如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 单 [dān]2. 单 [shàn]3. 单 [chán]单 [dān]不复杂:~纯。简~。~调(diào)。独一:~独。~一。~词。只,仅:做事~靠热情不够。奇(jī)数的:~日。~号。薄,弱:~薄。衣服被褥只有一层的:~裤。~衣。……
1. 挑 [tiāo]2. 挑 [tiǎo]挑 [tiāo]扁担等两头挂着东西,用肩担着:~土。~夫(旧时以给人挑货物行李为业的人)。挑的东西:~担。挖取:~荠菜。量词,用于成挑儿的东西:一~儿白菜。选,拣:~选。~拣。~剔。~肥拣瘦。古同……
汉语拼音:dān tiǎo
He thought for a while, and then challenged the hare to have another race, but on a slightly different route.
他想了一会儿,然后单挑兔子再来一场比赛,但是是在另一条稍许不同的路线上。"Why this huge isolation of the church and this huge focus on cover-up in the church when it has been going on for centuries? " he asked.
他问到:“性侵犯事件几百年来屡见不鲜,为什么现在却如此大张旗鼓单挑教会出来替罪?为什么现在却只对教会的掩饰行为作如此巨大的聚焦?”Liang singled the study out, saying it was one of his top 10 abstracts at this year's meeting.
梁单挑的研究,说是在今年的会议上,他的排名前10位的摘要之一。Robinson fighting LaMotta six times, Leonard fighting Duran three times and Hearns twice and then moving up to fight Hagler.
罗宾逊和拉莫塔打了六番战,伦纳德三次单挑杜兰、两次对阵赫恩斯、然后再升级独斗哈格勒。You want a piece of me, you sons of bitches? Come and get me.
你想跟我单挑吗?来啊。咱们打一架吧。Or, you might be the one chosen by an enemy. One versus one.
你可以主动选择也可以被敌人选择单挑。Suddenly it was a free-for-all, not a two-way race but one with a rising third party.
突然之间,不再是两党“单挑”,而是一个崛起的第三方加入了角逐。It is much easier to get food of any kind than to choose the dish you would most like to eat on a given day from a vast menu.
任选一种食品比从品种繁多的菜单上单挑一道在某个特定日子里你想吃的菜要容易多了。Berlin complains that it has been unfairly singled out for blame.