


1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……





汉语拼音:gěi qián








  1. Two years later, she was able to perform on the stage, she's no longer depending on her parents to give her money.


  2. Sue Preston, his mother, says several of her friends are helping out their grown sons, providing either money or shelter or both.


  3. I said yes, and did he want me to put it back or go and pay for it?


  4. He produced a lot of pamphlets trying to get people to give him money and other people wrote responses making fun of him.


  5. But now we're ready to do the big clinical trials, and our funders just don't have the money.


  6. Unless he has done the work to my satisfaction, I shall not pay him for it.


  7. The defining will be required for a tip, especially children, attention please do not give the money and the irrelevant.


  8. He began to be known in the neighborhood under the name of the beggar who gives alms.


  9. Bank of America was found to have the largest capital need. However, it said it did not need any more government money.


  1. 他想让我,给钱

    he wants me. to pay.

  2. 他们还会给钱的

    I still keep getting checks.

  3. 我给钱你交房租

    that I gave you money for rent.

  4. 免费的或不给钱的。

    Free or with no money is offerred.

  5. 给钱打发掉敲诈者。

    Pay of a blackmailer.

  6. 先给钱, 然后叫警察

    Give money and then call the police

  7. 所以别笑了,给钱吧

    Now quit laughing and pay up.

  8. 实行承包制, 谁种谁给钱!

    Execute contract make, who is planted who gives money!

  9. 别担心, 他会给钱的。

    Don't worry, he'll hand it over.

  10. 别担心,他会给钱的。

    Don't worry, he'll hand it over.

  11. 就这样,结束了,给钱吧。

    That's it, we're done. Money.

  12. 看见他拿东西不给钱。

    Saw this man take this without paying for it.

  13. 他们无理地逼我给钱。

    They crowded me with unreasonable demands for money

  14. 我其实应该潇洒的给钱的。

    I would have paid handsomely.

  15. 他们一般不给钱或水果。

    They don't usually give money or fruit.

  16. 这回让他给钱好了。

    Let him be the banker this time.

  17. 我告诉过你了,别给钱我

    I told you, you can't give me money.

  18. 小费给得好就必须多给钱。

    To tip well in dropping heavy.

  19. 要是停止给钱,结果会怎样?

    And then, if you stop paying them, what happens then?

  20. 他们需要粮食,并且他们愿意给钱。

    They needed food and they would pay.

  21. 这次的货我不会给钱。

    This time I keep the case for free.

  22. 要让他心肝情愿给钱给我们。

    Because giving Danny the money has to be his idea.

  23. 可恨围观的不少,给钱的没人。

    Many are watching, but no one gives a handout.

  24. 给钱给慈善机构的人是冤大头。

    People who give money to charities are suckers.

  25. 你的意思是你不想给钱吗?

    Are you saying you won't pay?

  26. 假若你肯多给钱, 我就留下。

    I'll only stay if you offer me more money.

  27. 他说他要给钱,可事实上他没有钱。

    He said he would pay, but in point of fact he has no money.

  28. 你们在看什么?这要给钱的!

    What do you think you're looking at? That's going to cost you!

  29. 那公司给钱我去做整容手术。

    The company offered to pay for my reconstructive surgery.

  30. 你怎能吃了包子不给钱呢?

    You can't eat without paying!