


方向相反,与“顺”相对:~流。~行。~风。~转(zhuǎn )(局势恶化)。莫~之交。抵触,不顺从:忤~。忠言~耳。背叛,背叛者或背叛者的:叛~。~产。迎接:~旅(旅店)。预先:~料(预料)。……





汉语拼音:nì biàn



变乱。《后汉书·方术传上·任文公》:“时暴风卒至,文公 遽趣白诸从事促去,当有逆变来害人者,因起驾速驱。”清 陈梦雷《告都城隍文》:“雷 稚年登第,谬厠清班,请假送亲,惨遭逆变。”清 黄鷟来《<闲止书堂集钞>序》:“方逆变时,余侨居 江 南梓里,有心往来,传闻先生事一二大略,无不愤叹。”



  1. 变乱。

    《后汉书·方术传上·任文公》:“时暴风卒至, 文公 遽趣白诸从事促去,当有逆变来害人者,因起驾速驱。” 清 陈梦雷 《告都城隍文》:“ 雷 稚年登第,谬厠清班,请假送亲,惨遭逆变。” 清 黄鷟来 《<闲止书堂集钞>序》:“方逆变时,余侨居 江 南梓里,有心往来,传闻先生事一二大略,无不愤叹。”



  1. This inverter has the merits of simple structure, small volume, high output-stability and easy to be adjusted.


  2. A control architecture for an electrical inverter includes a synchronous frame current regulator and a stationary frame current regulator.


  3. Induction heating inverters have been gradually applied to industrial diathermy, whose main heating objects are the barrel type workpieces.


  4. It consists of a fuel cell, an isolated unidirectional converter, a bi-directional converter, an inverter and a battery.


  5. The inverter circuit simulation model is set up to determine the circuit characteristics and the parameters of components.


  6. Inverter, as an important part of the adjustable speed drive system, plays a key role in the course of energy conversion and transmission.


  7. Then the grid inverter system is introduced, and a detailed analysis of the dynamic voltage regulator (DVR) method to voltage is presented.


  8. And the grid-connected photovoltaic inverter is one of the necessary equipment of the grid-connected photovoltaic system.


  9. Research and application on mufti-level inverter is one of the newest developments of modern power electronic.


  1. 逆变变压器

    inverse transformer

  2. 逆变驱动法

    inverter driving method

  3. 逆变奥氏体

    reverse austenite

  4. 正弦波逆变

    sine wave inverter.

  5. 多电平逆变

    multilevel converter.

  6. 逆变埋弧焊

    inverter submerged arc wehting

  7. 正弦波逆变技术

    sine wave inverter technique

  8. 爱迪生一生作为逆变。

    Edison spent his life as an invertor.

  9. 风力发电机控制逆变系统。

    Controlling Inverting System of Wind Power Generator.

  10. 通信用逆变电源方案探讨

    Discussion on the Solution of Telecom Inversion Power Supply

  11. 车载逆变电源和降压器。

    Car power inverter and converter.

  12. 软开关逆变焊机的研究开发

    Research on softswitching invert welding machine

  13. 低失真正弦波逆变电源设计

    Design of Inverter Power Supply with Low Sine Wave Distortion

  14. 逆变技术在电阻焊中应用研究

    A Review of the Application of Invert Technology to the Resistance Spot Welding

  15. 一种新型逆变电源并联下垂控制方法

    A New Droop Controller for Parallel Operation of Inverters

  16. 关于矢量逆变与协变的一个诠注

    A Comment on Covariance and Contravariance of Vector Transformations

  17. 逆变焊机中开关管的选择与应用

    Choice and application of switching components in invert welding power source

  18. 大功率应急电源逆变环节的设计与研究

    Design and Study for Inverter in the Large Power EPS

  19. 逆变焊接电源是焊接电源的主要发展方向之一。

    Abstract The development of inverter welding power source is the inexorable trend of welding power source orientation.

  20. 变频器,逆变焊机及感应加热做滤波用。

    Use in UPS, inverter, inverter wingding machine for filter.

  21. 逆变焊接电源及现化焊接技术现状与思考

    Present situation and consideration of inverter welding power source and modern welding technology

  22. 逆变开关电源是导电加热切削较合适的电源。

    Inverse Switch Power Supply is an excellent one for conduction heating machining.

  23. 逆变技术发展至今,已经逐渐向大功率方向发展。

    So far, high power is the tendency to the development of invert technique.

  24. 马氏体逆变与顺变黄铜季裂与锌哭

    The Reverse and Normal Transformation of Martensite, Seasonal Crack of Brass, Cry of Zinc

  25. 正弦波逆变蓄电池回馈放电装置的设计

    Design of Battery Discharge Device Feeding Energy Back With Sine Wave Inverter

  26. 每个矢量都可以分解成协变分量或逆变分量。

    Every vector can be resolved into covariant or into contravariant components.

  27. 对逆变焊机的高频干扰问题进行了探讨。

    The high frequency interference in arc welding inverter are explored in this paper.

  28. 用于逆变焊机的几种高频引弧器设计

    Design of high frequency arc striker used in invert welding power sources

  29. 对协变与逆变的完整介绍要花很长时间。

    A full introduction to covariance and contravariance would take too long.

  30. 单相正弦波逆变蓄电池并网放电装置的研制

    Development of Battery Discharge Device Feeding Energy Back with Single Phase Sine Wave Inverter


  1. 问:逆变拼音怎么拼?逆变的读音是什么?逆变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变的读音是nì biàn,逆变翻译成英文是 vary inversely

  2. 问:逆变分拼音怎么拼?逆变分的读音是什么?逆变分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变分的读音是nì biàn fēn,逆变分翻译成英文是 inverse variation

  3. 问:逆变器拼音怎么拼?逆变器的读音是什么?逆变器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变器的读音是,逆变器翻译成英文是 Power inverter

  4. 问:逆变换拼音怎么拼?逆变换的读音是什么?逆变换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变换的读音是nì biàn huàn,逆变换翻译成英文是 inverse transformation

  5. 问:逆变质拼音怎么拼?逆变质的读音是什么?逆变质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变质的读音是,逆变质翻译成英文是 inverse metamorphism

  6. 问:逆变迁拼音怎么拼?逆变迁的读音是什么?逆变迁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变迁的读音是nì biàn qiān,逆变迁翻译成英文是 reverse transition

  7. 问:逆变函子拼音怎么拼?逆变函子的读音是什么?逆变函子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变函子的读音是nì biàn hán zǐ,逆变函子翻译成英文是 contravariant functor

  8. 问:逆变分量拼音怎么拼?逆变分量的读音是什么?逆变分量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变分量的读音是nì biàn fēn liàng,逆变分量翻译成英文是 contravariant component

  9. 问:逆变向量拼音怎么拼?逆变向量的读音是什么?逆变向量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变向量的读音是nì biàn xiàng liàng,逆变向量翻译成英文是 contravariant vector

  10. 问:逆变换器拼音怎么拼?逆变换器的读音是什么?逆变换器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变换器的读音是nì biàn huàn qì,逆变换器翻译成英文是 inverse converter

  11. 问:逆变器供电拼音怎么拼?逆变器供电的读音是什么?逆变器供电翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变器供电的读音是nì biàn qì gōng diàn,逆变器供电翻译成英文是 inverter feed

  12. 问:逆变器控制拼音怎么拼?逆变器控制的读音是什么?逆变器控制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变器控制的读音是nì biàn qì kòng zhì,逆变器控制翻译成英文是 inverter control

  13. 问:逆变器模型拼音怎么拼?逆变器模型的读音是什么?逆变器模型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变器模型的读音是nì biàn qì mó xíng,逆变器模型翻译成英文是 inverter model

  14. 问:逆变器系统拼音怎么拼?逆变器系统的读音是什么?逆变器系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变器系统的读音是nì biàn qì xì tǒng,逆变器系统翻译成英文是 inverter system

  15. 问:逆变控制器拼音怎么拼?逆变控制器的读音是什么?逆变控制器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变控制器的读音是nì biàn kòng zhì qì,逆变控制器翻译成英文是 inverter controller

  16. 问:逆变质作用拼音怎么拼?逆变质作用的读音是什么?逆变质作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变质作用的读音是nìbiànzhìzuòyòng,逆变质作用翻译成英文是 retrograde metamorphism

  17. 问:逆变驱动法拼音怎么拼?逆变驱动法的读音是什么?逆变驱动法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变驱动法的读音是nì biàn qū dòng fǎ,逆变驱动法翻译成英文是 inverter driving method

  18. 问:逆变度量张量拼音怎么拼?逆变度量张量的读音是什么?逆变度量张量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变度量张量的读音是nì biàn dù liàng zhāng liáng,逆变度量张量翻译成英文是 contravariant metric tensor

  19. 问:逆变器电动机驱动拼音怎么拼?逆变器电动机驱动的读音是什么?逆变器电动机驱动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变器电动机驱动的读音是nì biàn qì diàn dòng jī qū dòng,逆变器电动机驱动翻译成英文是 inverter motor drive

  20. 问:逆变驱动感应电动机拼音怎么拼?逆变驱动感应电动机的读音是什么?逆变驱动感应电动机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逆变驱动感应电动机的读音是nì biàn qū dòng gǎn yìng diàn dòng jī,逆变驱动感应电动机翻译成英文是 inverter driven induction motor



“逆变”是个多义词,它可以指逆变(C#中的委托逆变), 逆变(电力术语), 逆变(汉语词汇), 逆变(湖南省公安厅制作内部警示片)。