


1. 何 [hé]2. 何 [hē]3. 何 [hè]何 [hé]疑问代词(a.什么,如“~人?”b.为什么,如“~必如此?”c.哪样,怎样,如“~不?”“~如?”d.哪里,如“~往?”e.发表反问,如“~乐而不为?”)。副词,多么:~其壮……


1. 苦 [kǔ]苦 [kǔ]像胆汁或黄连的滋味,与“甘”相对:甘~。~胆。~瓜。感觉难受的:~境。~海(原为佛教用语,后喻很苦的环境)。~闷。含辛茹~。吃~耐劳。~恼。为某种事所苦:~雨。~旱。~夏。~于(a.对某种情况感到苦脑;b.表示……



汉语拼音:hé kǔ







  1. 有何苦衷,有什么不得已的理由。

    《史记·黥布列传》:“﹝上﹞与 布 相望见,遥谓 布 曰:‘何苦而反?’” 宋 苏轼 《上神宗皇帝书》:“罢之而天下悦,人心安,兴利除害,无所不可,则何苦而不罢!” 陈天华 《猛回头》:“你们有子弟的,何不赶紧送出外洋学习实业,不过费一二千金,立刻可以大富,并且有大利於国,何苦而不为呢?”

  2. 用反问的语气表示不值得。

    《史记·高祖本纪》:“吾以义兵从诸侯诛残贼,使刑餘罪人击杀 项羽 ,何苦乃与公挑战!”《西游记》第五七回:“似你有无量神通,何苦打杀许多草寇?” 巴金 《家》十四:“你的身体并不太好,何苦这样拼命吃酒,吃酒并没有什么好处!”

  3. 犹何妨,何害。

    《南史·陈伯之传》:“ 伯之 曰:‘君稻幸多,取一担何苦。’”



  1. After all, what was the point of spending half of Saturday at the Laundromat if the clothes were dirty all over again the following Friday?


  2. Still, if it's true that complex passwords do not increase security, then why the heck should we bother using them?


  3. Zeus : It did not have to be this way my son. This path is of your choosing.


  4. If I get used to buying Seattle's Best at Burger King , why should I fork over an extra few bucks, and higher profits, to Starbucks ?


  5. If you win all the time with using the cheating program, it's just a waste of your time, Why bother?


  6. How unnecessary it has been for you to toil along on foot, and encumber yourself with this heavy load!


  7. Why quarrel with him over such a trifle?


  8. Friends, please don't hurt, since she ignore you to love her, for she's pay, you and persistent?


  9. If he always prefer to hold up a umbrella for somebody else, why do you have to wait for him in the rain?


  1. 若要如此, 何苦如此?

    If it has to be so then why do I have to suffer so?

  2. 若要如此,何苦如此?

    If it has to be so then why do I have to suffer so?

  3. 你这是何苦来?

    Why have you done such an abominable thing?

  4. 你何苦这么做呢?

    Why are you bothering to do it?

  5. 你何苦去那么早呢

    Why are you bothering to go so early

  6. 你丈夫又是何苦呢?

    Why did your husbandhave to suffer?

  7. 你何苦去那么早呢?

    Why are you bothering to go so early?

  8. 生亦何哀,死亦何苦?

    Life is insignificant, death, of little consequence.

  9. 女人何苦为难女人呢?

    Why do the women baffle the women

  10. 何苦为一个蠢笑话生气?

    Why do you take offence at a stupid joke?

  11. 可不是! 女人何苦难为女人?

    I know! Why can't women ever just be happy for each other?

  12. 你何苦在这些小事上伤脑筋?

    Why bother your head about such trifles ?

  13. 爱本无罪何苦自己折磨自己呢

    Why bother likes this being innocent own to suffer oneself

  14. 你何苦为这点小事费神呢?

    Why trouble yourself over such a trifle?

  15. 神说, 你为了虚幻的事, 何苦?

    Gods say, suffer for the shadow of a shade, and for why ?

  16. 神说,你为了虚幻得事,何苦?

    Gods say, suffer for the shadow of a shade, and for why?

  17. 我若是有罪, 又何苦白费心血?

    But if so also I am wicked, why have I laboured in vain?

  18. 既然结局已定,又何苦如此执著。

    Now that there is an ending, why bother persisting so much?

  19. 傻女,问问你自己,那些付出是何苦。

    Foolish girl. ask yourself. All you give for what.

  20. 我们何苦要去相信这些小道消息呢?

    Why should we trouble to believe all grapevine news?

  21. 既然事实如此,你何苦待我这样好啊?

    you chide him wrongfully

  22. 宙斯何苦这样呢?我的孩子。你是自作自受。

    Zeus It did not have to be this way my son. This path is of your choosing.

  23. 说一句谎话,要编造十句谎话来弥补,何苦呢?

    One taradiddle needs ten to make up. Why bother

  24. 打破了个花瓶, 她何苦哭得那么伤心呢?

    She cried her heart out for the broken vase. Its really not worth it.

  25. 痴心的人儿,郎已薄幸无踪,何苦依依?

    Silly people who abuse, Lang has been fickle without leaving a trace, why bother Yiyi?

  26. 你没有钱, 何苦要跟有钱的阔佬争胜要强。

    You've got no money, and you want to compete with those who have.

  27. 如果你无视进餐的乐趣, 何苦还要麻烦厨师呢?

    If you remove the pleasure from dining, why bother cooking at all?

  28. 攒钱,买车,都给别人预备着来抢,何苦呢

    Saving to buy a rickshaw was just asking to have It'snatched away, why bother

  29. 现在人家动硬的,你又得巴巴的过去,何苦来的。

    The somebody else moves the hard now, you again expect to anticipate in the past, why on earth of.

  30. 如果故事注定悲剧, 何苦给我美丽, 演出相聚和别离?

    Given the story is deemed to be a tragedy, what is the beauty for, performing gathering and parting?


  1. 问:何苦拼音怎么拼?何苦的读音是什么?何苦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:何苦的读音是hékǔ,何苦翻译成英文是 why bother; why did; why on earth



“何苦”是个多义词,它可以指何苦(德尔惠股份有限公司总裁特别助理、副总裁), 何苦(谭咏麟演唱歌曲), 何苦(汉语词汇)。