







汉语拼音:kè diàn







  1. 规模较小的普通旅店。

    唐 白居易 《闲夜咏怀因招周协律刘薛二秀才》诗:“高置寒灯如客店,深藏夜火似僧炉。” 宋 孟元老 《东京梦华录·大内前州桥东街巷》:“沿城皆客店,南方官员商贾兵级皆於此安泊。”《清平山堂话本·杨温拦路虎传》:“天色已晚, 杨三官人 同那妻子和当直去客店解一房歇泊。”《老残游记》第二回:“到了 小布政司街 ,觅了一家客店,名叫高陞店。” 杨朔 《潼关之夜》:“刚刚吃过面,隔壁客店送我来吃饭的茶房过来招呼我说:‘警察来查店了,请您回去看看。’”



  1. I watched him put something in the captain's hand. 'And now that's done, 'said the blind man, and he quickly went out of the inn.


  2. I remember so clearly the day when the old seaman came to stay-I can almost see him in front of me as I write.


  3. All at once one of the pedlars who lodged in the hostelry entered, and said in a harsh voice: -- "My horse has not been watered. "


  4. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.


  5. He marched into the Inn, ordered the best luncheon that could be provided at so short a notice, and sat down to eat it in the Coffee-room.


  6. The Thenardier hostelry was like a spider's web, in which Cosette had been caught, and where she lay trembling.


  7. However, I proceeded the next day, and got in the evening to an inn, within eight or ten miles of Burlington, kept by one Dr. Brown.


  8. But the Invisible Man found Marvel, dragged him into the inn kitchen, and tried to force him through the door.


  9. We ran from the inn and along the road to the village. It was dark but there was a full moon. We heard running feet coming towards us.


  1. 您这是客店吗?

    Is this an inn?

  2. 是客店吗?我有钱。

    Do you keep an inn?

  3. 供马帮客人住宿的客店

    Inn specially opened to receive members of a caravan

  4. 他在你的客店里招惹是非。

    He causes a disturbance at your inn.

  5. 我们跑出客店向村子逃去。

    We ran from the inn and along the road to the village.

  6. 街巷上小饭棚, 小客店鳞次栉比。

    The lane was lined with outdoor restaurants and small guesthouses one after another.

  7. 我们在一家小客店过了夜。

    We bedded down for the night in a small inn.

  8. 客店掌柜的把啤酒放在他的前面。

    The innkeeper set his beer in front of him.

  9. 沿途都有向导和客店为我们预备着。

    There are guides and wayside inns along the road.

  10. 检验完毕,在客店小坐之后,即须上火车。

    Testing is completed, after sitting at a small inn, shall on the train.

  11. 她喜欢同父亲一起在乔治小客店歇脚。

    She liked the Geoge Inn, where she put up with her father.

  12. 杨朱觉得很奇怪, 便向客店主人询问缘故。

    YangZhu was puzzled, so he questioned the owner of the guest house about this.

  13. 大自然的宏伟的客店象别的客店一样有其自己的节令。

    Nature's Grand Hotel was its season like the others.

  14. 一天, 杨朱到宋国去, 住在一家客店里。

    One day, Yang Zhu went to the sate of Song and stayed in a guest house.

  15. 第二天,我回到本葆将军客店和我妈妈道别。

    Next day, I went to the Admiral Benbow and said goodbye to my mother.

  16. 忽然,客店的门被推开,一个陌生人闯了进来。

    Suddenly, the door of the inn opened and a man stepped inside.

  17. 那家客店位于英格兰南部,吉姆的你父亲是客店的店主。

    Jims father wsa the landlord of the inn.

  18. 差不多就在同时,一辆马车赶到客店门口,她就动身离去。

    And about the same time, a carriage driving up to the inn, she took her departure.

  19. 在魁魁格签约的第二天,各个客店都接到了通知。

    On the day following Queequeg's signing the articles, word was given at all the inns.

  20. 我要你们停止唱歌,因为这个小客店没获准搞音乐活动。

    I must ask you to stop singing as the inn is not licensed for music.

  21. 他乘这混乱之际,逃离了客店,报纸很快称之为隐身人。

    In the confusion the Invisible Man, as the newspapers were soon to call him, fled from the inn.

  22. 我们的客店位于布莱克希尔湾的悬崖上,一个荒野的地方。

    Our inn was on me cliffs above Black Hill Cove, and was a wild, lonely place.

  23. 于是,他们商定,由客店老板李振群来保管这一笔钱。

    As a result, they agreed that the inn by the boss Li to keep this group a sum of money.

  24. 他们到达客店时, 牧师和本村医生正在翻阅陌生人的日记。

    They arrived at the inn while the vicar and the village doctor were reading the strangers diary.

  25. 一个客店门前停辆榻车或小车原是件最平常的事。

    Nothing is more common than a cart or a truck at the door of a hostelry.

  26. 那还是在她离开德纳第客店时他替她穿上的那身丧服。

    This was the same mourning suit which he had made her put on when shehad quitted the Thenardiers inn.

  27. 你就呆在这客店里,等你舅舅勒巴拉弗雷吧。他下午交岗休息。

    Remain in this hostelry until you see your kinsman, Le Balafre, who will be relieved from guard in the afternoon.


  1. 问:客店拼音怎么拼?客店的读音是什么?客店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:客店的读音是kèdiàn,客店翻译成英文是 inn; roadhouse; tavern


