







汉语拼音:pò xiǎo








  1. 天刚亮。

    宋 杨万里 《明发阶口岸下》诗:“破晓篙师报放船,今朝不似昨朝寒。” 宋 陆游 《杏花》诗:“念当载酒醉花下,破晓啼鶯先唤人。” 清 曹寅 《横林逆风口号》:“破晓 吴 波转清脆,钓筒收得小鱼儿。” 陶斯亮 《一封终于发出的信》:“第二天破晓,我就起来了。”



  1. The next morning at sunrise Monseigneur Bienvenu was strolling in his garden. Madame Magloire ran up to him in utter consternation.


  2. Too slow to be a meteor, too bright when seen at dawn or dusk to be considered contrails, and with a signature flare of two tails.


  3. Local officials said the raid was carried out in the pre-dawn hours and that American troops also confiscated computers and documents.


  4. After one more sleep I would find him at my bedside, rousing me with a push, before yet the darkness of night had passed.


  5. I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I'll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen.


  6. And in the light of the early dawn, my heart came to a stop as I watched a single majestic eagle soaring in the sky.


  7. With spotlights searching the dark early morning sky, Poland marked the beginning of mankind's most catastrophic war.


  8. Saturday night. He had only one night more to live. And as he thought of this, the day broke--Sunday.


  9. Dawn dawn, let us meet those difficulties with it, with the heart of Thanksgiving, in the face of all setbacks.


  1. 破晓,黎明

    the break of day.

  2. 东方破晓。

    Day dawns in the east.

  3. 天将破晓。

    Day is breaking.

  4. 直到破晓时分

    Til the break of dawn

  5. 相信黎明破晓

    Trusting the break of dawn.

  6. 期盼黎明破晓?

    Wait for the dawn, my dear.

  7. 迎接破晓的曙光。

    Greet the dawn's early ray.

  8. 破晓时枪声大作。

    Rifle fire broke out at dawn

  9. 天色终于破晓了。

    Day at length broke in the sky.

  10. 这时天已破晓。

    By this time it was daybreak.

  11. 还没有破晓,天色曚扙。

    Day has not broken, and it is dim outside.

  12. 破晓的日子多的是。

    There is more day to dawn.

  13. 天将破晓了, 宝贝!

    Come the morning light now baby!

  14. 破晓时进行的搜捕

    carry out a dawn raid

  15. 天将破晓了,宝贝!

    Come the morning light now baby!

  16. 山村的天刚破晓。

    The day was dawning onthe mountain village

  17. 看人看年少,看天看破晓

    Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day

  18. 这就是网络时代破晓。

    This is the dawn of the net.

  19. 曾经的黎明破晓的成员

    new dawn member in the house.

  20. 每天早上刚刚破晓,

    and so early in the morning at the dawning of the day

  21. 破晓,我必须等待日出。

    Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise.

  22. 在破晓时分我会赢!

    At dawn I shall win!

  23. 破晓了,我们必须起床。

    It started to dawn, and we had to get up.

  24. 在破晓时分我会赢!

    At dawn I shall win!

  25. 当看到破晓的天空

    When I saw the break of day

  26. 在破晓时分的床上?

    In her bed at peep of day?

  27. 甚至天还未破晓时,

    Even it is not yet the time of daybreak

  28. 一个新时代正在破晓。

    A New Age is dawning.

  29. 破晓时分的鱼白寒光

    the cold pale light of dawn

  30. 我们出发时天刚破晓。

    The day was dawning when we set out.


  1. 问:破晓拼音怎么拼?破晓的读音是什么?破晓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破晓的读音是pòxiǎo,破晓翻译成英文是 dawn; daybreak; break

  2. 问:破晓号拼音怎么拼?破晓号的读音是什么?破晓号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破晓号的读音是,破晓号翻译成英文是 Akatsuki



“破晓”是个多义词,它可以指破晓(魏晨演唱歌曲), 破晓(《暮光之城》系列小说第四部), 破晓(图书), 破晓(汉语词语), 破晓(南拳妈妈歌曲), 破晓(2014年《你照亮我星球》主题曲), 破晓(许茹芸演唱的歌曲), 破晓(林忆莲演唱歌曲), 破晓(Mango AZ歌曲), 破晓(魏晨2011全新专辑以及同名歌曲), 破晓(iMusic乐团原创歌曲), 破晓(BiGo文化传媒旗下杂志)。