




1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:yè shù







页数 [yè shù]
  1. 书的每一页面上标明次序的号码或其他数字。书籍每一页面上标明次第的数目字。用以统计书籍的面数,便于读者检索。



  1. Myfirst impression upon receiving the book was that it was shorter (fewer pages)than I had expected.


  2. The number of pages shown in the index for a particular document may be less than the total number of pages in the original document.


  3. One of the main divisions of a relatively lengthy piece of writing, such as a book, that is usually numbered or titled.


  4. Would be a good number of number of each page within the pages placed in groups on the vibration machine finishing neatly.


  5. Number of pages flushed to disk per second by a checkpoint or other operation that require all dirty pages to be flushed .


  6. Number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (stolen from the buffer pool) on this node.


  7. Number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including procedure cache).


  8. Total number of pages reserved for storing and managing in-row data in this partition, regardless of whether the pages are in use or not.


  9. Hand within a few pages out of each batch of pages, and differentiate.


  1. 编号为的页数编号

    To number the leaves of.

  2. 商品分类帐页数

    merchandise ledger folio.

  3. 小册子的装订页数

    Staple for the Booklet Units

  4. 这些页数次序不对。

    The pages arent in proper order.

  5. 缓冲池保留的页数。

    Number of buffer pool reserved pages.

  6. 我还补入了页数。

    I had also added the page numbers.

  7. 请标明这本书的页数。

    Please page the book.

  8. 如果页数很多,标注页码。

    Ensure your pages are numbered,and check for missing pages.

  9. 已从磁盘读取的页数。

    The number of pages that have been read from disk.

  10. 根据以上情况,页数应该是16页。

    In the above case,the number of sheets will be 16.

  11. 用于其他服务器用途的页数。

    Number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes.

  12. 你应该计算一下论文的页数。

    You should number the pages of the thesis.

  13. 这本书的页数比那本书的页数少。

    The pages of this book are fewer than those of that book.

  14. 这本书得页数比那本书得页数少。

    The pages of this book are fewer than those of that book.

  15. 流程图则包含于附加页数中。

    The flow diagram should encompass an additional page.

  16. 无法分配请求的扩展内存页数。

    Failure to allocate the requested number of Expanded Memory pages.

  17. 他必须砍除报告的全部页数。

    He had to lop off whole pages of the report.

  18. 他们增加额外页数使书更厚。

    They added extra pages to bulk the book out.

  19. 她对点稿子的页数有些厌倦。

    She is tired of counting the pages of a manuscript.

  20. 括号内得数字与页数相对应。

    The numerals in brackets correspond to page numbers.

  21. 括号内的数字与页数相对应。

    The numerals in brackets correspond to page numbers.

  22. 但那些页数早被撕裂跟磨损!

    But the pages all are torn and frayed!

  23. 封套内没有重量和页数的限制。

    There is no limit on weight or the number of pages you may enclose.

  24. 列出你所有直接引用文句的页数。

    List page numbers of any direct quotes you include.

  25. 印刷页数是在该作业中印刷的印刷物的页数。

    A print quantity indicates the number of pages of a printed matter obtained by printing based on the job.

  26. 书的索引为读者列出了正文中的页数。

    The index refers the reader to pages in the text.

  27. 此节点上用于其他服务器用途的页数。

    Number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes on this node.

  28. 笔记本就是一本有空白页数记事的本子。

    A notebook is a book which has blank pages for notes.

  29. 查一下那本书得目录找出相关页数。

    Check the index of the book to find the relevant pages.

  30. 查一下那本书的目录找出相关页数。

    Check the index of the book to find the relevant pages.


  1. 问:页数据集拼音怎么拼?页数据集的读音是什么?页数据集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:页数据集的读音是yè shù jù jí,页数据集翻译成英文是 page data set