







汉语拼音:líng rǔ








  1. 欺侮,侮辱。

    唐 白居易 《论元稹第三状》:“纵有被凌辱殴打者,亦以 元稹 为戒,但吞声而已。” 宋 苏辙 《论禁宫酒札子》:“小人无知,以捕酒为名,恣行凌辱,何所不至。”《警世通言·玉堂春落难逢夫》:“禁子牢头都得了 赵上舍 银子,将 玉姐 百般凌辱。” 太平天囯 洪仁玕 《干王洪宝制》:“后来果然被恶人钉死十字架上,流其宝血,受尽千般凌辱,万种凄凉。” 柯岩 《她爱祖国的明天·风雨征途》:“其实,公安局当时还不如收下她呢。收下她至少少受些现在最好不再提及的各种凌辱。”

  2. 淩辱:侵犯,欺侮。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·行品》:“既傲很以无礼,好凌辱乎胜己者,悍人也。”



  1. They make it clear that you can be physically imprisoned or assaulted, and yet your soul is free and unaffected.


  2. He took a flower in its prime, and then used it, and he abused it. It was a murder, but not crime.


  3. And I will bring an everlasting reproach upon you, and a perpetual shame, which shall not be forgotten.


  4. Its agents were trying to convert Sunnis and spread Shia texts that insult historic figures revered by Sunnis.


  5. While lack of any significant improvement is bad enough, the nature of hazing has become more dangerous and destructive, some educators say.


  6. China had suffered from prolonged oppression and humiliation by the imperialists before it became independent as a socialist country.


  7. Their eyes knew the years of wandering and, patient, knew the dishonours of their flesh .


  8. In 1995 the rape of a teenage girl set off vigorous demonstrations and led to various proposals to lighten the island's burden.


  9. Saul said to his armor-bearer, 'Draw your sword and run me through, or these uncircumcised fellows will come and abuse me. '


  1. 易受凌辱, 敲诈, 批评

    vulnerable to abuse, blackmail, criticism

  2. 凌辱令人憎恶的侮辱

    A deplorable insult.

  3. 他们对我们肆加凌辱。

    They belaboured us with insults.

  4. 她不堪凌辱, 逃入深山。

    After suffering enough she fled into the deep mountain.

  5. 遭受男性高级职员的凌辱

    to be hassled by male officials

  6. 他赌咒要报仇那次凌辱。

    He vowed to avenge the insult.

  7. 凌辱交加。进一步伤人感情

    Add insult to injury

  8. 歹徒欲凌辱那个姑娘时, 警察来到了。

    When the scoundrel tried to humiliate the girl, the police came.

  9. 尘土受到凌辱,却以她的花朵来报答。

    The dust is bullied, but recompenses with her blossom.

  10. 其馀的拿住仆人,凌辱他们,把他们杀了。

    And the remnant took his servants and entreated them spitefully and slew them.

  11. 要知道我为你的缘故, 担受了凌辱。

    Know that for Your sake I bear reproach.

  12. 其余的拿住仆人,凌辱他们,把他们杀了。

    And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.

  13. 咒诅你们的,要为他祝福!凌辱你们的,要为他祷告!

    Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

  14. 违法, 凌辱卑鄙地违反对。进行粗野的侮辱

    To offend grossly against commit an outrage on.

  15. 这直接痛快得凌辱遇到得却是卑鄙得屈服。

    This straight forward bullying was met by abject submission.

  16. 这直接痛快的凌辱遇到的却是卑鄙的屈服。

    This straight forward bullying was met by abject submission.

  17. 他听到她最後的一番话感到深受凌辱。

    He felt completely crushed by her last remark.

  18. 王说, 他竟敢在宫内, 在我面前凌辱王后么。

    The king exclaimed, Will he even molest the queen while she is with me in the house

  19. 想讨回公道就去妓院,想受人凌辱就去法庭。

    If you want justice, go to a whorehouse. If you want to get fucked, go to court.

  20. 他当由人打他的腮颊, 要满受凌辱。

    Let him offer his cheek to one who would strike him, and let him be filled with disgrace.

  21. 王说, 他竟敢在宫内, 在我面前凌辱王后吗

    The king exclaimed, Will he even molest the queen while she is with me in the house

  22. 太二二6其余的抓住他的奴仆,凌辱他们,把他们杀了。

    6 And the rest took hold of his slaves, treated them shamefully, and killed them.

  23. 那么, 让我们也出到营外到他那里去, 担当他的凌辱。

    Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.

  24. 那么,让我们也出到营外到他那里去,担当他得凌辱。

    Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.

  25. 人类的历史在很忍耐地等待着被凌辱者的胜利。

    Manis history is waiting in pduringience for the triumph of the insulted man.

  26. 这样, 我们也当出到营外就了他去, 忍受他所受得凌辱。

    Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.

  27. 这样,我们也当出到营外就了他去,忍受他所受的凌辱。

    Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.

  28. 他将要被交给外邦人, 他们要戏弄他, 凌辱他, 吐唾沫在他脸上。

    He will be handed over to the Gentiles. They will mock him, insult him, spit on him, flog him and kill him.


  1. 问:凌辱拼音怎么拼?凌辱的读音是什么?凌辱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凌辱的读音是língrǔ,凌辱翻译成英文是 insult

  2. 问:凌辱公德罪拼音怎么拼?凌辱公德罪的读音是什么?凌辱公德罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凌辱公德罪的读音是língrǔgōngdézuì,凌辱公德罪翻译成英文是 offense of outraging public decency

  3. 问:凌辱尸体罪拼音怎么拼?凌辱尸体罪的读音是什么?凌辱尸体罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凌辱尸体罪的读音是língrǔshītǐzuì,凌辱尸体罪翻译成英文是 offense of mistreatment of corpse


