







汉语拼音:qì yàn







  1. 见“ 气燄 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 气焰 ”。原指开始燃烧、尚未成势的火焰。常以比喻人或其他事物的威势、声势。

    《左传·庄公十四年》:“人之所忌,其气燄以取之。”《新唐书·丘和传赞》:“帝王之将兴,其威灵气燄有以动物悟人者。” 宋 文莹 《玉壶清话》卷一:“ 吕公 神彩气燄略无少亏。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷八:“ 许爁 者名 坤 , 杭州 人,在京师颇有气燄。” 梁启超 《生计学学说沿革小史》第三章:“当时宗教之气燄极盛,生计制度一切皆受其影响。”

  3. 指诗文的气势和力量。

    宋 朱熹 《五朝名臣言行录》卷四:“﹝ 寇準 ﹞好为诗,警策清悟,有 刘梦得 、 元微之 风格,其气燄奇拔,则又过之。”《朱子语类》卷一○六:“ 董仲舒 、 匡衡 、 刘向 诸人文字皆善弱无气燄。”



  1. For all that it regrets breeding him, the coalition depends on Ahmed Wali Karzai too much to cut him loose.


  2. eg: The boss yelled at him in front of everyone. It was very embarrassing for him but he needed to be taken down a peg.


  3. The dark, engulfed in its arrogance, cannot fully believe that its demise is not only certain but on the horizon.


  4. The bravado of the young criminal disappeared when he was confronted by the victims of his brutal attack.


  5. Syria has abruptly stopped bluffing, pulled a good part of its army out of Lebanon, and promised to remove the rest fast.


  6. After Louie threw the sand in his opponent's face and punched him to the ground, the flame went out in his opponent's attack.


  7. I love how people could be dying right now yet many (from all over the world) show arrogance on this discussion board.


  8. Its people are said to be gentle and warm by nature, lacking the fire of those in Iraq or Libya, where civil wars have recently raged.


  9. Dozens of Chinese authors have lashed out at Baidu, one of China's biggest Internet operators, have criticized the company and Mr.


  1. 气焰硬钎焊

    gas brazing.

  2. 气焰热电偶

    gas flame thermopile.

  3. 压某人的气焰, 使某人丢脸

    humble sb.s pride

  4. 我们必须压压那个家伙的气焰。

    We must take that guy down a bit.

  5. 你的所作所为助长了他的气焰。

    What you have done fed his arrogance.

  6. 但是传闻他的愤怒他的嚣张气焰。

    But rumors of his arrogance anger him.

  7. 这个事件可能助长叛乱的气焰。

    The incident could fan the flames of rebellion.

  8. 当时的政治环境恶化了这种气焰。

    This was reinforced by the political climate of the day.

  9. 报复只会助长欺凌者的侵犯气焰。

    Retaliation only escalates a bullys aggression.

  10. 我得要好好打消一下你的气焰了。

    I will have to take you down a couple of notches.

  11. 我们认为是时候煞煞他们的嚣张气焰了。

    We thought it was time they were brought down a peg or two.

  12. 警察狠狠地打他的下腭,打掉了他的气焰。

    The policemen popped him on the jaw and knocked him cold.

  13. 这个错误非常之大, 助长了反动派的气焰。

    This mistake is very serious and feeds the arrogance of the reactionaries.

  14. 任何事都不能削弱他的自信心气焰

    Nothing could deflate his egopomposity, ie make him less selfassured or pompous.

  15. 我不紧不慢, 助长气焰, 为你游戏洗牌准备。

    I'm taking It'slow, feeding my flame, shuffling the cards of your game.

  16. 阿富汗战争的胜利一定程度上助长了美国的气焰。

    The victory of Afghan War, to certain extent, encouraged arrogance of America.

  17. 他炽灼的气焰让在座的人敢怒而不敢言。

    His power was so great that the people present had to swallow their anger.

  18. 他炽灼的气焰让在座的人敢怒而不敢言。

    His power was so great that the people present had to swallow their anger.

  19. 你知道,我也有办法,几次压倒了他的气焰。

    I took him down several times, you know, in my way.

  20. 他现在和一些大人物混得很熟,因此气焰十分嚣张。

    He is now swollen with arrogance because he has some truck with some big wheels.

  21. 打击了反动地主得嚣张气焰, 提高了党在群众中得威信。

    The against the arrogance of the reactionary landlords to raise the party's prestige among the masses.

  22. 打击了反动地主的嚣张气焰,提高了党在群众中的威信。

    The against the arrogance of the reactionary landlords to raise the party's prestige among the masses.

  23. 他试图掩盖和粉饰其犯罪行为的嚣张气焰是不可原谅的。

    The blatancy of his attempt to whitewash the crime was unforgivable.

  24. 有罪不罚的文化助长危害无辜平民罪行肇事者的气焰。

    The culture of impunity emboldens the perpetrators of crimes against innocent civilians.

  25. 我们也需要这种胸有成竹之气焰,铸伟岸灵魂,成就一方大业。

    We also need the full of momentum, casting underfoot, achievement party kick the feat.


  1. 问:气焰拼音怎么拼?气焰的读音是什么?气焰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:气焰的读音是qìyàn,气焰翻译成英文是 bluster; arrogance



气焰(qì yàn),名词,指一种真的或假的优越感,表现为傲慢的样子或态度。比喻威风、气势(多含贬义)