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头顶:华~。最高最初的部分:~末(本末)。山~。倾倒,跌:~沛。~倒(dǎo )。~踬。~覆。~扑不破。上下跳动:~簸。古同“癫”,精神错乱。……
1. 簸 [bò]2. 簸 [bǒ]簸 [bò]〔~箕〕a.扬糠除秽、清理垃圾的器具,用竹篾、柳条或铁皮制成,三面有边沿,一面敞口;b.簸箕形的指纹(“箕”均读轻声)。簸 [bǒ]用簸箕颠动米粮,扬去糠秕和灰尘:~谷。颠动摇晃:颠~。~荡。……
汉语拼音:diān bǒ
清 曾国藩 《金陵楚军水师昭忠祠记》:“ 福山 之役,轻舟颠簸於海涛颶风之中,须臾沉溺以数百计。” 丁玲 《田家冲》三:“爹将鞭扬了一扬,又赶着牛困难的走去了,在一些不平的土块之中颠簸的走着。”
清 龚自珍 《十月廿夜大风不寐起而书怀》诗:“平生进退两颠簸,詰屈内讼知缘因。” 碧野 《忆吕荧》五:“ 吕荧 所度过的是曲折的、颠簸的、风浪的一生。”
'To see her being so happy and enjoying every bump in the road was more than I could handle, my emotions took over.
看到麦蒂这么开心,享受着路上的每一次颠簸,我的心被彻底打动,我被征服了。The jeep rattles up through the dark and stops with a bump next to a stall selling instant noodles, tea and bourbon biscuits.
吉普车在黑暗中颠簸着行驶,突然在一个卖泡面、茶水和夹心饼干的小摊边停了下来。Groggy with ether, nauseous with the rocking of the boat, he could dimly feel that weights had been attached to his legs.
乙醚让他头晕目眩,船板颠簸摇晃更让他几欲呕吐,恍惚间,他觉得有重物绑到他脚上。Horseback riding is a no-no---all that bumping is no good for a growing baby.
骑马是绝对禁止的——所有这些剧烈颠簸的运动对成长中的婴儿都是有害的。Just then, the sea water started to get into the ship, and a lot of people were unable to escape.
就在大家都去睡觉的时候,船因为颠簸而进水了,很多人淹在水里跑也跑不出来。Politeness is like an air cushion; there may be noting in it, but it eases our jolts wonderfully.
礼貌就像是一只气垫:里面可能什么都没有,但却能奇妙地减轻颠簸。As the sea became rougher and the boat rolled from side to side, many passenger began to look green about the gills.
由于海浪更加汹涌,船左右颠簸,许多乘客都开始面色改容而呕吐。The ship traveled up and down in the rough sea.
轮船在汹涌的大海中上下颠簸。After a while the motion of the train lulled him into a shallow sleep, and he dreamed.