







汉语拼音:shū yè







  1. 书本中印有文字或图画等的纸页。

    冰心 《寄小读者》三:“﹝我﹞刚翻到‘卿云烂兮’一段,忽然看见书页上的空白写着几个大字:‘别忘了 小小 ’。” 柯岩 《快活的小诗·“告状”》:“爸爸皱着眉翻开书页,微笑却慢慢出现在他脸上。”



  1. He picked it up and looked at it closely. It was a leaf that had been pressed in the pages.


  2. Plastic comb binding Pages of a book are held together by means of plastic comb. It es one of the mechanical binding methods.


  3. A fine parchment made from calfskin, lambskin, or kidskin and used for the pages and binding of books.


  4. Leaving the page of a book carelessly open, something unsaid, the phone off the hookand the love, whatever it was, an infection.


  5. As I thumbed through the pages, I found a red rose, perfectly pressed between the passages.


  6. Simply find your page, pop it in, and position it so your bookworm's head is hooked over the front.


  7. Head The edge of a page or book, parallel to and above the printed matter; also used to indicate the upper positions on any form of binding.


  8. Modern back finishing method is intended to be compound fractionized section of the location in the surface of the mouth.


  9. Things were in scrolls not in books like this with all the different pages all sewn together.


  1. 随意翻动书页

    to riffle the pages of a book

  2. 快速地翻动书页

    leaf a book

  3. 啪啪作响地翻书页

    to flop the pages of a book

  4. 他匆匆扫了一眼书页。

    His eyes swept over the page.

  5. 折起书页得一角, 作为标记。

    To fold down pages to mark your place.

  6. 去感触书页 去感触他们正在谈论的图画

    to feel the page of the book, to feel the picture they were discussing.

  7. 没有你得日期就像一本没有书页得书。

    Every day without you is like book without pages.

  8. 没有他得日子就像一本没有书页得书。

    Every day without him is like book without pages.

  9. 对,大家都要想象一下书 并想象把书页撕开。

    OK, everybody imagine books and imagine just tearing out the pages.

  10. 新添加得书页可按附在其上得指示插入书脊。

    These new pages should be inserted into the Binders according to the instructions accompanying them.

  11. 随后,屋里除了翻书页得声沙沙之外,便悄无声响了。

    And then the rooms were very still while the pages were softly turned.

  12. 他撕下一页书。

    He tore a page out of a book.

  13. 这孩子撕下一页书。

    The boy tore a page out of the book.

  14. 消化一页书, 胜于匆促的读一卷书。

    A page digested is better than a volume hurriedly read.

  15. 你还有几页书就看完了, 坚持到底吧。

    You've only a few pages to go.

  16. 撕下一页书,从墙上撕下布告,从树上揪下树叶。

    Tear a page out of a book,a notice down from a wall,the leaves off a tree

  17. 如今, 刚翻过两三页书, 我就开始心不在焉。

    Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages.

  18. 重印书版权页不规范现象对著录工作的影响

    Impacts of nonstandard terms on the copyright pages of reprint books on description.

  19. 他故意打开书翻页读着,好像在找东西。

    He purposefully opens his book and goes through the pages as if looking for something.

  20. 请在直接付款授权书背页写上学生姓名及就班级。

    Write down the student's name and class on the back of the authorization.

  21. 书中各页的大小及布局。

    In a book, the dimensions of the printed page.

  22. 这卷书得空白页发黄了。

    This volume is foxed on the flyleaf.

  23. 一本三百页的书

    a book of three hundred pages

  24. 这本滑稽的书每一页上都有令人发笑的地方。

    The funny book had a laugh on every page.

  25. 该历史书有三百页正文, 大约五十页得注解和注译。

    The history book contains 300 pages of text and about 50 pages of notes.

  26. 该历史书有三百页正文,大约五十页的注解和注译。

    The history book contains 300 pages of text and about 50 pages of notes.

  27. 奇数页带有单数页码的书页。从右翻开的书,奇数页在右边

    Odd pages Books pages bearing odd folio numbers. For books open by the righ, these pages are the right.hand pages.

  28. 他睡觉前总会读两三页的书。

    He always reads two or three pages before going to bed.

  29. 她把书翻到第一页。

    She opened the book at page one.

  30. 她把书翻到第一页。

    She opened the book at page one.


  1. 问:书页拼音怎么拼?书页的读音是什么?书页翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书页的读音是shūyè,书页翻译成英文是 page of a book

  2. 问:书页构造拼音怎么拼?书页构造的读音是什么?书页构造翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书页构造的读音是,书页构造翻译成英文是 book structure

  3. 问:书页式电容器拼音怎么拼?书页式电容器的读音是什么?书页式电容器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书页式电容器的读音是shū yè shì diàn róng qì,书页式电容器翻译成英文是 book capacitor

