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1. 研 [yán]2. 研 [yàn]研 [yán]细磨(mó),碾:~磨。~药。~墨。深入地探求:~究。钻~。~京练都(dū)(晋代左思作《三都赋》构思了十二年,后遂用“研京练都”形容经年累月地构思文章)。研 [yàn]古同“砚”,砚台……
汉语拼音:kǎo yán
In Britain, at least among the middle-class downshifters of my acquaintance, we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives.
(考研真题)在英国,至少在我所熟知的追求事业和生活简单化的中产阶级人士中,追求简化生活是出于不同的原因的。Words and grammar of English are the most basic starting points for learning, and for attending the Master's degree examination as well.
词和语法是最基础的英语学习入手点,考研也是如此。If you think you have the determination and perseverance to accomplish the task of the postgraduate entrance exam, then you can take it.
如果你觉得你有决心和毅力完成考研任务的,那你就去考研吧。So, after all this how will take an examination of grind does English read understanding to review rise to a new height?
那么,究竟该如何将考研英语阅读理解复习上升到一个新的高度呢?Wish all having annals takes an examination of grinding comrades to be able to obtain ideal result at conquer!
祝所有有志于战胜考研的同志们都能取得理想的成绩!Now I have two things to choose from: to go abroad, to find myself a decent job after graduation or to further my study as a postgraduate.
现在我自己就面临着这样一个抉择:是出国,毕业后找一份安定的职业还是去考研继续深造。This book is called of jurisprudence one's deceased father grind " red treasured book " .
本书被称为法理学的考研“红宝书”。Otherwise, I'll study this company, and decide whether stay there or not, or, go on postgraduate education after graduation.
如果得到机会,我就会考察这个公司的现状和前景,决定毕业去留和考研与否。I controll my own fate, so I decided to advance towards the preparation for the exams for postgraduate schools! !