


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……





汉语拼音:fā mài




1.出售。元 马致远《青衫泪》第二折:“小子 刘一郎 是也,浮梁 人氏,带着三千引细茶,来京师发卖。”《儒林外史》第十四回:“店里帖着报单,上写:‘处州 马纯上 先生精选《三科程墨持运》於此发卖。’”鲁迅《南腔北调集·“连环图画”辩护》:“至于 仇英 的《飞燕外传图》和《会真记图》,则翻印本就在文明书局发卖的。”阿英《城隍庙的书市》:“最末一家,是发卖字画古董书籍的梦月斋。”

2.指卖弄。元 马致远《马陵道》第一折:“兄弟,他的兵法怎么到的我根前发卖,你放心去,不妨事。”《水浒传》第六一回:“我思量平生学的一身本事,不曾逢着买主,今日幸然逢此机会,不就这里发卖,更待何时!”



  1. 出售。

    元 马致远 《青衫泪》第二折:“小子 刘一郎 是也, 浮梁 人氏,带着三千引细茶,来京师发卖。”《儒林外史》第十四回:“店里帖着报单,上写:‘ 处州 马纯上 先生精选《三科程墨持运》於此发卖。’” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·“连环图画”辩护》:“至于 仇英 的《飞燕外传图》和《会真记图》,则翻印本就在文明书局发卖的。” 阿英 《城隍庙的书市》:“最末一家,是发卖字画古董书籍的梦月斋。”

  2. 指卖弄。

    元 马致远 《马陵道》第一折:“兄弟,他的兵法怎么到的我根前发卖,你放心去,不妨事。”《水浒传》第六一回:“我思量平生学的一身本事,不曾逢着买主,今日幸然逢此机会,不就这里发卖,更待何时!”



  1. These enterprises include research and development, production, sale, yuan form a complete set of parts of an apparatus has.


  2. B quantified description of the expected benefits to the wholesaler, in terms of volume, revenues, and profits.


  3. As the company mainly department of soft drinks Material company annual sales of approximately 80% of total sales.


  4. Several years ago, I pre-ordered an electronic gadget from a shop which failed to get the goods after the product had been released.


  5. You know, packing has a directly bearing on sales.


  6. What is the total annual turnover you could fulfill?


  7. Operational systems record what was sold and where, and by whom and to whom it was sold.


  8. Mass marketing, which uses massmediasuch as television, radio, and newspapers, broad-casts messages to the public without discrimination.


  9. To market in Europe and Asia, and in other countries through the sales forces continued expansion franchise.


  1. 你们知道我们是凭发卖货样发卖茶叶的。

    You know we delude our tea according to our samples.

  2. 这3家运营商首要发卖操作高通芯片得手机。

    Business of these 3 operation basically sells the mobile phone that the operation connects chip high.

  3. 这3家运营商首要发卖操作高通芯片的手机。

    Business of these 3 operation basically sells the mobile phone that the operation connects chip high.

  4. 柜上发卖的解充血产品能使血压升高,并且产生睡意。

    Overthecounter decongestants can elevate blood pressure and cause drowsiness.

  5. 帮商店发传单,卖物品。

    Helps the store to send the circular, sells the goods.

  6. 他靠卖车发了财。

    He made his fortune in car sales.

  7. 他靠卖房子发了财。

    He made a fortune by selling houses.

  8. 他靠卖废料发了大财。

    He made a considerable fortune selling waste materials.

  9. 她把自己的画卖了, 发了一笔财。

    She made a fortune selling her paintings.

  10. 她把自己的画卖了,发了一笔财。

    She made a fortune selling her paintings.

  11. 他靠在崩盘前卖空而发了财。

    He made his fortune by selling short just before the crash.

  12. 还有一个例子,小伙卖糖葫芦也发了财哟,各种各样的都有。

    Another example, has also made a fortune gourd sell, various.

  13. 如果现在卖了。我们能发一笔相当可观的财。

    We should be able to stack up a reasonable profit if we sell now.

  14. 我以前做发卖经理。

    I used as a sale's manager.

  15. 此房发卖, 房子里有供暖摆设。

    That house is for singe. It has centring heating.

  16. 此房发卖, 房子里有供暖设置。

    That house is for spossiblyer. It has centrwis heating.

  17. 此房发卖, 房子里有供暖开发。

    That house is for samount toer. It has centring heating.

  18. 我们发卖部总和人员祝您新年快乐!

    B happy new year from all of your students.

  19. 下个月底仿佛是最好的发卖日。

    The end of next month looks like the most probable sales date.

  20. 咱们发卖部全体人员祝您圣诞快乐!

    Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy Christmas.

  21. 你们能实现的年发卖额总量是几?

    What is the total annual turnover you could fulfill ?

  22. 你们有多少工人?公司的年发卖额是多少?

    How many workers do you have ? What are the company's annual sales figures?

  23. 台湾贸腾发卖股份有限公司由程达先生创立于1988年。

    Founded in 1988 by Errol Cheng, Modern Professional Distribution Co.

  24. 英飞凌在各个地域的发卖额都实现了显著增添。

    Ying Feiling achieved remarkable growth in the sale of each areas.

  25. 作为较大的供给商, 英特尔的发卖额可能将继续回升。

    As bigger supplier, the sale of Intel will continue possibly to drop.

  26. 卖给发价最高的人

    to sell to the person who makes the highest offer

  27. 机子卖不了在那里发颠呢?

    The loom could not sell jolts in there round?

  28. 拍卖, 卖给发价最高的人

    To sell to the person who make the highest offer an offer to pay a certain price at a sale, exp at an auction

  29. 拍卖,卖给发价最高得人

    To sell to the person who make the highest offer an offer to pay a certain price at a sale, exp at an auction.

  30. 我是卖了金表换了钱给你买发梳。

    I sold the watch to get your combs.


发卖拼音fā mài,出处《青衫泪》。