赏,犹如锦上添花。

    This award will be frosting on the cake.

  20. 给予荣誉, 授予称号, 给予奖赏

    To confer honor, dignity, or reward upon.

  21. 神召我得得奖赏,热情。

    Providence, the prize for which God has called me.

  22. 我们称它为聚焦奖赏。

    that we called, Keep, your eyes on the prize.

  23. 渴求美德而非奖赏。

    Thirst after desert, not reward.

  24. 我要给你一个奖赏!

    I have a reward for you!

  25. 母亲给孩子钱作为奖赏。

    The mother rewarded her child with money.

  26. 她积极努力, 应得到奖赏。

    She deserves a reward for her efforts.

  27. 他们一致同意给他奖赏。

    They all concurred in giving him the prize.

  28. 毒蛇接受优秀的5星奖赏!

    Viper receives 3 star Award of Excellence!

  29. 所以打坐真是一种奖赏!

    Therefore, meditation is truly a kind of reward!

  30. 奖赏更多一些,鞭笞更恨一些。

    Reward yourself more and whip yourself harder.


  1. 问:奖赏拼音怎么拼?奖赏的读音是什么?奖赏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖赏的读音是jiǎngshǎng,奖赏翻译成英文是 reward

  2. 问:奖赏量拼音怎么拼?奖赏量的读音是什么?奖赏量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖赏量的读音是jiǎng shǎng liàng,奖赏量翻译成英文是 quantity of reward

  3. 问:奖赏期待拼音怎么拼?奖赏期待的读音是什么?奖赏期待翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖赏期待的读音是jiǎng shǎng qī dài,奖赏期待翻译成英文是 reward expectancy

  4. 问:奖赏系统拼音怎么拼?奖赏系统的读音是什么?奖赏系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖赏系统的读音是jiǎng shǎng xì tǒng,奖赏系统翻译成英文是 reward system

  5. 问:奖赏性后果拼音怎么拼?奖赏性后果的读音是什么?奖赏性后果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖赏性后果的读音是jiǎng shǎng xìng hòu guǒ,奖赏性后果翻译成英文是 rewarding consequence

  6. 问:奖赏适当性拼音怎么拼?奖赏适当性的读音是什么?奖赏适当性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖赏适当性的读音是jiǎng shǎng shì dàng xìng,奖赏适当性翻译成英文是 appropriatenss of reward

  7. 问:奖赏优势理论拼音怎么拼?奖赏优势理论的读音是什么?奖赏优势理论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖赏优势理论的读音是jiǎng shǎng yōu shì lǐ lùn,奖赏优势理论翻译成英文是 reward dominance theory




拼音:jiǎngshǎng 中文名称:奖赏 定义一:对有功的或在竞赛中获胜的集体或个人给予奖励。(动词) 例句:村里奖赏给卖粮大户老王一辆摩托车。 定义二:为了鼓励或表扬而给予的荣誉或财物。(名词) 例句:你不用推脱,这是你作为优胜者应得的奖赏。 定义三:可引申为一种精神层面上的奖励。(名词) 例句:父母的夸赞是对孩子最好的奖赏。