







汉语拼音:róu lìn








  1. 踩踏;践踏辗压。

    《汉书·王商传》:“ 建始 三年秋,京师民无故相惊,言大水至,百姓奔走相蹂躪,﹝老弱号呼,﹞ 长安 中大乱。”《后汉书·班固传上》:“草木涂地,山渊反覆,蹂蹸其十二三,乃拗怒而少息。” 李贤 注:“蹂,践也。蹸,轢也。”蹸,《文选·班固<西都赋>》作“躪”。

  2. 侵扰;侵略。

    《后汉书·文苑传上·杜笃》:“东攠 乌桓 ,蹂轔 濊貊 。” 李贤 注:“蹂,践也。轔,轢也。” 明 唐顺之 《答廖东雩提学书》:“连年虏骑入 太原 ,蹂躪之惨,二百年来 晋 人所未见。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷九:“若不亟行扫荡,非但老师糜餉,且多一日蹂躪,即多一方疮痍。” 萧三 《我记得……》诗:“这样美丽的邦家国土,怎忍叫敌人的铁蹄蹂躏?!”

  3. 欺凌;糟蹋。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·仇大娘》:“大娘闻之,忿气塞吭,曰:‘家无成人,遂任人蹂躪至此!’” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷十一:“明公身任封疆,有心蹂躪读书人,何也?” 曹禺 《日出》第三幕:“ 翠喜 大约有三十岁左右,一个已经受尽欺凌和蹂躏的女人。”



  1. Yasui proudly points to an electric dishwasher, perhaps the only one of its kind in this battle-scarred Afghan province.


  2. It was as if Jackson knew that Bryant and his mates would ravage the Thunder, and the officials would let them.


  3. Her death, he suggested, was an attempt to "discredit" Chechnya and Ingushetia and "trample its peoples in the mud" .


  4. China is defending its stance on Sudan, arguing that it has taken a constructive role in trying to settle the conflict in war-torn Darfur.


  5. It is possible that the brave people of Poland may be overrun in a few months.


  6. Near by there stood an ancient forest which had never been profaned by the axe.


  7. I smiled a bit as I would not have to feel the pain as he mutilated my body.


  8. "Yeah, " I said, crumpling the paper, "and if I know anything about Gryphonheart, he'll do anything to get his way. "


  9. He sought to create a great nation capable of surviving in a world torn asunder by the war between Britain and France.


  1. 饱受战争蹂躏的城市

    a city trampled on by war

  2. 这个农奴被蹂躏致死。

    The serf was trod to death.

  3. 入侵者蹂躏那个国家。

    Invaders overran the country.

  4. 她受不了敌人的蹂躏。

    She cant bear the depreciation of the enemy.

  5. 百姓遭受暴君的蹂躏。

    People were trodden under foot by the tyrant.

  6. 农作遭暴风雨蹂躏。

    The crops were ravaged by the storm.

  7. 鸦片战争已经蹂躏了大地。

    The opium wars have ravaged the land.

  8. 白令海正在遭到蹂躏。

    The Bering Sea is under assault.

  9. 我们镇受暴风雨蹂躏。

    Our town was hard hit by a storm.

  10. 以蹂躏的生菜为菠菜。

    Substitute torn romaine lettuce for the spinach.

  11. 遭劫掠蹂躏的国土。

    land ravaged by pillage and rapine

  12. 遭劫掠蹂躏得国土。

    land ravaged by pillage and rapine

  13. 入侵者蹂躏了整个城镇。

    The invader devastated the whole town.

  14. 命运疯狂的鞭挞和蹂躏,

    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

  15. 城镇遭到长期战争的蹂躏。

    Cities and towns were devastated by the long war.

  16. 只是他的脸受到了蹂躏。

    It was his face that was devastated.

  17. 国土因战祸而受蹂躏。

    The country was wasted by war.

  18. 战争期间无辜百姓横遭蹂躏。

    Many atrocities are committed to innocent people in wartime.

  19. 这个国家被战火蹂躏了50年。

    For fifty years the country was scourged by war.

  20. 敌人蹂躏那个被征服的国家。

    The enemy overran the conquered country.

  21. 看来, 这座摇篮即将惨遭蹂躏。

    The cradle, It'seems, is about to be rocked.

  22. 那个国家受到外国军队的蹂躏。

    That country is overrun by foreign troops.

  23. 墙壁倒塌, 并怀疑狂风暴雨蹂躏

    And the walls of doubt crumble tossed and torn

  24. 它吸收奴隶和被蹂躏的人。

    It took the slaves and the downtrodden.

  25. 看着熊蹂躏我们的营地

    as bears ravaged our camp site.

  26. 金对,那种摧残,蹂躏的方式。

    Jin Yes, kind of destruction or ravage.

  27. 打不倒的皇帝继续蹂躏苍生。

    Unabated, the Emperor continued his scourge.

  28. 我目睹了大量得蹂躏和恐惧。

    I witnessed a lot of devastation and horror.

  29. 我目睹了大量的蹂躏和恐惧。

    I witnessed a lot of devastation and horror.

  30. 芬兰的主权当然遭到了蹂躏。

    The rights of Finland were, as a matter of course, to be trampled upon.


  1. 问:蹂躏拼音怎么拼?蹂躏的读音是什么?蹂躏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蹂躏的读音是róulìn,蹂躏翻译成英文是 trample on

  2. 问:蹂躏处女拼音怎么拼?蹂躏处女的读音是什么?蹂躏处女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蹂躏处女的读音是,蹂躏处女翻译成英文是 defloration




【拼音】róu lìn。

【英译】单词trample;oppress by force;rack;trample on短语[span]蹂躏级Devastation[span]蹂躏影片Killer Movie[span]蹂躏者devastator;ravager;Havok;Tormentor

【近义词】践踏 摧残 糟蹋

【反义词】呵护 爱惜
