


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……


慢,与“急”相对:~步。~行(xíng )。~慢。迟~。延迟:~刑。~办。~役。~征。刻不容~。放松,松弛:~和。~冲。~解(jiě)。和~。苏醒,恢复:~气。~醒。……



汉语拼音:hé huǎn









  1. 春秋 时 秦国 良医 和 与 缓 的并称。

    晋 挚虞 《疾愈赋》:“讲 和 缓 之餘论,寻 越人 之遗方。” 南朝 宋 谢灵运 《山居赋》:“ 靁 桐 是别, 和 缓 是悉。” 清 潘耒 《河堤》诗:“古方治今病, 和 缓 技亦穷。” 梁启超 《论请愿国会与请愿政府并行》:“如彼久病者,不敢望 和 缓 ,且望中医。”

  2. 平和舒缓。

    宋 巩丰 《后耳目志》:“ 老子 之文简古, 列子 之文和缓, 庄子 之文豪放。” 明 宋濂 《章公神道碑铭》:“外若和缓,而其临大事,则论议諍辨,不避权势,必折衷於理而后已。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第十一章:“他的语调虽然和缓,事实上是发出了新的战斗号召。”

  3. 使情势由紧张转为松缓。

    范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第二编第二章第七节:“﹝皇帝﹞企图用欺骗手段来和缓农民的反抗。” 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》:“ 童贞 是想借这个机会使 乔光朴 和 郗望北 坐在一块,和缓两人之间的关系。”



  1. Ursula flushed a little at the mild impertinence of this question, and yet she could not definitely take offence.

  2. In sections of the plane that are far from the hole, winds might be mild enough to simply whisk papers around.

  3. All this suggested that America was more likely to endure a gradual, even gentle, slowing of economic growth than a sharp contraction.

  4. The system's defenders say zoning holds Nigeria together: ethnic strife, though less intense than it used to be, remains a danger.

  5. "I'm going to write a very innocent letter, " he said quietly, "not indicating that you've shown me anything. "

  6. Focusing on the ball causes a fan in the base of the game -- called Mind Flex -- to start up and lift the ball on a gentle stream of air.

  7. Notes on seven shots to push: push the swing to be gentle, long, sent the ball to the target direction, and not too short.

  8. "Let Herman be Herman" became his slogan, as the candidate came to see his relaxed personality as his most devastating weapon.

  9. The Obama administration has struck a more conciliatory tone towards business since the Democratic defeat in November's midterm elections.


  1. 和, 和缓, 和解

    demulcent therapy

  2. 脉和缓均匀

    pulse beating gently and regularly.

  3. 和缓一下气氛

    relieve the tension a little

  4. 貌似和缓的湍流。

    treacherous currents

  5. 他的脸色和缓了。

    His countenance relaxed.

  6. 过门不久转为和缓。

    Matrimony soon turned to acrimony.

  7. 和缓通货膨胀的影响。

    Mitigate the effects of inflation, eg by making credit easily obtainable.

  8. 为何通货膨胀如此的和缓?

    Why has inflation proved so mild?

  9. 他的态度和缓了许多。

    His attitude has softened up a lot.

  10. 告诉他, 但要谦逊和缓,

    Please, tell him meekly with humility

  11. 这是最和缓的环保故事。

    It's the quietest story in environmentalism.

  12. 社会紧张趋于和缓的明显迹象。

    Clear evidence of diminished social tension.

  13. 氚是最和缓的放射性同位素之一。

    Tritium is one of the mildest radioactive isotopes.

  14. 因此,疑惑中,穿过和缓的时间。

    So, wondering, thro the hours meek.

  15. 我们顺着和缓的斜坡跑下山。

    We ran down the hill along the gentle slope.

  16. 氚是辐射最和缓的放射性同位素之一。

    Tritium is one of the mildest radioactive isotopes.

  17. 那就像走上一座和缓的山坡。

    It is like walking up a gentle mountain slope.

  18. 和缓的潮流慢慢地把他带离海岸。

    A gentle current carried him slowly offshore.

  19. 和缓的运动锻炼会提高自我放松的能力。

    A gentle form of exercise will increase your ability to relax.

  20. 艾德的笑话有助于和缓会议里的紧张气氛。

    Ed's joke helped relieve the tension in the meeting.

  21. 和缓的潮流慢慢地把他们带离了海岸。

    A gentle current carried them slowly offshore.

  22. 在平稳的气流中, 我们起飞并进行和缓的攀爬。

    The air was smooth as we lifted off and started our gentle climb.

  23. 睑裂大小得改变大约在2岁左右就趋于和缓。

    Less satisfactory results may result from severe ocular anomalies or later onset of treatment.

  24. 睑裂大小的改变大约在2岁左右就趋于和缓。

    Less satisfactory results may result from severe ocular anomalies or later onset of treatment.

  25. 贾德明白了我不是含沙射影之后,神色马上和缓了。

    Jud was mollified at once when he saw that I had not been dealing in allusions.

  26. 天气预报说在天气和缓起来以前还会先变得更糟。

    The forecast says it's going to get worse before it warms up.

  27. 岛地形图形起伏和缓,雨量丰沛,多分头入海的大河

    The island terrain graph fluctuation is gentle, the rainfall abundant copious, many enters the sea separately the river.

  28. 注意,服务器和缓存在请求期间可能会更改或添加标头。

    Note that servers and caches may change or add headers during the request.

  29. 巨蟹座的追求方式是不具有攻击性的, 他的态度始终很和缓。

    Cancer is not the way to pursue offensive in nature, his attitude always been very relaxed.

  30. 在某项调查中,参与者曾以和缓的步速骑了20分钟健身车。

    In one study, participants rode a stationary bike for20 minutes at a mild pace.


  1. 问:和缓拼音怎么拼?和缓的读音是什么?和缓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和缓的读音是héhuǎn,和缓翻译成英文是 gentle; relax

  2. 问:和缓期拼音怎么拼?和缓期的读音是什么?和缓期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和缓期的读音是,和缓期翻译成英文是 maximum stability period

  3. 问:和缓翁主拼音怎么拼?和缓翁主的读音是什么?和缓翁主翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和缓翁主的读音是,和缓翁主翻译成英文是 Princess Hwawan



