


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……







汉语拼音:dà dǎ chū shǒu








  • 【解释】:打出手:戏曲中的一种武打技术,一出剧中的主要人物与多个对手相打,形成种种武打场面。比喻逞凶打人或殴斗。
  • 【出自】:郭沫若《南京印象》:“这儿在三天前正是大打出手的地方,而今天却是太平无事了。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. The men fired again and again, and, when the animals got to close quarters, lashed out with their sticks and their heavy boots.


  2. Evolutionary forces at workWHEN two drunken men fight over a woman, alcohol and stupidity may not be the only things at work.


  3. You can address your anger, fear, worry and stress without bludgeoning the person who embodies those emotions for you with a paperweight.


  4. Bank of America and Citi have previously slugged it out for top spot, but now they have fallen to 8th and 11th respectively.


  5. Violence and a lack of a police department soon caused problems. People fought over supplies.


  6. The werewolves argued and fought among themselves until they reached a compromise known as the Concord .


  7. Sometimes the competing interests fought, but in my time, the violence was always controlled.


  8. Never in his 50 years of drunken fisticuffs did McHugh express any creativity.


  9. Earlier this month two militias fought each other in a territorial dispute near the town of Zawiya, west of Tripoli.


  1. 他动了肝火,大打出手。

    He lost his temper and struck out wildly.

  2. 争论到最後双方大打出手。

    The argument ended in a punchup.

  3. 那人因发怒而大打出手。

    The man lost his temper and struck out wildly.

  4. 他们大打出手, 从来没有这麽厉害。

    They had the most frightful setto.

  5. 他们冲了进来对我们大打出手。

    They charged in and started beating us up.

  6. 昨天晚上酒馆里有人大打出手。

    There was a dreadful shindy in the pub last night.

  7. 大学城的居民与大学师生大打出手。

    There were fights between town and gown.

  8. 比如在台湾,代表们在国会大打出手。

    Like in Taiwan, where the representativeskick the crap out of each other in congress.

  9. 人们因为愚蠢的事彼此大打出手

    People knocking each other out over stupid stuff.

  10. 他们狂饮了一通之后一直在大打出手。

    They had been fighting after a drinking bout.

  11. 他知道自己将不顾一切地大打出手。

    He knew he would slam into him with abandon, forgetting all else.

  12. 匪徒对他大打出手, 打得他浑身是伤。

    The gang set about him, injuring him badly.

  13. 每次街头斗殴他总是在其中大打出手。

    He could never pass a street fight without pitching in.

  14. 他们互相推搡了一会儿,眼看就要大打出手了。

    They sparred for a moment, on the brink of a full fight.

  15. 那些男生大打出手,来个老师才把他们拉开。

    The boys set to and had to be separated by a teacher.

  16. 我们是至交,不过偶尔也还是会大打出手的。

    We are bosom buddies, but we can still get in to a big fight every now and then.

  17. 两个醉汉为了争夺那里唯一的女孩大打出手。

    Two very drunk men were fighting over the only girl there.

  18. 一次审案时, 竟在法庭上与当事人大打出手。

    But in a trial, he fight with the litigant on court.

  19. 在侠女中, 两位武士在一个竹林里大打出手。

    and A Touch of Zen, with two knights doing battle in a grove of bamboo trees.

  20. 步惊云独自前往,二人大打出手,绝无神稳占上风。

    Bu Jingyun to go alone, two Jue Wushen the upper hand.

  21. 两个敌手摆好架势, 看来非大打出手不可了。

    The two antagonists squared up to each other in a most determined way.

  22. 他们大打出手,结果眼青鼻肿,衣服撕破了,头也开花了。

    They had an awful fight that resulted in black eyes, torn clothes and split heads.

  23. 就在我走进我的新学校后不久有一群女生大打出手

    Shortly after I walked into my new school, a huge fight broke out among the girls.

  24. 窃贼对那个小孩大打出手, 拳头雨点般地落在他得身上。

    The burglar rained down blows upon the child.

  25. 窃贼对那个小孩大打出手,拳头雨点般地落在他的身上。

    The burglar rained down blows upon the child.

  26. 要我说,就为了一双靴子不至于跟那女的大打出手吧。

    I'm just saying, you didn't have to fight that woman over a pair of boots.

  27. 他先是将查理的新款游戏机摔了个粉碎,又对查理大打出手。

    His first new game of Charlie will fell a crushing, and Charlie brawl.


  1. 问:大打出手拼音怎么拼?大打出手的读音是什么?大打出手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大打出手的读音是dàdǎchūshǒu,大打出手翻译成英文是 come to blows



拼音:dà dǎ chū shǒu

解释:[strike violently;attack brutally] 打出手:戏曲用语,戏曲中一种武打动作,以一个角色为中心,同时与几个对手开打,形成种种武打场面。比喻逞凶打人或殴斗。 近义:大动干戈 反义:和睦相处 例句:他们先是大吵一场,继之以大打出手。