












汉语拼音:mǎi dōng mǎi xī






  • 【解释】:指买各种物品。
  • 【出自】:明·李开先《林冲宝剑记》第29出:“买东买西使官钱,点驴点马是买卖。”
  • 【示例】:俗语~,言卖买者非东即西,沿习日久,遂以东西为货物替身。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;指买各种物品


  1. SEXUAL allure is often hinted as being the prize for buying this or that.


  1. 买东西总免不了东跑西颠。

    Shop to always be unavoidable run on the west bump.

  2. 我们今晚就可以开始搬东西去我家

    We can start moving your things in tonight.

  3. 陈大姐隐正在不正在,她去买东中了。

    Miss Chen is not in right now. She went shopping.

  4. 我既然来买东蚊此,那我不妨再订购一些东西。

    Then I may as well order a few more things while I am at it.

  5. 我到东到西总是碰壁。

    The cards are stacked against me.

  6. 从南到北由东到西

    From the north to the south, east and west

  7. 东好西好, 还是家里绝佳。

    East or west, home is best.

  8. 她正在屋里东找西翻。

    She is rummaging around in her room.

  9. 她正在屋里东找西翻。

    She is rummaging around in her room.

  10. 纬线是从东到西的线。

    Latitudes are the lines that go from east to west.

  11. 连队向后转, 从东转向西。

    The company faced about, turning from east to west.

  12. 我的小弟弟老是问东问西的。

    My little brother was continually asking questions.

  13. 我的父母总是对我问东问西的。

    I always get the third degree from my parents.

  14. 太阳稳定地从东向西移动。

    The Sun moves steadily from the east to the west.

  15. 她总是丢笔,整天东找西找的。

    She's always losing one and looking for it all day.

  16. 东找西找地想弄到一个工作

    Grub about for a job

  17. 台湾从东到西最宽为144公里。

    The widest part from east to west in Taiwan is 144 kilometers.

  18. 这下希德才不再问东问西了。

    Sid seemed satisfied.

  19. 以银座大道为界, 银座分为东, 西银座。

    In ginza avenue, the silver is divided into east and west sockets.

  20. 东是东, 西是西, 故而两者永远不相遇。

    East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.

  21. 他没在意, 还是四处转悠, 东看西看。

    He did not notice, but went his round of exploration.

  22. 罗盘上的方位点有北、、东和西。

    The points of the compass are North, South, East and West.

  23. 我国经济发展由东向西梯度推进。

    Economic development in China is spreading gradually from the east to the west.

  24. 到东到西都有救星帮你渡过难关。

    There is always something to give you a boost.

  25. 在赤道上下从东向西吹的稳定的风。

    steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator.

  26. 从各地,从东从西,从南从北,所招聚来的。

    Those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south.

  27. 不过,这两极不是北与南,而是东与西。

    Rather than north and south, however, these poles are in the East and West.

  28. 氢从北到南硫化物含量下降,从东到西。

    Hydrogen sulfide content decreases from north to south and from east to west.

  29. 你在变戏法,你把变量定义的东一个西一个。

    You're a magician, creating variables out of thin air.

  30. 其中,东、西、北三道城门上还有烽火台。

    The east, west and north gates each have a beacon tower on top.