







汉语拼音:mó lì







  1. 佛教谓恶魔 波旬 破坏善事的力量。

    《景德传灯录·天竺祖师》:“由是魔宫震动, 波旬 愁怖,遂竭其魔力以害正法。” 宋 郭彖 《睽车志》卷二:“孑然一身,独享高寿,而健啗康强,嗜杀如故。岂佛经所谓魔力所持者耶?” 清 丘逢甲 《日蚀》诗:“岂容魔力夺所舍,坐令万古无阴阳。”

  2. 神奇的力量。

    唐 牛僧孺 《李苏州遗太湖石奇状绝伦用题二十韵奉呈梦得乐天》:“旺兴添魔力,消烦破宿酲。” 老舍 《四世同堂》四四:“声音低而有力,才足以表示亲密,而且有点魔力。” 闻一多 《文·什么是儒家》:“因为这安眠药的魔力, 中国 社会便一觉睡了两千年,直到 孙中山 先生才醒转一次。”



  1. What I mean for you to do is to remember what I have told you about the white magpie and its powers.


  2. The piece of SCA magic that makes all this possible is called a binding.


  3. It was a powerful demonstration to me of the incantatory power of names and naming.


  4. Jack thought that he and his mother needed some good luck, so he gave the cow to the man in return for the magic beans.


  5. SAM: I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car. And I knew it. It was like magic.


  6. Through trial and error he discovers some of the ancient mystery and power of the Runes, learning to call on his Rune's powers.


  7. "Retain the smile of life, " the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in this story, a huge smile to show her the magic.


  8. Rhett: I mean it as a compliment. . . and I hope to see more of you when you're free of the spell of the thin-blooded Mr. Wilkes.


  9. In some cases, personal character acts by a kind of talismanic influence, as if certain men were the organs of a sort of supernatural force.


  1. 剧院的魔力

    the spell of the theater.

  2. 魔杖魔力恢复。

    The power of mana refocused renews.

  3. 有爱情魔力的

    The rector with love potion

  4. 有魔力的护身符

    a talismanic amulet

  5. 田园生活的魔力

    the seductions of country life

  6. 这就是魔力所在!

    That's where the magic is!

  7. 这就是魔力所在!

    That's where the magic is!

  8. 拥有同样的魔力。

    as hours of actual lovemaking.

  9. 还载过魔力三。

    So maroon 3.

  10. 有魔力的符咒魅力

    A magic spell enchantment.

  11. 但真正的魔力出现

    But the real magic happens.

  12. 你想拥有什么魔力

    What magical power would you want to have

  13. 魔力就开始发挥作用。

    The magic kept working.

  14. 魔力就开始发挥作用。

    The magic kept working.

  15. 当铺老板还具有魔力。

    Pawnbroker also has magic.

  16. 女巫被认为拥有魔力。

    It was thought that witches had magic power.

  17. 魔力是可以被教的。

    Magic can be taught.

  18. 这是一场魔力大战。

    This is a magic duel.

  19. 蛋白质并没有什么魔力。

    Theres nothing magical about protein.

  20. 一个有魔力的护身符

    a talismanic amulet.

  21. 什么魔力词,快点?

    I don't know.Hurry?

  22. 我们发现非洲充满魔力。

    Anyway, we found Africa to be a magical place.

  23. 非凡的魔力和洞察力

    the power of magic and clairvoyance

  24. 魔力女超的奇异设计

    Desiderata Deviant Devices of Aeon Flux.

  25. 魔力女管家麻幌机车。

    Fatestay night SA. Fatehollow ataraxia.

  26. 研究魔力女超人的历史

    Investigation The History of Aeon Flux

  27. 摄影的巨大魔力就在于

    Photography's extraordinarily powerful.

  28. 纳粹主义和魔力紧紧相连。

    National Socialism is all about glamour.

  29. 我想要魔笛恢复魔力!

    I want my magic flute back!

  30. 魅力是一种魔力咒符。

    Glamour is a magic spell.


  1. 问:魔力拼音怎么拼?魔力的读音是什么?魔力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔力的读音是mólì,魔力翻译成英文是 charm

  2. 问:魔力红拼音怎么拼?魔力红的读音是什么?魔力红翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔力红的读音是,魔力红翻译成英文是 Maroon 5

  3. 问:魔力小马拼音怎么拼?魔力小马的读音是什么?魔力小马翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔力小马的读音是Mólìxiǎomǎ,魔力小马翻译成英文是 Ushio Totora

  4. 问:魔力麦克拼音怎么拼?魔力麦克的读音是什么?魔力麦克翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔力麦克的读音是,魔力麦克翻译成英文是 Magic Mike

  5. 问:魔力女管家拼音怎么拼?魔力女管家的读音是什么?魔力女管家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔力女管家的读音是,魔力女管家翻译成英文是 Mahoromatic

  6. 问:魔力宝贝II拼音怎么拼?魔力宝贝II的读音是什么?魔力宝贝II翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔力宝贝II的读音是,魔力宝贝II翻译成英文是 Concerto Gate

  7. 问:魔力微量制备树脂拼音怎么拼?魔力微量制备树脂的读音是什么?魔力微量制备树脂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔力微量制备树脂的读音是mó lì wēi liàng zhì bèi shù zhī,魔力微量制备树脂翻译成英文是 magic minipreps



“魔力”是个多义词,它可以指魔力(朗达·拜恩同名书籍), 魔力(词语解释), 魔力(S.H.E演唱歌曲), 魔力(芭比娃娃演唱歌曲)。