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出行的,在外作客的:~行(xíng )。~馆。~次。~居。~客。~伴。商~。差(chāi)~。~社。军队的编制单位,在师与团之间。泛指军队:军~。强兵劲~。共同:~进~退。同“稆”。古同“膂”,脊梁骨。……
汉语拼音:lǚ guǎn
亦作“ 旅舘 ”。古代泛指供旅人住宿的房屋。近、现代专指营业性的供旅客住宿的地方。
南朝 宋 谢灵运 《游南亭》诗:“久痗昏垫苦,旅馆眺郊歧。” 唐 唐彦谦 《红叶》诗:“晚风生旅馆,寒籟近僧房。” 清 孙枝蔚 《除夕宿邗关》诗:“夜黑城门闭,灯明旅舘开。” 曹禺 《日出》第一幕:“进来的是旅馆的茶房-- 王福升 。” 巴金 《随想录·一谈<望乡>》:“我们上了岸就让旅馆接客人用的马车把我们送到四马路一家旅馆。”
after all, I just had one free night. I sat down in the manager's chair again to use his computer and found a family hotel near Hyde Park.
我又一次坐到经理的椅子上,用他的计算机在网上找到一家家庭旅馆,就在海德公园附近。He decided to ask the landlord about it the next day.
他打算第二天问问旅馆老板这事儿。What was the name of the hotel he had stayed in the last time he was in Peking?
他上次来北京时往的那家旅馆叫什么来着?A fine-looking gentle man sat down in the main dining room of an expensive hotel.
一位很养眼的绅士在一家昂贵的旅馆的餐厅坐下。The main "thumbs down" for me was that there was no tour assistance located within the motel.
主要的“大拇指朝下”对我来说是不存在旅游服务汽车旅馆内的位置。How much do you think a hotel costs?
你觉得一间旅馆要多少钱?Karen Straw had left her husband, Clifton, in 1984, after a three-year marriage, and moved with her to a welfare hotel.
卡伦·斯托在婚后三年,也就是1984年就已经离开了他的丈夫克里夫顿,搬到福利旅馆生活。You know, the cost of a smaller stand at the exhibition, just the two hotel rooms, and a lower key reception.
你知道,在展会设置小一点的展位,只订两个旅馆房间,再加上低级别的接待会,的费用了。A cheerful sight perhaps, but to me it seemed like the public ward in a hospital. The proprietor didn't seem to have all his wits either.