







汉语拼音:bí qí



bí qi的又音。义同“荸荠bí qi”。



  1. 古称凫茈。又称乌芋。今有些地区名地栗、地梨、马蹄。多年生草本植物,种水田中。地下茎为扁圆形,表面呈深褐色或枣红色。肉白色,可食。



  1. The invention relates to a preserved fruit and the making method, particularly relates to a preserved chufa and the making method.


  2. However, the degradation of reduced ascorbic acid was accelerated due to acetaldehyde treatment.


  3. Horseshoe hangover: Take Horseshoe (water chestnut) 10, wash Daocheng sludge, squeezing out the juice with gauze wrapped Beverage Service.


  4. The sensory quality of the water chestnut juice was influenced by its turbid state caused from colloidal granule.


  5. And lettuce, water chest nut before eating raw, also had better husk first, abluent, iron with boiled water eat again.


  6. The processing technology of microwave puffing water chestnut crisp chip was studied.


  7. Mince the agaric and water chestnut, clean and chopped the scallion, mince the garlic and ginger.


  8. China travel, Chongqing, the vegetable is "sweet water chestnut" .


  9. Compared the EETP with common food antiseptic its antibacterial effect is better in the food of the pH near neuter.


  1. 清水荸荠罐头

    canned water chestnut

  2. 荸荠罐头加工技术

    Technique of Prossing of Water Chestnut Can

  3. 荸荠资源的征集及评价

    Collecting and Evaluating of Water Chestnut Resource

  4. 荸荠的保健功能及加工利用

    Health function and processing of chufa

  5. 杨桃荸荠复合果汁的工艺研究

    Study on processing of a compound juice from carambola and chufa

  6. 不同水分条件对荸荠品质的影响

    Effect of different condition of water on quality of Eleocharis tuberosa

  7. 荸荠总黄酮不同提取方法的比较研究

    Comparison of different methods for extracting flavonoids from water chestnut

  8. 荸荠秆枯病的发生及其防治研究

    Research on occurrence and control of stem blight of Chinese water chestnut

  9. 本文旨在研究荸荠汁澄清工艺,开发澄清得荸荠汁饮料。

    The new clarifying technique of the water chestnut juice was studied.

  10. 本文旨在研究荸荠汁澄清工艺,开发澄清的荸荠汁饮料。

    The new clarifying technique of the water chestnut juice was studied.

  11. 荸荠皮中黄酮类化合物的微波提取工艺

    The Microwave Extraction Techniques of Flavonoid in Eleocharis tuberose Peel

  12. 荸荠皮膳食纤维酶化学法提取工艺研究

    Study on extraction of dietary fiber from water chestnut pericarp by zymochemistry method

  13. 对微波膨化荸荠脆片的加工工艺进行了研究。

    The processing technology of microwave puffing water chestnut crisp chip was studied.

  14. 荸荠总黄酮的提取方法对比及抗氧化活性研究

    Study on different extracting methods and antioxidant activity of flavonoids from water chestnut

  15. 环境因素对荸荠秆枯病流行动态的影响

    Effects of environmental factors on the epidemic of stem blight in Chinese waterchestnut

  16. 温度和光照等因素对荸荠试管球茎形成的影响

    Effects of factors such as temperature and light on Bulblet Formation of Chinese water chestnut

  17. 若与荸荠,蜂蜜,甘蔗等榨汁同服,效果更佳。

    If the water chestnuts and honey, cane juice, and so on the same service, better results.

  18. 荸荠是一种优良得药食兼用得果蔬类食品。

    Chufa is a kind of garden stuff that can be eaten as medicine or food.

  19. 荸荠是一种优良的药食兼用的果蔬类食品。

    Chufa is a kind of garden stuff that can be eaten as medicine or food.

  20. 荸荠这种植物的多汁球茎,用于亚洲的烹调中也作

    The succulent corm of this plant, used in Asian cooking. Also called Chinese water chestnut.

  21. 素肉块,素火腿,荸荠和洋菇各切成1公分的小丁。

    Cut vegetarian pork, vegetarian ham, water chestnut and mushroom into 1cm cubes.

  22. 对热风干燥生产荸荠片的加工工艺进行了试验研究。

    The processing technology of Chinese water chestnut slices was studied in this article.

  23. 荸荠枯萎病是一种毁灭性病害,近几年在闽南发生严重。

    A destructive disease, water chestnut wilt has been found seriously in the south Fujian recent years.

  24. 对荸荠果皮不溶性膳食纤维的化学法提取工艺进行了研究。

    Study on the extraction of insoluble dietary fiber from Chinese water chestnut pericarp by chemical method.

  25. 而虾饺质量的高低与藕粉荸荠粉的使用量有很大的关系。

    The quality of the dumpling has a great relation with the amount of the blanks.

  26. 荸荠汁由于含有多种胶体微粒而呈浑浊态,影响其感官品质。

    The sensory quality of the water chestnut juice was influenced by its turbid state caused from colloidal granule.


  1. 问:荸荠拼音怎么拼?荸荠的读音是什么?荸荠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荸荠的读音是bíjì,荸荠翻译成英文是 water chestnut

  2. 问:荸荠属拼音怎么拼?荸荠属的读音是什么?荸荠属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荸荠属的读音是bíqí shǔ,荸荠属翻译成英文是 Eleocharis

  3. 问:荸荠素拼音怎么拼?荸荠素的读音是什么?荸荠素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荸荠素的读音是bí jì sù,荸荠素翻译成英文是 puchlin

  4. 问:荸荠组拼音怎么拼?荸荠组的读音是什么?荸荠组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荸荠组的读音是bíqí zǔ,荸荠组翻译成英文是 Eleocharis

  5. 问:荸荠英拼音怎么拼?荸荠英的读音是什么?荸荠英翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荸荠英的读音是bí jì yīng,荸荠英翻译成英文是 puchiin

  6. 问:荸荠虫科拼音怎么拼?荸荠虫科的读音是什么?荸荠虫科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荸荠虫科的读音是,荸荠虫科翻译成英文是 Aechminidae

  7. 问:荸荠皮堆黑粉菌拼音怎么拼?荸荠皮堆黑粉菌的读音是什么?荸荠皮堆黑粉菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荸荠皮堆黑粉菌的读音是bíqípíduīhēifěnjūn,荸荠皮堆黑粉菌翻译成英文是 Dermatosorus eleocharidis



“荸荠”是个多义词,它可以指荸荠(多年生草本植物), 荸荠(马的蹄部), 荸荠(汉语词汇)。