


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……





汉语拼音:chuán shì






  1. 留传于后世。

    《荀子·君道》:“守职循业,不敢损益,可传世也。” 唐 韩愈 《唐河中府法曹张君墓碣铭》:“夫子天下之名能文辞者,凡所言,必传世行后。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲》:“凡作传世之文者,必先有可以传世之心。” 洪深 《抗战十年来中国戏剧的运动与教育》:“十年来的抗战剧本,数量虽不多,其中自有传世之作。”

  2. 子孙世代相继。

    汉 王符 《潜夫论·思贤》:“由籍此官职,……而但事淫侈,坐作骄奢,破败而不及传世者也。”



  1. Work written deliberately for posterity tends to be ignored by posterity as well as by its own generation.


  2. It is spreading all over the world, even faster than the speed of the sun light. It is in great demand in the Western countries.


  3. Yung Shue strong vitality, suitable for long-term bonsai culture, is a fine handed down the significance of tree species.


  4. Literature handed down through thousands of years of wind and rain vicissitudes of life, which includes many corruption.


  5. Laziness is like a lock, which bolts you out of the storehouse of information and makes you an intellectual starveling. --Bernard Shaw.


  6. The fact that its various versions have quite a few flaws but few fine texts has greatly spoils its value.


  7. And "chronology in mind, " the account of the historical facts, mostly in line with the historical records handed down.


  8. For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it.


  9. Not until more than a century after its first publication was Wuthering Heights deemed to be a world masterpiece.


  1. 家传世系图

    a family tree.

  2. 先秦传世文献

    Xian Qins bequeath documents.

  3. 忧患意识与立言传世

    Consciousness of worrying and creation of words to be handed down

  4. 这将是传世之作。

    It will be a production that will be handed down from age to age.

  5. 他有两部作品传世。

    Two of his works have been handed down to posterity.

  6. 这些书将是传世之作。

    These books will live through out the ages.

  7. 他的作品堪称传世之作。

    His work has a timeless quality.

  8. 这枚传世珍邮奇货可居。

    This rare stamp handed down from quite a few generations is worth hoarding.

  9. 传世奇航空,有什么事吗

    Transky Airlines. May I help you?

  10. 努力创作艺术精品积极催生传世佳作

    Create Fine Works of Art to Form Masterpieces

  11. 几枚传世花纹钢剑的初步考察

    Preliminary Investigation of Several Riffled Iron Swords Handed Down

  12. 传世文献中没有记载过洞庭郡吗?

    Was The Dongting Jun Never Recoded in The Historical Documents Handed down?

  13. 传世公司是台湾新的出版业巨擘。

    Masterpiece Co. is a new publishing powerhouse here in Taiwan.

  14. 他之得以传世,简单地说在于诚恳。

    One aspec of his enduring strength can be described, simply, as honesty.

  15. 河池民间传世铜鼓使用的人类学意义

    The significance of the Anthropology of Hechi Folks Drums Bequeathed to Posterity

  16. 传世唐卡大都是藏传佛教和苯教作品。

    Thangka handed down mostly works of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon.

  17. 戏曲流派的创始人都有自己的代表剧目传世。

    All the founders of different opera schools have passed down their typical plays to the world.

  18. 这些传世珍品由海关的监管车全程押运。

    Curiosa of these be handed down from ancient times by the escort in transportation of superintendency car whole journey of custom.

  19. 历朝书法家的传世作品散落在世界各处。

    The works of all previous dynasties handed down from ancient times have been scattered around the world.

  20. 历朝书法家的传世作品散落在世界各处。

    The works of all previous dynasties handed down from ancient times have been scattered around the world.

  21. 而孔子诗论的这个思想, 也是与传世诗序一致的。

    In this sense, Confucian Poetics is consistent with The Preface.

  22. 左传杜注敦煌残卷是传世左传杜注的重要补充。

    Dunhuang remnants of Zuo zhuan noted by Du Yu is an important supplement of Zuo Zhuan handed down from ancient times.

  23. 为校读整理传世古书提供了新资料和新依据。

    They have provided new material and basis to proofread and sort out the books that were handed down from ancient times.

  24. 我从来没看你这么愤怒过,传世防盛大私服。

    Ive never seen you so riled up.

  25. 此不仅有传世古史资料为证, 也有田野考古资料为证。

    It is found that the proof not only includes lot of materials of ancient history, but also the materials of archaeological fieldwork.

  26. 梅塞纳斯自己也写散文与诗歌, 但仅有断片传世。

    Maecenas himself wrote both prose and verse, but only fragments survive.

  27. 他的冥想诗成就相当高,很多已经成为传世之佳作。

    His meditative poems are his supreme achievement, many of which have become classics.

  28. 所烧五彩彩料浓重鲜艳,制作十分精妙,传世极为稀少。

    A very rare, delicately made ware called wucai five colours coloured underglaze blue and polychrome overglaze.

  29. 传世文献经过几千年的风雨沧桑,其中包含许多讹误。

    Literature handed down through thousands of years of wind and rain vicissitudes of life, which includes many corruption.

  30. 芜城赋是鲍照传世作品中受人称颂的赋作名篇。

    Rhapsody On Wucheng is a highly praised famous piece among Bao Zhao's works handed down to posterity.


  1. 问:传世拼音怎么拼?传世的读音是什么?传世翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传世的读音是chuánshì,传世翻译成英文是 hand … down



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