




天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……



汉语拼音:rù yè







  1. 到了晚上。

    唐 王勃 《寒梧栖凤赋》:“游必有方,哂南飞之惊鹊;音能中吕,嗟入夜之啼鸟。” 唐 李端 《云际中峰》诗:“经秋无客到,入夜有僧还。”《新民晚报》1984.11.15:“新拓宽的街道两旁……入夜街灯齐明。”



  1. XII Come to me, as you come Softly to the rose bud of coals Of my fireplace Glowing through the night-bound forest.


  2. Floor-by-floor retractive tower body forms a glass polyhedron at the top of building shining in the dark night.


  3. After nightfall, the initiates continued to visit other places where victims had gathered, giving them quilts and warm clothing.


  4. Chaoyang Men Wai Street, at dusk into the night, rush hour traffic flow in and out of the center of Beijing, contrast.


  5. It is an extremely showy beauty with its pure white, charming flowers and amazing scent that pervades the air especially after dusk.


  6. A female who looks great at the beginning of the night but as time drags on and nears midnight her appearance quickly deteriorates.


  7. The company of all flights from Bali, Indonesia, currently only limited to flying during the day, all night flights to suspend operations.


  8. Late into the night in Tripoli, we often hear Nato air strikes - the distinct boom of the explosions is enough to wake everyone up.


  9. Towards evening, sitting in its hall before a black-and-white-television, I heard that Najibullah had been deposed in Afghanistan.


  1. 入夜阳气衰

    YANG becoming weak at night.

  2. 入夜时分, 万籁俱寂。

    No sound disturbed the silence of the evening.

  3. 入夜时分,万籁俱寂。

    No sound disturbed the silence of the evening.

  4. 入夜, 搜查中止了。

    The search was abandoned when night came.

  5. 入夜,搜查中止了。

    The search was abandoned when night came.

  6. 随风潜入夜,

    Borne on the wind, it sneaks in by night.

  7. 入夜,灯市一片繁华。

    As night approached, the lantern fairs on Mid-Autumn Day became quite lively.

  8. 入夜,是一片音乐声。

    When night came music filled the air.

  9. 入夜,露水洗净了灰尘。

    At night the dew settled the dust.

  10. 入夜方能赞美白昼

    In the evening one may praise the day

  11. 入夜后,四野一片沉寂。

    Night fell, and it was all quiet in the open country.

  12. 入夜,工地上灯火通明。

    When night fell, the construction site was ablaze with light.

  13. 告诉我说,这里在入夜以后。

    They told me here, at dead time of the night.

  14. 入夜以来我没有听见丝毫动静。

    I had heard no stir since nightfall.

  15. 入夜,远处传来了更鼓声。

    Night comes, I heard the sound made by the night watchman's drum far away.

  16. 今天入夜后,我不在那儿睡。

    I will not sleep there when this night comes.

  17. 入夜他们的讨论热闹到了顶点。

    Their discussions reached a noisy climax late in the evening.

  18. 入夜, 烟花将照亮整个午夜的天空。

    Later, fireworks light the midnight sky.

  19. 以及入夜时一盏一盏亮起的霓虹。

    And at night a lamp lit neon.

  20. 入夜后,镇上笼罩着恐怖的气氛。

    Fear stalks the town at night.

  21. 入夜后,镇上笼罩著恐怖的气氛。

    Fear stalks the town at night.

  22. 一入夜,这个大厅就会人潮如涌。

    As night falls, the hall will be swamped by people.

  23. 随风潜入夜,润物细无声。

    Riding on the wind it fills a whole night, soaking the land with its goodness.

  24. 敌军原打算在入夜之前袭击我军。

    The enemy intended to strike our troop before night.

  25. 入夜,他们参加了一个厚木避难所。

    At nightfall they took shelter in a thick wood.

  26. 让杰森和女王入夜时来见我。

    Bring jason and the queen to me at nightfall.

  27. 让杰森和女王入夜时来见我。

    Bring jason and the queen to me at nightfall.

  28. 我的工作就是在入夜后问这些问题。

    It's my job to ask questions after nightfall.

  29. 入夜, 馄饨挑子借助于月光招呼着顾客。

    At night the calls of peddlers selling dumpling soup in the moonlight could be heard.

  30. 入夜, 府中人坐庭院中仰望牛郎织女会面。

    At night, sitting Inside the courtyard, looking at the Cowherd and Weaver Girl met.


  1. 问:入夜拼音怎么拼?入夜的读音是什么?入夜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入夜的读音是rùyè,入夜翻译成英文是 night falls; night comes



rù yè 入夜 到了晚上。 唐 王勃 《寒梧栖凤赋》:“游必有方,哂南飞之惊鹊;音能中吕,嗟入夜之啼鸟。” 唐 李端 《云际中峰》诗:“经秋无客到,入夜有僧还。”《新民晚报》1984.11.15:“新拓宽的街道两旁……入夜街灯齐明。”