


1. 拂 [fú]2. 拂 [bì]拂 [fú]拭,掸去:~拭。~尘。轻轻擦过:~晓。春风~面。微风~煦。甩动,抖动:~袖而去。违背,不顺:忠言~耳。~逆。拂 [bì]古同“弼”,辅助。……





汉语拼音:fú xiǎo








  1. 接近天明的时候。

    唐 长孙佐辅 《关山月》诗:“拂晓朔风悲,蓬惊雁不飞。” 宋 华岳 《田家》诗:“拂晓呼儿去採樵,祝妻早办午炊烧。” 明 杨慎 《杨柳枝》词:“ 汉东门 外柳新栽,拂晓长堤露眼开。” 周恩来 《关于粉碎第四次“围剿”的电报》九:“我军拟于二十一日拂晓,采取迅雷手段,干脆消灭 草台冈 、 徐庄 附近之十一师,再突击 东陂 、 五里排 之敌。”

  2. 扰乱早晨。

    清 陈维崧 《大酺·溪行野店小饮即事》词:“杏蕋撩晴,鶯雏拂晓,几对鵁鶄争浴。”



  1. Shooting was heard as the attack was launched shortly after daybreak, but there was no immediate word on casualties.


  2. Waves of sand, firmed by an overnight rain, flow along the route of a fisherman pedaling his catch at dawn to trade it for supplies.


  3. British news reports said officers carried out a pre-dawn raid on what was suspected to be a bomb-making factory.


  4. At dawn 300 tanks prepared to break through the enemy lines.


  5. People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday.


  6. Her face was still flooded with tears, but her eyes began to fill, like the sky at daybreak, with strange beams of joy.


  7. its very hue seems to be imparted to them, cold and lifeless as they look in the gray, somber light of daybreak.


  8. 'He was just sitting on his veranda again. "Waiting for the dawn, " he said. Do you think he'll just sit there all night? '


  9. She did not fall asleep until daybreak.


  1. 军队拂晓出击

    The armies engaged at dawn.

  2. 拂晓天气晴朗。

    The morning dawned brightly.

  3. 拂晓前的宁静

    the still hours before dawn.

  4. 寒冷阴沉的拂晓

    the chill grey dawn

  5. 军队拂晓时出击。

    The army hit at dawn.

  6. 部队在拂晓出发。

    The troops set off at dawn.

  7. 拂晓前发起总攻

    start the general offensive before dawn

  8. 他们拂晓开始工作。

    They began to work at daybreak.

  9. 部队於拂晓开始作战。

    The troops took the field at dawn.

  10. 医疗队在拂晓出发。

    The medicine team set off during the day break.

  11. 拂晓时, 风向转了。

    The wind came round at dawn.

  12. 拂晓时,风向转了。

    The wind came round at dawn .

  13. 拂晓前的秘密仪式

    My Secret Predawn Rite

  14. 迎接拂晓的鸣唱。

    Singing to welcome the crack of dawn.

  15. 她到拂晓才入睡。

    She did not fall asleep until daybreak.

  16. 船在拂晓时靠岸。

    The boat pulled in to the shore at dawn.

  17. 并等待拂晓的来临。

    And wait for the dawn.

  18. 部队将于拂晓出发

    The troops will march at dawn.

  19. 他们将在拂晓进攻。

    They will strike at dawn.

  20. 进攻于拂晓时开始。

    The attack began at dawn.

  21. 炮兵于拂晓时开口

    The artillery opened up at dawn.

  22. 进攻在拂晓时开始。

    The attack started at dawn.

  23. 部队于拂晓前出发。

    The troops set out before dawn.

  24. 士兵在拂晓时前进。

    The soldiers went forward at dawn.

  25. 军队在拂晓发起攻击。

    The army struck at dawn.

  26. 敌人在拂晓发起进攻。

    The enemy struck at dawn.

  27. 部队于拂晓开始作战。

    The troops took the field at dawn.

  28. 伴随拂晓无尽恩赐

    With dawn of redeeming grace

  29. 拂晓时分南希醒了。

    Nancy woke at dawn.

  30. 拂晓时部队投入战斗。

    At daybreak the troops went into action, ie started fighting.


  1. 问:拂晓拼音怎么拼?拂晓的读音是什么?拂晓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拂晓的读音是fúxiǎo,拂晓翻译成英文是 dawn

  2. 问:拂晓时拼音怎么拼?拂晓时的读音是什么?拂晓时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拂晓时的读音是Fúxiǎo shí,拂晓时翻译成英文是 at daybreak

  3. 问:拂晓时分拼音怎么拼?拂晓时分的读音是什么?拂晓时分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拂晓时分的读音是Fúxiǎoshífēn,拂晓时分翻译成英文是 at sunrise

  4. 问:拂晓的拼音怎么拼?拂晓的的读音是什么?拂晓的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拂晓的的读音是,拂晓的翻译成英文是 crepuscular

  5. 问:拂晓巡逻拼音怎么拼?拂晓巡逻的读音是什么?拂晓巡逻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拂晓巡逻的读音是fú xiǎo xún luó,拂晓巡逻翻译成英文是 Dawn Patrol

  6. 问:拂晓进攻拼音怎么拼?拂晓进攻的读音是什么?拂晓进攻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拂晓进攻的读音是fú xiǎo jìn gōng,拂晓进攻翻译成英文是 Dawn Attack

  7. 问:拂晓飞行拼音怎么拼?拂晓飞行的读音是什么?拂晓飞行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拂晓飞行的读音是fú xiǎo fēi xíng,拂晓飞行翻译成英文是 Dawn Flight

  8. 问:拂晓至薄暮拼音怎么拼?拂晓至薄暮的读音是什么?拂晓至薄暮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拂晓至薄暮的读音是fú xiǎo zhì báo mù,拂晓至薄暮翻译成英文是 Dawn-to-Dusk



“拂晓”是个多义词,它可以指拂晓(航海术语), 拂晓(天文术语), 拂晓(刘惜君第二张音乐专辑), 拂晓(2010年河北电视台出品电影), 拂晓(刘惜君演唱歌曲), 拂晓(汉语词语)。