







汉语拼音:wú xiá








  1. 来不及;没有空闲时间。

    《晋书·赫连勃勃载记》:“﹝ 刘裕 ﹞狼狈而返者,欲速成篡事耳,无暇有意於中原。” 北周 庾信 《燕射歌辞·征调曲四》:“ 汤 则救旱而忧勤, 禹 则正冠而无暇。” 唐 翁承赞 《访建阳马驿僧亚齐》诗:“应笑乘軺青琐客,此时无暇听猿啼。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·革命咖啡店》:“我要抄‘小说旧闻’之类,无暇享受这样乐园的清福。”



  1. If America's leaders had not been too busy to look, they would have found much more to worry about there.


  2. It is like a jasper, although on the surface looks perfect, but you look closely, it still would be flawed.


  3. The advisory comes in the week before Christmas, a time when many companies and home users are least prepared to deal with the problems.


  4. All the while, it appears, Mr. Chan had other things on his mind than to glance through his AmEx statements, which he seems to have paid.


  5. This area will get just a very thin coat of plastic to get the surface perfect.


  6. If the tribe ever stops gaining power, it is often because of a struggle for dominance within its own ranks.


  7. Due to rapid development, the bosses to think more in the long run, only to see while walking road.


  8. A former " Miss World" said the competitions can make a woman believe that no one will love her unless she looks perfect all the time.


  9. not into a legend , she's already a legend , her polish seems to have been born with her.


  1. 完好无暇。

    Right as nine pence.

  2. 我无暇闲聊。

    I have no time to engage in gossip.

  3. 我无暇憎恨

    I had no time to hate, because by Emily Dickinson.

  4. 无暇读书, 忙于上网

    Too busy to read a book, people jump online

  5. 家中琐事无暇想,

    No tome to think the nugae of family

  6. 家中琐事无暇想,。

    No tome to think the nugae of family.

  7. 他认定她纯洁无暇。

    He supposed her innocence.

  8. 首相无暇作出评论。

    The Prime Minister was not available for comment.

  9. 那时她前额洁白无暇

    When her forehead was white, and there was no

  10. 浴缸, 马桶, 水槽洁白无暇。

    The tub, toilet and sink were spotless.

  11. 暗影惩戒之无暇魔杖

    Flawless Wand of Shadow Wrath

  12. 罗兹局长无暇评论。

    Commissioner Rhodes was unavailable for comment.

  13. 我们无暇担心流血,死亡

    We don't have time to worry about how all the blood, and death.

  14. 并不是因为我完美无暇

    Not because I'm perfect

  15. 你无暇关心别人的事

    You don't have time to think about anyone else.

  16. 我凝视着你的纯洁无暇

    And I gaze at your whiteness

  17. 无暇的记忆将会放映再现。

    Which memory that errs not shall retrace.

  18. 水中美白重点无暇乳液

    waterwhite brightening spot corrector

  19. 部长无暇接受访问作出评论。

    The minister was unavailable for comment.

  20. 我现在很忙,无暇顾及此事。

    I am very busy and have no time to attend to the matter.

  21. 他太忙碌, 无暇处理琐碎事情。

    He is far too busy to deal with trifles.

  22. 那医生太忙无暇顾及家事。

    The doctor is too busy to give a thought to his family affairs.

  23. 它是无名的, 是完整的, 完美无暇的。

    Being anonymous, it is whole and immaculate.

  24. 她总是很忙, 无暇听我说话。

    She was always too busy to listen.

  25. 自始至终的超灵, 纯洁无暇的灵魂。

    The Stainless One, Pure Spirit through and through.

  26. 自始至终得超灵, 纯洁无暇得灵魂。

    The Stainless One, Pure Spirit through and through.

  27. 在梦里,我们的爱情纯洁无暇。

    In dreams, we have no time to love purity.

  28. 他自斟自饮,我们也无暇阻止他。

    He helped himself and we were too busy to stop him.

  29. 无暇的名誉是世间最纯的珍珠。

    The flawless reputation is the purest pearl in the world.

  30. 如无暇大理石上流连的爱抚

    Thawing of the river, the willows budding, as well as the warm winds caress my soul, so happy in the spring constantly growing


  1. 问:无暇拼音怎么拼?无暇的读音是什么?无暇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无暇的读音是wúxiá,无暇翻译成英文是 have no time; be too busy; without leisure

  2. 问:无暇凯氏岩虾拼音怎么拼?无暇凯氏岩虾的读音是什么?无暇凯氏岩虾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无暇凯氏岩虾的读音是wúxiákǎishìyánxiā,无暇凯氏岩虾翻译成英文是 Kemponia amymone




拼音:wú xiá基本

解释:[have no time to;too busy] 没有空闲时间去做某事无暇日详细

解释:来不及;没有空闲时间;应付不过来。《晋书·赫连勃勃载记》:“﹝刘裕﹞狼狈而返者,欲速成篡事耳,无暇有意於中原。” 北周庾信《燕射歌辞·征调曲四》:“ 汤 则救旱而忧勤, 禹 则正冠而无暇。” 唐翁承赞《访建阳马驿僧亚齐》诗:“应笑乘轺青琐客,此时无暇听猿啼。”鲁迅《三闲集·革命咖啡店》:“我要抄‘小说旧闻’之类,无暇享受这样乐园的清福。”