







汉语拼音:sòng zǒu









  1. I hadn't thought, all the while I was bundling him off, what I'd do once I was free of him.


  2. It isn't in their interests to turn the smart kids away, at least at the beginning.


  3. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go. '


  4. Away for a year of hard work, but also ushered in a new years, I wish you in the new year, the grand plans, plenty of money!


  5. And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him: and they sent him away, and his wife, and all that he had.


  6. He packed some food for the tramp and giving him a shilling, set him on his way.


  7. Then one Monday morning we patted his head and let him out for what turned out to be the last time.


  8. With regret, Orvos sent Anakin off; the Great Mother needed his strength, regardless of the dark consequences.


  9. Udinese are ready to smooth Fava's departure and won't demand an excessive fee for the centre-forward.


  1. 你送走孩子

    You gave up the baby.

  2. 不,我应该送走

    No, I should.

  3. 吃完,再送走。

    After lunch, off they went to school again.

  4. 演奏风琴送走宾客。

    The guests were played off on the organ.

  5. 他们送走了不速之客。

    They turned uninvited guests away.

  6. 飞快地把某人送走

    to whisk somebody away/ off

  7. 他开车送走了客人。

    He drove his visitor away.

  8. 他们奏乐送走旧岁。

    They played the old year out.

  9. 时钟滴答滴答地送走时间。

    The clock ticked away the minutes.

  10. 我要把行李先送走。

    I'll send my luggage on ahead.

  11. 我不会把我儿子送走。

    I'm not sending my son away.

  12. 我不会把我儿子送走。

    I'm not sending my son away.

  13. 我们赶快把他们送走了。

    We hurried them off.

  14. 黎明送走黑夜,带来白天。

    The dawn turned night into day.

  15. 用舞步送走旧的一年

    To dance the old year away

  16. 我们早点把这些人送走

    Why don't we kick the rest of these people out of here early.

  17. 你必须,你必须把你的朋友送走。

    You must, you must send away this friend of yours.

  18. 因为你刚送走一个孩子

    cause you Just gave up a baby.

  19. 好像我昨天才把你送走。

    Seems like I dropped you off yesterday.

  20. 他们唱歌送走旧年,迎接新年。

    They sang the old year out and the new year in.

  21. 在站台上她送走了她兄弟。

    On the platform, she saw off her brother.

  22. 大钟的钟声送走了旧岁。

    The chimes of the huge clock rang out the Old Year.

  23. 你还没有把她送走, 是吗?

    You haven't sent her away, have you?

  24. 少烦我,我刚送走一个孩子

    Get off my back. I just gave up a baby.

  25. 他也不能确定为什么被送走。

    He is not sure why he was given away.

  26. 她躺在担架上被直升机送走。

    She was carried off the helicopter on a stretcher.

  27. 又送走了一位心满意足的顾客!

    There goes another satisfied customer!

  28. 如果再从这里把这个患者送走。

    If we send the patient away from here.

  29. 我爱我的妻子,却又将她送走。

    I love my wife but send her away.

  30. 赵副局长帮我送走了客人。

    I send Zhao Gang, deputy director of the guests.