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数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……
汉语拼音:qī bǎi
《左传·宣公三年》:“ 成王 定鼎於 郟鄏 ,卜世三十,卜年七百,天所命也。”后用“七百”称颂封建王朝运祚绵长。
南朝 梁 沉约 《梁明堂登歌·歌赤帝》:“匪惟七百,无絶终始。”《南齐书·郁林王纪》:“三灵之眷方永,七百之基永固。”《隋书·音乐志下》:“开我皇业,七百同盛。”
And break it out, and walk off with it for a hundred yards? " demanded Matthewson, a Bonanza king, he of the seven hundred vaunt. "
“能拉得动,并且走一百码吗?”吹说自己的狗能拉七百磅的家伙,博内扎的一个金矿大王,马修斯追问。By dint of toil, perseverance, courage, and will, he had managed to draw from his work about seven hundred francs a year.
由于勤劳,振作,有恒心和志气,每年他终于能从工作中获得大概七百法郎。Perhaps born in the Punjab, he was the head of a monastery in that province of India and claimed leadership of seven hundred sannyasis .
很可能是出生于旁遮普邦的关系,他是这个邦的僧侣领袖,声称领导七百名桑雅生。In 1962 he got four hundred dollars, and for the rest of the decade the library received seven hundred dollars a year like clockwork.
到了一九六二年,他收到四百元,此后十年中,图书馆每年都会准时收到七百元。It' s not that bad though, I mean, it is pretty scary to be in this big machine flying through the air at seven hundred miles per hour.
我是说,就是会有些害怕待在以七百米每小时的速度在高空飞行的飞行器里的那种感觉。By-products of this rural influence were a 700 percent tariff on rice and one of the world's most protected agricultural sectors.
农村影响力的一个副产品是百分之七百的稻米关税以及全世界受保护最多的农业部门。Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men lefthanded; every one could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss.
在众军之中有拣选的七百精兵,都是左手便利的,能用机弦甩石打人,毫发不差。More than 700 species thrive in the hot, moist conditions, including Streptococcus mutants, one of the main components of plaque.
超过七百种细菌在口腔温暖而湿润的环境中生长繁殖,其中包括牙菌斑的主要成分之一变异链球菌。The house or apartment are variables, but you look to pay at least four or five hundred dollars per room.