




1. 蹴 [cù]蹴 [cù]踢:~鞠(踢球)。踏:~踏。一~而就。……


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:yī cù ér jiù








  • 【解释】:蹴:踏;就:成功。踏一步就成功。比喻事情轻而易举,一下子就成功。
  • 【出自】:宋·苏洵《上田枢密书》:“天下之学者,孰不欲一蹴而造圣人之域。”
  • 【示例】:从前所受,皆为大略,~于繁赜,毋乃不可!
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. It won't all be a walk in the park, but that's good, because if it was easy, you would never grow as fast as you could.


  2. This achievement did not arise quickly, of course; it took centuries, and war was the crucible out of which it came.


  3. Mr Bernanke calls for greater exchange rate flexibility in the long run but acknowledges that it cannot be achieved overnight .


  4. Faith in Christ is not just a single step but a life of walking with Him.


  5. Just as an inflation target is important, but does not by itself make central bankers credible, so a fiscal rule is a start, not a cure-all.


  6. Rumsfeld then made the prescient point that "this campaign" that the United States was embarking on "is a marathon, not a sprint. "


  7. Clearly it cannot be achieved overnight, but when sufficient of you raise your consciousness to that level there will be a response.


  8. America's singular approach to international affairs did not develop all at once, or as the consequence of a solitary inspiration.


  9. Then for a traditional sales model of subversion emerging things, and how it may be so straightforward and simple overnight?


  1. 伟业非一蹴而就。

    Nothing great comes into be all at once.

  2. 但它的繁荣不会一蹴而就。

    But it will not prosper overnight.

  3. 但他承认, 变化不可能一蹴而就。

    But he concedes that change will not happen overnight.

  4. 进化是逐步发生的, 不是一蹴而就。

    Evolution occurs in steps, not all at once.

  5. 进化是逐步发生的,不是一蹴而就。

    Evolution occurs in steps, not all at once.

  6. 但是,改革不是一朝一夕的事情,不能一蹴而就。

    However, the reform is not a one day thing and can not be accomplished overnight.

  7. 然而, 我们相信, 这项目标是不可能一蹴而就。

    However, we are convinced that this goal cannot be achieved all at once.

  8. 这些努力无疑会取得成果, 但它不会一蹴而就。

    These efforts will inevitably bear fruit, but it will not come overnight.

  9. 但医疗,教育与养老制度的改进并非一蹴而就。

    But revamping health, education and pension systems takes time.

  10. 人们常说, 改革是一个过程, 不能一蹴而就。

    It has often been said that reform is a process and not an event.

  11. 但这一过程应该是渐进的,不会一蹴而就。

    This would be an evolutionary process rather than a juntainspired shift.

  12. 我想说的是,我们可以,但是不会一蹴而就。

    What I would say is,'Yes, we can,'but it is not going to happen overnight.

  13. 新闻业得系统化改变要求社会变革,不可一蹴而就。

    Systemic journalistic change will require societal change, and that will not happen overnight.

  14. 新闻业的系统化改变要求社会变革,不可一蹴而就。

    Systemic journalistic change will require societal change, and that will not happen overnight.

  15. 这将是一个长期的复杂的工程, 不可能一蹴而就。

    This will be a long, complicated process that cannot be completed overnight.

  16. 然而, 我们根据自己的经验知道, 事情不会一蹴而就。

    But that is not something than can happen overnight, as we know from our own experience.

  17. 然而, 实现我今天谈到的种种变革不可能一蹴而就。

    Now, the changes that I've spoken about today will not be easy to make.

  18. 阿富汗叛乱不在朝夕之间,我们的抗击亦不能一蹴而就。

    The insurgency in Afghanistan didn't just happen overnight and we won't defeat it overnight.

  19. 农业结构调整不是一年两年的事了,也不可能一蹴而就。

    Agricultural structural adjustment is not things, accomplish in one move impossibly also.

  20. 但那是一个漫长的过程, 需要很多年的时间, 不可能一蹴而就。

    But that is a slow process, the work of years, not a snap decision.

  21. 解决库尔德人与巴格达之间的石油纠纷也不会一蹴而就。

    Nor will a resolution of the Kurds'oil disputes with Baghdad.

  22. 知识是积累的,而不是一蹴而就的。

    Knowledge advances by steps, not by leaps.

  23. 也不是单凭意志一蹴而就的事。

    Or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will.

  24. 做事不能一蹴而就,更不能轻言放弃。

    Work cannot accomplish in one move, more cannot small talk abandons.

  25. 这种从平凡到不平凡的转变, 并不是一蹴而就的。

    This transformation from ordinary to extraordinary will not occur overnight.

  26. 在我们的头脑里面, 并没有什么一蹴而就的事情。

    There's not, like, some year we have in mind where things just explode.

  27. 对于其中许多创业者而言,成功并非一蹴而就的。

    For many of these entrepreneurs, success didn't happen overnight. Mr.

  28. 信仰基督不是一蹴而就,乃是与他同行一生之久。

    Faith in Christ is not just a single step but a life of walking with Him.

  29. 独裁统治已成为遥远的记忆,一蹴而就的想法是可笑的。

    Dictatorship already seems a distant memory the notion of a coup laughable.

  30. 我相信这能够解决目前的问题, 但这并非一蹴而就的事情。

    I believe this is the solution and it's no quick fix.


  1. 问:一蹴而就拼音怎么拼?一蹴而就的读音是什么?一蹴而就翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一蹴而就的读音是yícù'érjiù,一蹴而就翻译成英文是 accomplish at one stroke



【读音】:yi cù ér jiù


