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《重修政和证类本草·米穀中·酒》:“酒有葡萄、秫、黍、秔、粟、麴、蜜等……诸酒醇醨不同,惟米酒入药用。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·穀四·酒》:“米酒,苦、甘、辛,大热,有毒。” 贺敬之 《放歌集·回延安三》:“米酒油馍木炭火,团团围定炕上坐。”
To make baby mice wine, stuff rodents no more than three days old into a bottle of rice wine and let stew for a year.
要制作幼鼠酒,你要把三天大的小老鼠泡入米酒里,静置一年。Rice was the staple food, and rice beer was a popular drink on festive occasions, when a little drunkenness was socially acceptable.
大米是古印度人的主食,米酒在节日里很受欢迎,即使稍微多喝了一点也没有什么关系。The company also has a strong presence as a seller of candy, sugar, honey products, rice wine and cigarettes.
该公司在糖果、蜂蜜产品、米酒及烟草等领域的竞争实力也很强。The variance analysis indicated that all the factors did not significantly influence flavonoids content in Eucommia rice wine.
方差分析表明,杜仲粉添加量、酒曲添加量、前发酵温度和后发酵温度对杜仲米酒中有效成分黄酮的影响均不显著。Setting a rather inauspicious precedent, the empress is said to have fortified her driver, Sun Fuling, with a generous bowl of rice wine.
据说,皇太后给他的司机孙富龄喝了一大碗米酒让他壮胆,这真是个不幸的前车之鉴啊。What most intrigued me about this spot, other than the decor of all low kiddie-sized tables and chairs, was the Shaanxi rice wine.
除了那矮小的桌子和椅子的布置之外,最能让我对那里产生兴趣的就是陕西米酒。Kwong, as he presides over displays of the yellow-tinged liquor at the Angkor Rice Wine Workshop, a distillery and souvenir shop he owns.
邝先生说,他在“吴哥窟米酒场坊”主持展示这种淡黄酒品,这家米酒礼品店是他开的。His mother, who sold homemade rice liquor as a child, ran the tannery.
他的母亲幼时曾卖过自制米酒,后来经营一家皮革厂。Rice and its by-products are used for making straw and rope, paper, wine, crackers, beer, cosmetics, packing material, and even toothpaste.