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汉语拼音:huī háo
唐 杜甫 《饮中八仙歌》:“ 张旭 三杯草圣传,脱帽露顶王公前,挥毫落纸如云烟。” 宋 王安石 《和王微之登高斋》之三:“挥毫更想能一战,数窘乃见诗人才。”《水浒传》第三九回:“磨得墨浓,蘸得笔饱,去那白粉壁上挥毫便写。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·理惠拉壁画<贫人之夜>说明》:“生地壁画(Fresco)者,乘灰粉未干之际,即须挥毫傅彩,是颇不容易的。”
It had been six years since he retired as an art teacher, nearly forty since he last painted out of free will.
他从美术教师的位置上退休已经有六年,而离他上一次自由自在的泼墨挥毫,则已经有四十年了。Completely absorbed in his art, often working at night to avoid interruption, Picasso created as naturally as he breathed.
毕加索全神贯注于他的绘画,往往在夜间挥毫以继续白天的工作,一气呵成,他创作起来如同呼吸一样自然。Should not the question be brought closer to what I called the rain of the brush?
这个问题难道不是更靠近我所称为的下雨般的挥毫?We read a lot of children's books and drew pictures, but it was plain to see he was bored.
我俩读了不少儿童书,还挥毫作画,但明显可以看出他提不起兴趣。A fragrant ink, paint and became a beautiful light, even the handle him about all is but a mirage, insubstantial objects like a smoke.
散一墨砚香,挥毫而就成一段清丽光年,纵然是举案齐眉的执手之约也终不过是镜花水月般的飘渺如烟。Jiang Zemin wrote an inscription for the memorial Xibaipo "keeping the two must in mind, build the socialism with Chinese characteristics" .
江泽民在西柏坡挥毫题词“牢记两个务必,建设有中国特色的社会主义”。The road is akin to man's stroke of brush on nature's canvas and the view and the ride it offers is both unique and enthralling.
它仿佛是人类在大自然这块天然画布上挥毫舞墨的一大杰作,画面独特而尽显迷人之境。Zhang xu: "each, call crazy go, '" , and there is writing the " usual the paper as the " fall over ancient poems of four post.
草圣张旭“每大醉,呼叫狂走,乃下笔”,于是有其“挥毫落纸如云烟”的《古诗四帖》。I hate living in the bondage of society, therefore, to write with a paint center, paint be comfortable.