







汉语拼音:wēn cún










  1. 抚慰,体贴。

    唐 韩愈 孟郊 《雨中寄孟刑部几道联句》:“温存感深惠,琢切奉明诫。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八七回:“少奶奶一言不发,只管抽抽噎噎的哭,大少爷坐在旁边,温存了一会。” 丁玲 《一九三○年春上海(之二)》八:“她冷淡得很,他想说几句温存的话,她便用方法挡住了。”

  2. 温暖。

    唐 司空图 《修史亭》诗之一:“渐觉一家看冷落,地炉生火自温存。” 明 无名氏 《贫富兴衰》第二折:“风颯颯怎地捱,冷颼颼难受忍,这时月富豪家有分,则俺这穷汉每无处温存。” 萧红 《生死场》二:“吹口哨,响着鞭子,他觉得人间是温存而愉快。”

  3. 温柔和顺。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第三本第三折:“他是箇女孩儿家,你索将性儿温存,话儿摩弄,意儿谦洽,休猜做败柳残花。”《醒世恒言·徐老仆义愤成家》:“若是阿哥这样肚里又明白,笔下又来得,做人且又温存小心,走到势要人家,怕道不是重用?” 清 二石生 《十洲春语·品艳》:“体态温存,丰神娟秀,望之如碧水芙蓉,纤尘不染。” 萧乾 《一本褪色的相册》一:“有时它像是远方吹来的一支儿歌,温存而又委婉,恰似春日垂杨柳梢在脸上拂过。”

  4. 保暖养息。

    《红楼梦》第四二回:“ 贾母 原没有大病,不过是劳乏了,兼着了些凉,温存了一日,又吃了一剂药,疏散一疏散,至晚也就好了。”



  1. He had been so obsessed with the mystery of the R Document that love was the last thing on his mind.


  2. I shall act by her as tenderly as if I was her own mother.


  3. I stretch my hands, just want to hug me between you and a little bit of attentive.


  4. in his tenderness now she saw a shade of complacency, of self-confidence, which had not been of old and which exasperated her.


  5. Just at this moment, whether there is a strong attention to follow you, for your eyes and warm.


  6. Picking up some stray offcut, he would begin to smile. Wood, like a warm and living thing, had to be respected and loved.


  7. Concentration is like a narrow beam of light shining on a task. Awareness is the soft, full light of attention.


  8. Dogs crouches in front of the neighbor's wide-open gates, casting a meek glance at you as if they were your old friends.


  9. The tall captain's words were warm in her ear, the kind of bold, sweet words an Alii liked.


  1. 她温存和蔼。

    She is tender and kind.

  2. 他太温存了。

    He was too suave

  3. 他温存地待我。

    He treated me kindly.

  4. 你对她该温存些。

    You should be nice to her.

  5. 是为了纪念温存的相会。

    However, in order to meet tender Memory?

  6. 眼睛还会温存着温度吗?

    Eyes would also be attentive temperature?

  7. 温存的爱就像雨后的阳光。

    Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.

  8. 图的并不完全是温存的爱抚。

    Not wholly for the smooth caress.

  9. 你可是一只温存的枕头,一只花篮?

    A caressive pillow, a basket of flowers?

  10. 他象以往一样殷勤周到,曲意温存。

    He was as ever assiduous and gallant.

  11. 他像以往一样殷勤周到,曲意温存。

    He was as assiduous and gallant as ever.

  12. 我会想你的,他无限温存地说道。

    I will miss you so much, he said softly.

  13. 她们希望得到丈夫的继续爱抚和温存。

    They hope to get marital continuity is caressed with attentive.

  14. 他温存地摸摸她的头发,向她俯身过去。

    He stroked her hair gently and bent towards her.

  15. 徘徊不去的余香,温存心情也温存你的胃。

    The smell lingered, gentle mood of your stomach tenderness.

  16. 她的感情从温存转化为挚爱的突然迸发。

    Her feelings varied from tenderness to sudden spurts of genuine love.

  17. 她温存无比,魅力四射而又绝不矫揉造作。

    She was utterly feminine and devastatingly attractive in an unstudied way.

  18. 从此,没有了彼此的陌生 ,有的是更近的温存。

    Henceforth, did not have each other strangeness, are nearer attentive.

  19. 她感到他的温存、他的情感和他的爱都是真挚的。

    She felt that his tenderness, his passion, and his love were real.

  20. 护士是一件衣裳, 轻披在肩, 体贴温存。

    A nurse is an article of clothing covering your shoulders gently, providing you with a considerate warmth.

  21. 虽然你开始信誓旦旦温存倜傥,可后来变得忤戾乖张。

    While you begin to Ti unexpectedly gentle pledged do violence eccentric and unreasonable later become disobedient.

  22. 一年前你在我身边温存, 如今你又在谁身边撒娇。

    A year ago you beside me warm, now you side who acts like a spoiled brat.

  23. 晚饭后,握着你配偶得手依偎在沙发上温存

    Snuggle on the couch after dinner and hold your spouses hand.

  24. 热电偶的测温存在静态误差和动态误差。

    There are static error and dynamic error in the measurement of thermocouple.

  25. 给你我温存的爱恋和深情的思念,祝你生日快乐。

    Happy birthday with my warm affection and loving thought of you.

  26. 给你我温存得爱恋和深情得思念,祝你生日快乐。

    Happy birthday with my warm affection and loving thought of you.

  27. 闪电次数跟云顶亮温存在显著性相关。

    The flashes number was significantly correlated with the cloud top bright temperature.

  28. 在这段时间里, 他不像以前那么温存体贴了。

    During this period she was less considerate.

  29. 晚饭后,握着你配偶的手依偎在沙发上温存

    Snuggle on the couch after dinner and hold your spouses hand.

  30. 爱以甜美的微笑开始, 在温存中生温, 在泪水中结束。

    Love starts with a smile with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


  1. 问:温存拼音怎么拼?温存的读音是什么?温存翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温存的读音是wēncún,温存翻译成英文是 comforting; to be kind and gentle



唐 韩愈孟郊《雨中寄孟刑部几道联句》:“温存感深惠,琢切奉明诫。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八七回:“少奶奶一言不发,只管抽抽噎噎的哭,大少爷坐在旁边,温存了一会。” 丁玲《一九三○年春上海(之二)》八:“她冷淡得很,他想说几句温存的话,她便用方法挡住了。”