


重复,累积:重(chǒng )~。层见~出。~罗汉。~韵。~嶂。~翠。摺:摺~。铺床~被。乐曲的重复演奏:阳关三~。……





汉语拼音:dié yìn







  1. 亦作“迭印”。电影的一种表现手法。把两个或两个以上的内容不同的画面迭合地印在一起,使这些画面同时在银幕上重迭显现,用以表现剧中人的回忆、幻想;或构成并列形象,使观众产生联想。

    《人民日报》1989.9.26:“在影片(《开国大典》)结尾处与礼花焰火迭印在一起的是解放军英勇作战流血牺牲和广大人民群众踊跃支前的场面,这当然是直接提醒人们不要忘记为新 中国 的诞生而付出的那些宝贵的牺牲。”

  2. 电影画面上出现的字幕,也是用迭印方法制作的。

    季冠武 等《渡江侦察记》第一章一:“迭印字幕:一九四九年春末。”

  3. 重迭显现。

    黄宗英 《星》:“看到 上官 饰演解放军,我确实感慨多端。我的脑海里迭印出她在旧社会留给我的凄艳的样子。”



  1. Multi-color offset printing presses in color chronological if you do not consider this point, it is not possible to overprint.


  2. Produced by the subtractive primary colors of ink to overprint balance weights is a close to the small region neutral grey.


  3. Narrow-band density measurement is mainly used for measurement of dot, overprint, deposit and inks.


  4. A small amount of blue-green to overprint black field, from the point of view or black hue, but will be more thick.


  5. News paper is made of yellow, magenta, cyan and black four-colour printing ink to overprint on an offset printing press.


  6. This is due to various color is the location of the overprint is bound to result in differences between the Visual seeastigmatism.


  7. Two colors of ink sequence as long as the invert colors, superimposition of hue, lightness and saturation may be different.


  8. holdout in a reasonable State of thin, as far as possible, necessary, monochrome, on many occasions to overprint.


  9. The form of thought, the marvel exactly is the unpredictable superimposition.


  1. 然后怠工叠印笔画。

    And then do the overprint strokes.

  2. 油墨叠印效果测量方法的探讨

    The Study about the Measure Method of Trapping Effect

  3. 那样复杂的图,也要做叠印吗?

    That plan, we have to do to overprint ?

  4. 这个电影镜头用了叠印的拍摄技巧。

    This movie camera lens uses the photographic technique of overprinting.

  5. 这个电影镜头用了叠印的拍摄技巧。

    This movie camera lens uses the photographic technique of overprinting.

  6. 油墨叠印良好是保证印刷质量的前提。

    The perfect ink double print is the premise of ensuring printing quality.

  7. 常规的自动拼版和叠印也可实现。

    Regular automatic imposition and overprint can also be implemented.

  8. 胶印油墨叠印密度与墨层厚度关系的研究

    The Research on the Relationship between Density of Lithographic Ink and Ink Thickness.

  9. 思想的形态,它的奇妙就在于莫测的叠印。

    The form of thought, the marvel exactly is the unpredictable superimposition.

  10. 实地密度小,使图像色彩饱和度降低,叠印色彩变弱。

    Collesting density small, make the image color saturation, color fade to overprint.

  11. 这主给是一个油不朱的叠印率题目。

    This was mainly a rate of the ink to overprint.

  12. 这主给是一个油不朱得叠印率题目。

    This was mainly a rate of the ink to overprint.

  13. 他们的影子在墙上叠印在一起,周围是一些奇怪的影子。

    Upon the wall, their shadows blended together, surrounded by strange forms.

  14. 金不朱覆盖辛不弱,变态叠印凡是不会呈现叠印不上的题目。

    Gold ink cover normal overprint, not cause no problems to overprint.

  15. 实不天密度小,使图像色彩饱和度贬低,叠印色彩变弱。

    Collesting density small, make the image color saturation, color fade to overprint.

  16. 你可以把这些文字直接叠印在你的一张照片上。

    You can superimpose the lettering directly onto one of your pictures.

  17. 另外,目前许多包装物上的文字也是由多色叠印而成。

    In addition, many text wrapper is contained by the multicolor.

  18. 湿式叠印务必思考到油不朱的本质, 不后印的油不朱其黏度。

    Wet overprint must take into account the nature of the ink, first printed its viscosity.

  19. 灰度和叠印色来显示颜色得优劣并与三原色相比较。

    Grayscale and color superimposition to display on their merits and primary colors.

  20. 制卡和会员卡制息色序摆列差叠印色成果感化很不小。

    Business card printing and membership card making color alignment on the superimposition of the effect is very large.

  21. 油不朱叠印所能表现的颜色边界, 是所有色域洋最小的。

    Ink overprint can reproduce color gamut of color range , is the least of the color gamut.

  22. 同时,油不朱叠印所能表现的颜色边界,是所有色域洋最小的。

    At the same time, ink overprint can reproduce color gamut of color range, is the least of the color gamut.


  1. 问:叠印拼音怎么拼?叠印的读音是什么?叠印翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叠印的读音是diéyìn,叠印翻译成英文是 A form of expression in film or TV in which two or m...


