









汉语拼音:hēi hū hū








  1. 颜色黑黑的。

    魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人·挤垮它》:“小通讯员黑乎乎的小圆脸,一笑还有两个酒涡。”

  2. 光线昏暗。

    郭澄清 《大刀记》开篇四:“ 永生 望了一阵,指着河东一片黑乎乎的地方,问娘道:‘那是啥村子?’”

  3. 形容人多,密集成片。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十二:“他的眼前,只看见黑乎乎的一大片,都是人的脸。”



  1. Lotus world, endless lotus pond, lotus leaves from the dark and long out of the mud, put the squeeze squeeze hard.


  2. On the other, beyond pickets of eucalyptuses, rose the dark mass of a more esoteric rain forest which obscured, presumably, the ocean.


  3. At this point the house had been burned a black, furniture appliances do not see the original shape has, darkish became one of Robert's.


  4. He saw him first as a dark shadow that took so long to pass under the boat that he could not believe its length.


  5. He lived in a world of fire and smoke, and was permanently black, as if he came from hell.


  6. I wound through the dark rows to the concession stand thinking, I'll show her that I'm no cheapskate.


  7. Some rotted vegetable. Brown and oozing, it sailed above her head to splash at the foot of one of the Poor Fellows.


  8. Not a soul was to be seen in the dark street.


  9. So , what I say we do is get out of this dark forest -- and go where we can see where we're walking !


  1. 黑乎乎,油光光的海豹脑袋

    the sleek dark head of a seal

  2. 你为什么坐在这黑乎乎的地方?

    Why are you sitting here in the dark?

  3. 运河里缓慢流动的黑乎乎的河水

    the sluggish black waters of the canal

  4. 这黑乎乎的一大砣不是石头是石头鱼。

    This big black chunk of something is not stone, it is a stone fish.

  5. 这黑乎乎得一大砣不是石头是石头鱼。

    This big black chunk of something is not stone, it is a stone fish.

  6. 远处那个黑乎乎的海岬叫华盛顿角

    That dark headland in the distance is Cape Washington.

  7. 他的脸和手都是黑乎乎的脏东西。

    His face and hands were black with dirt.

  8. 你假装你崇拜的这个黑乎乎的洞是存在的。

    You pretend that this black hole which you worship exists.

  9. 碎玻璃片中有一块黑乎乎的东西。

    Among the pieces of broken glass was a large dark shape.

  10. 儿子看了看黑乎乎的沟底,立即傻了眼。

    Looking at the black bottom of the ditch, his son felt dizzy.

  11. 它们呈一个规则的椭圆形,黑乎乎,毛茸茸的。

    They travel as an inseparable unit, up and down the blades of grass.

  12. 这房间里黑乎乎的,我什么也看不见。

    I can't see anything in this dark room.

  13. 黑乎乎的街上连个人影也看不见。

    Not a soul was to be seen in the dark street.

  14. 招聘会上, 来找工作得人黑乎乎得一大片。

    Crowds of people came to find jobs during the job interview.

  15. 有一天也许我会恨那座黑乎乎的山。

    Someday I might hate that black mountain.

  16. 招聘会上,来找工作的人黑乎乎的一大片。

    Crowds of people came to find jobs during the job interview.

  17. 招聘会上,来找工作的人黑乎乎的一大片。

    Crowds of people came to find jobs during the job interview.

  18. 还有很大一片没有沾过水, 黑乎乎的,

    there was a dark expanse of unirrigated soil

  19. 大多时候, 他们脏兮兮地黑乎乎的带着煤出来。

    Most days, they would emerge, sweaty and dirty and dusted with coal.

  20. 曾经是一家杂货铺,现在黑黑乎乎地,一片狼藉。

    What was once a grocery shop is now a blackened mess.

  21. 最后它被揭开,露出一个黑乎乎的空柜。

    Eventually it yielded and raised to reveal a dark, hollow chest.

  22. 混合肥是一种能够改良土壤的黑乎乎的肥沃物质。

    Compost is a dark, rich material added to soil to improve it.

  23. 小鸟静静的坐在鼹鼠那黑乎乎的, 处在地下室的鸟笼里。

    It was sitting very still in its cage in Mole's dark underground room.

  24. 黑乎乎的东西 很难洗掉 这就是生命最初的样子

    tarry stuff in your pan, right, that's difficult to wash out. So that's what the origin of life would have looked like.

  25. 阴森森得光线和黑乎乎得阴影使他身上长满了黄斑。

    The dire light and dark shadows foxed him.

  26. 阴森森的光线和黑乎乎的阴影使他身上长满了黄斑。

    The dire light and dark shadows foxed him.

  27. 阴森森的光线和黑乎乎的阴影使他身上长满了黄斑。

    The dire light and dark shadows foxed him.

  28. 吉姆和他那一伙都藏在扶梯后面黑乎乎的地方。

    Jim and his gang hid in the dark behind these stairs.

  29. 为什么蹲下去一小会,头就很晕,眼前黑乎乎?

    Why to crouch one small conference the head is very dizzy at the moment black ?

  30. 到处黑乎乎,只是还能依稀听得见那边欢闹的声音。

    It was dark and you could just barely hear the noise of the celebrating.


  1. 问:黑乎乎拼音怎么拼?黑乎乎的读音是什么?黑乎乎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黑乎乎的读音是hēihūhū,黑乎乎翻译成英文是 Dark in color or obscure.; A large group or a m...




【注音】:hēi hū hū






