


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 堡 [bǎo]2. 堡 [bǔ]3. 堡 [pù]堡 [bǎo]军事上防守用的建筑物:~垒。城~。桥头~。古代指土筑的小城:“徐嵩、胡空各聚众五千,据险筑~以自固”。堡 [bǔ]有城墙的村镇,泛指村庄(多用于地名):~子。马家~。堡 ……





汉语拼音:dà pù jiāo








  1. A great deal of this has been happening in the Great Barrier Reef, particularly in coral reefs all over the world.


  2. The destination of the ship and the nationality of its owner are irrelevant to the ecosystem with the Great Barrier Reef.


  3. "A world without the Great Barrier Reef, where you don't have the pleasure of going to see wild places any more, " he said.


  4. I think we should go for two weeks. We could spend a week in Sydney and a week at the Great Barrier Reef, including a few days on the beach.


  5. Me too! And I would really love to see the great barrier Reef. I'd like to go scuba diving.


  6. The Great Barrier Reef is like an underwater city whose buildings are alive with millions of small creatures. . .


  7. One of the normal prodigies of the world, the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia is the world's largest coral reef.


  8. "There is no greater natural asset for Australia than the Great Barrier Reef, " he said.


  9. Queensland's floods have pumped vast amounts of sediment into the sea which is infiltrating some parts of the Great Barrier Reef.


  1. 大堡礁启示录

    Inspiration from Grand Barrier Reef.

  2. 澳大利亚大堡礁

    Great Barrier Reef, Australia

  3. 大堡礁注定要灭亡的。

    under the current governance regime.

  4. 大堡礁海域最新航法

    The New Methods of Sailing through the Great Barrier Reef

  5. 真好!在大堡礁你可以玩什么?

    Coco Cool! What can you do at the reef

  6. 澳大利亚昆士兰东岸的大堡礁

    The Great Barrier Reef, located off the east of Queensland, Australia

  7. 澳洲大堡礁是世界最大的活实体。

    Australia's Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest living creature.

  8. 澳大利亚大堡礁是另一个成功故事。

    The Australian Great Barrier Reef is another success story.

  9. 有1万多种生物生活在大堡礁内。

    More than 10,000 species live on the Barrier Reef.

  10. 烈要求今次西贡上船,去大堡礁!

    Ninepin GroupGreat Barrier Reef.

  11. 澳洲宣布将限制船只驶近大堡礁附近

    Australia Announces Restriction on Ships near the Great Barrier Reef

  12. 其他著名的自然遗产是大堡礁和大峡谷。

    Other famous Natural Heritage Sites are the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon.

  13. 一头小须鲸正在澳大利亚大堡礁附近游弋。

    A minke whale swims near Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

  14. 大堡礁珊瑚之旅, 由道格拉斯港出发

    Cruise only from Marina Mirage, Port Douglas

  15. 你得去看大堡礁?它太令人称奇了。

    You have to visit the Great Barrier Reef? it's just amazing!

  16. 换句话说, 大堡礁得大部分实际上是活得生物。

    In other words, much of the Great Barrier Reef is an actual living creature.

  17. 我们可以在丛林中待一周, 在大堡礁再待一周。

    We could spend a week in the bush and a week at the Great Barrier Reef.

  18. 换句话说,大堡礁的大部分实际上是活的生物。

    In other words, much of the Great Barrier Reef is an actual living creature.

  19. 位于澳大利亚沿岸的大堡礁是世界最大的珊瑚礁。

    The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Australia, is the world's largest coral reef.

  20. 澳洲大堡礁在1981年被列入自然类世界遗产。

    Australia Great Barrier Reef is be included in in1981 inheritance of natural world.

  21. 我住在离这里很远很远的一块大堡礁上。

    I live on this reef a long, long way from here.

  22. 这是一张我在大堡礁看到的鲨鱼的照片。

    And this one is a photo of a shark that I saw on the Great Barrier Reef.

  23. 大堡礁因为变坏的气候正以很快的速度消失。

    The Great Barrier Reef is disappearing at an increased rate because of climate damage.

  24. 东北部海岸绵延1200英里的大堡礁是主要的旅游资源。

    The Great Barrier Reef stretches for1,200 miles along the northeast coast and is a major source of tourism.

  25. 大堡礁海洋公园位于澳洲东北部外海的湛蓝海域。

    In the clear blue waters off the northeast coast of Australia lies the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

  26. 搭乘初学者游轮前往外大堡礁体验水下激情浪漫。

    Take an introductory diving cruise to the Great Barrier Reef for an incredible underwater experience.

  27. 环保组织十分支持昆士兰州政府保护大堡礁的计划。

    Environmental groups greatly support the Queensland's plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

  28. 大堡礁的一部分岛屿,其实是淹在海中的山脉顶峰。

    Part of the Great Barrier Reef islands, is submerged in the sea of mountain peak.

  29. 大堡礁形成于中新世时期,距今已有2500万年的历史。

    Great Barrier Reef was formed in the Miocene period, 2500 years have elapsed since the historical.

  30. 澳洲大堡礁低劣水质降低了珊瑚多样性,增加了海藻数量。

    Poor water quality in Great Barrier Reef suffered a loss in coral biodiversity and an increase in seaweed cover.


  1. 问:大堡礁拼音怎么拼?大堡礁的读音是什么?大堡礁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大堡礁的读音是Dàbǎojiāo,大堡礁翻译成英文是 Great Barrier Reef

  2. 问:大堡礁双锯鱼拼音怎么拼?大堡礁双锯鱼的读音是什么?大堡礁双锯鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大堡礁双锯鱼的读音是,大堡礁双锯鱼翻译成英文是 Barrier Reef Anemonefish

  3. 问:大堡礁受到的环境威胁拼音怎么拼?大堡礁受到的环境威胁的读音是什么?大堡礁受到的环境威胁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大堡礁受到的环境威胁的读音是,大堡礁受到的环境威胁翻译成英文是 Environmental threats to the Great Barrier Ree...



“大堡礁”是个多义词,它可以指大堡礁(位于澳大利亚东岸的堡礁), 大堡礁(英国广播公司制作的纪录片)。