







汉语拼音:shǒu bǐ








  1. I hear Tottenham are the latest side to be interested in me and playing in London would be great but let's wait and see.


  2. In fact, since adults write kids' television programmes, much of the humour may be lost on the intended audience, she said.


  3. Big moves are just around the corner and I suggest you Google "Dismantling of an Empire. "


  4. The sky, as if by a painter painted the light ink take descriptions, plush drizzle in the sky rampant inclined orgotten.


  5. For many, it was a time for splashing out on a second home.


  6. The overall design concept of exquisite decorative, handwriting atmosphere, the body of "Long" imperial style.


  7. It was a huge gambit and one that came like a tonic to Wall Street, which had panned an earlier outline of the program that lacked detail.


  8. Everything about this deal is big--from the price tag (Buffett's largest ever) to the scale of the company's business.


  9. Vieira is a good buy for Juve and I would have loved to play alongside him, but I have to think about my own career.


  1. 工整的手笔

    round hand.

  2. 确实是大师手笔

    but once you take away my good nerve.

  3. 妙手回春的手笔啊

    Making the impossible possible?

  4. 这封信是他的手笔。

    The letter is in his own handwriting.

  5. 这幅画表现出名家的手笔。

    The picture showed the hand of a master.

  6. 办事要大方一点, 手笔要伸畅一点。

    There must be more large mindedness and a broader sweep in the conduct of state affairs.

  7. 我认出了这是我父亲的手笔。

    I recognized the handwriting as that of my father.

  8. 我认出了那是我父亲的手笔。

    I recognized the handwriting as that of my father's.

  9. 这篇散文俨然是迈克的手笔。

    This essay has got Mike written all over it.

  10. 她能够无动于衷地注视那种手笔。

    She was able to look at the handwriting indifferently.

  11. 这一题词是鲁迅先生的手笔。

    This inscription is in Lu xun's own handwriting.

  12. 这些画出自同一个画家的手笔。

    These pictures are from the same painter's brush.

  13. 有人说,这是书圣王羲之手笔。

    According to one, it was Wang Xizhi, the supreme calligrapher of China, that did the inscription.

  14. 那本小册子被认为是出自他的手笔。

    The pamphlet is given to his pen

  15. 孙先生对雅虎的早期投资堪称大师手笔。

    Mr. Son's early investment in Yahoo! was a masterstroke.

  16. 这位作家在他的作品中运用了生动的手笔。

    This writer uses vivid descriptions in his writings.

  17. 这位作家在他的作品中运用了活泼的手笔。

    this writer uses vivid descriptions in his writings.

  18. 这是一幅名家的手笔,一幅价值连城的作品,我的恩人!

    A painting by a master, a picture of great value, my benefactor!

  19. 当时,凡内廷制诰,宫殿碑额,大都出于他的手笔。

    At that time, where the inner court, Patent, palaces a tablet, mostly because of his handwriting.

  20. 教堂讲台上生动而华丽的雕刻是印第安人的手笔。

    The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indian hands.

  21. 这个碑铭出自唐代大书法家颜真卿的手笔。

    This inscription was written by Yan Zhenqing, the great calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty.

  22. 这个碑铭出自唐代大书法家颜真卿的手笔。

    This inscription was written by Yan Zhenqing, the great calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty.

  23. 这个碑铭出自唐代大书法家颜真卿得手笔。

    This inscription was written by Yan Zhenqing, the great calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty.

  24. 我有一幅出自名家手笔、送给我做生日礼物的画。

    I have a picture by a famous painter which was sent to me for my birthday.

  25. 那两个报告极其相似,这意味着它们出自一人的手笔。

    The similarity between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.

  26. 将这个剧本归为那位著名诗人的手笔已证明是错误的。

    The attribution of the play to that famous poet was shown to be wrong.

  27. 那两个报告极其相似,这意味著它们出自一人的手笔。

    The similarity between the two reports suggests that they are written by the same person.

  28. 他一生从来没有读过一本书, 写的字还像学童的手笔。

    He never read a book in his life and still writes a schoolboy hand.

  29. 那两个报告极其相似,这意味着它们出自一人得手笔。

    The similarity between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.

  30. 那两个报告极其相似,这意味著它们出自一人得手笔。

    The similarity between the two report suggest that they is write by the same person.


  1. 问:手笔拼音怎么拼?手笔的读音是什么?手笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手笔的读音是shǒubǐ,手笔翻译成英文是 handwriting; literary skill


