







汉语拼音:jīng sǒng








  1. 亦作“ 惊竦 ”。惊慌恐惧;震惊。

    《后汉书·羊续传》:“令长贪絜,吏民良猾,悉逆知其状,郡内惊竦,莫不震慑。” 晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十八:“有鲤鱼数十头,飞集堂下,坐者莫不惊悚。” 宋 文莹 《湘山野录》卷上:“忽平田间一茆舍,有儿童诵书声,相君携策就之,乃一老叟教数村童。叟惊悚离席,改容趋谢。” 明 陆粲 《庚巳编·江东籤》:“先生读首句,惊竦下拜。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·江城》:“生承命,四体惊悚。” 郭沫若 《涂家埠》九:“我们到了 涂家埠 ,倒也并不是将近一年前的成绩惊悚了我们……但在那车站上确实有一样东西惊悚了我们。”



  1. Having said that, it does certainly contain many elements of a psychological thriller so I want to give it a mention at least.


  2. Comprising over 70 shots, each lasting two or three seconds, it has become one of the most infamous moments in horror movie history.


  3. "But if I know your taste in drama, I do not know your taste in horror, " Mr. Hastings said.


  4. That said, The Walking Dead is a terrific series, far spookier and more artful than either Grimm or Once Upon a Time.


  5. He was in the editing phase of his latest movie, "The Next Three Days, " a thriller starring Russell Crowe, in an office in SoHo.


  6. Knightley added a bit of variety into her credit list with this psychological thriller.


  7. As the world's best-known one of the best-selling author, Arthur Hailey at the day-to-day story into a fascinating thriller.


  8. The failure of Merrily greatly affected Sondheim; he was ready to quit theater and do movies or create video games or write mysteries.


  9. Britain's Tilda Swinton was named best supporting actress for her role as a ruthless corporate attorney in the thriller Michael Clayton.


  1. 悬念与惊悚

    suspense and thrill.

  2. 他将执导动作惊悚片

    He will direct the action thriller movie.

  3. 他将执导动作惊悚片

    He will direct the action thriller movie.

  4. 他还是两本惊悚小说的作者。

    He is also the author of two thriller novels.

  5. 如此恐怖惊悚。我一直高度紧张

    So horrifying and thrilling. It was so tense and kept me on the edge of my seat.

  6. 那部电影原来是部扣人心弦的惊悚片。

    The film turned out to be a gripping thriller.

  7. 这次又被小黑人的速度惊悚到。

    This time the surprise is Hamilton with the pace.

  8. 有没有参阅什么著名的间谍惊悚小说?

    Any famous espionage thrillers that you consulted?

  9. 爱看惊悚片还是爱情片?之类的问题

    Do you like horror films or romance films?

  10. 这电影逐渐发展到令人惊悚的高潮

    The film works up to a thrilling climax.

  11. 恐怖的令人呕吐的恶心的惊悚的暴力的血腥的?

    Describing movies Vocabulary Scary Gory Disgusting Shocking Violent Bloody

  12. 奠定格里丝女性电影惊悚大师的成名作!

    BROKEN MIRRORS is set for the most part in an Amsterdam brothel.

  13. 疯人院势必会带给你一个惊悚的夜晚。

    Bedlam is bound to bring a shiver to your evenings.

  14. 不过,多病例实验室的人来说,有点惊悚

    Very unsettling for people working in pathology labs.

  15. 我更喜欢看惊悚片,整个过程中悬念迭起。

    I prefer thrillers, with lots of suspense and a twist in the plot.

  16. 这人全才的, 当时看资料看的我都惊悚了。

    scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer。

  17. 股沟翻译这个简短的连环画的形式的色情惊悚片。

    This short comic strip takes the form of an erotic thriller.

  18. 到了清晨, 惊悚小说或许会开始显得更有吸引力。

    By early morning, thrillers might start to look more appealing.

  19. 如同一个传统的惊悚小说,这是一个基于各种选择的小说。

    Like a traditional thriller, this is a novel based upon choices.

  20. 没有一个人知道这惊悚却美丽得吸血鬼之谜。

    No one knows this ferocious but beautiful mystery about vampires.

  21. 没有一个人知道这惊悚却美丽的吸血鬼之谜。

    No one knows this ferocious but beautiful mystery about vampires.

  22. 他还写过两部惊悚小说,其中一部是屠杀华尔街。

    He is the author of two thriller novels, including killing Wall Street.

  23. 首先, 这部电影无论如何不是意大利的第一步惊悚片。

    For one thing, the film is not the first Italian thriller by any means.

  24. 首先,这部电影无论如何不是意大利的第一步惊悚片。

    For one thing, the film is not the first Italian thriller by any means.

  25. 首先,这部电影无论如何不是意大利得第一步惊悚片。

    For one thing, the film is not the first Italian thriller by any means.

  26. 这是一个描写因爱成魔, 因情升华的惊悚故事。

    This is a thriller about falling in passion and ascending from love.

  27. 这是一个描写因爱成魔, 因情升华得惊悚故事。

    This is a thriller about falling in passion and ascending from love.

  28. 他已经写了7本惊悚小说,显然很喜欢这样的智力活动。

    He has written seven thrillers, and clearly enjoys intellectual pursuits.

  29. 我们有时间衡量太多跨国合作且充满噱头的惊悚电影。

    We had time to ponder too many mixednation thrillers grimy with hokum.

  30. 阿卡德还制作了深受欢迎的万圣节系列惊悚影片。

    Akkad also produced the popular Halloween horror film series.


  1. 问:惊悚拼音怎么拼?惊悚的读音是什么?惊悚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊悚的读音是,惊悚翻译成英文是 thriller

  2. 问:惊悚片拼音怎么拼?惊悚片的读音是什么?惊悚片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊悚片的读音是jīngsǒngpiàn,惊悚片翻译成英文是 Horror film: A film or television series that can...

  3. 问:惊悚游戏拼音怎么拼?惊悚游戏的读音是什么?惊悚游戏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊悚游戏的读音是,惊悚游戏翻译成英文是 Survival horror

  4. 问:惊悚 (类型)拼音怎么拼?惊悚 (类型)的读音是什么?惊悚 (类型)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊悚 (类型)的读音是,惊悚 (类型)翻译成英文是 Thriller

  5. 问:惊悚401号房拼音怎么拼?惊悚401号房的读音是什么?惊悚401号房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊悚401号房的读音是,惊悚401号房翻译成英文是 Room 401



“惊悚”是个多义词,它可以指惊悚(动漫《蜘蛛侠》中角色代号), 惊悚(汉语词语), 惊悚(1996年格里高利·霍布里特执导美国电影)。