


1. 欠 [qiàn]欠 [qiàn]人在疲倦时张口出气:打哈~。身体稍稍向上移动:~身。短少,不够:~缺。~安。借别人的财物没有还或应当给人的事物还没有给:拖~。~账。……





汉语拼音:qiàn zhàng









  1. Eg. By the time I've paid all the bills I owe, I shall be on the rocks.


  2. "How much is it? " she asked.


  3. I'll show these scoundrels I'm an honest woman, ' said my mother. ' I'll take what I'm owed and no more.


  4. Interface procuring medicines no social security, no id card scanner interface, a simple way out, and does not support against three.


  5. It' s no use carrying this debt forward ; we might as well write it off.


  6. The droid's large infrared photoreceptors can detect most fleeing fugitives with accounts in arrears.


  7. But make sure to pay off the credit-card balance each month.


  8. Ben was distraught at his stupidity for allowing this bill to grow so large.


  9. An unpaid , overdue debt or an unfulfilled obligation .


  1. 我不想欠帐。

    I don't want to fall behind in my bills.

  2. 请立刻结清你的欠帐。

    Please settle your account immediately.

  3. 请立刻结清你得欠帐。

    Please settle your account immediately.

  4. 他不欠房东的帐。

    He was square with his landlord.

  5. 我今天想必在你的餐厅欠了不少帐。

    I must have run up quite a bill at your restaurant today.

  6. 我今天想必在你的店里欠了不少帐。

    I must have run up quite a bill at your store today.

  7. 我今天想必在你的面包店欠了不少帐。

    I must have run up quite a bill at your bakery today.

  8. 我今天想必在你的美容院欠了不少帐。

    I must have run up quite a bill at your beauty shop today.

  9. 我今天想必在你的裁缝店欠了不少帐。

    I must have run up quite a bill at your tailor shop today.

  10. 我今天想必在你的糖果店欠了不少帐。

    I must have run up quite a bill at your candy store today.

  11. 她怀疑这么一大笔欠帐是否正常。

    She doubted the naturalness of so large a bill.

  12. 我想找到一个不欠帐的办法。

    I want to find a way to keep my head above water.

  13. 欠帐未付的, 逾期债款或未履行的职责

    An unpaid, overdue debt or an unfulfilled obligation.

  14. 等我付完了所有的欠帐,我就身无分文了。

    By the time I've paid all the bills I owe I shall be on the rocks.

  15. 等我付完了所有得欠帐,我就身无分文了。

    By the time I've paid all the bills I owe I shall be on the rocks.

  16. 本对于自己允许欠帐的愚蠢行为感到万分沮丧。

    Ben was distraught at his stupidity for allowing this bill to grow so large.

  17. 本对于自己允许欠帐得愚蠢行为感到万分沮丧。

    Ben was distraught at his stupidity for allowing this bill to grow so large.

  18. 近年来, 随着客运量的增长, 客运设施欠帐较多。

    In recent years, as the growth of passenger traffic volume, passenger transport establishment arrears more.

  19. 近年来,随着客运量得增长,客运设施欠帐较多。

    In recent years,as the growth of passenger traffic volume,passenger transport establishment arrears more.

  20. 这笔欠帐不必再往下转,我们还是销掉算了。

    It's no use carrying this debt forward; we might as well write it off.

  21. 这笔欠帐已年复一年地结转下来,啥时才能清帐?

    This debt has been carried forward from year to year. When will it be paid?

  22. 转帐失误欠租报表

    delinquent report

  23. 帐单上欠十元钱

    ten dollars owing on a bill

  24. 他欠我们钱,却不愿还帐。

    He owes us money, but he won't cough up.

  25. 你就是那个欠了4个月帐的家伙?

    You're the guy who's four months behind on his payments?

  26. 你所欠的款已记入我们的帐中。

    Your are debited in our books with the sum

  27. 她为买一件衣服而欠了一大笔帐。

    She ran up a large bill for all her new clothes.

  28. 你就是那个欠了4个月帐没付的家伙。

    You're the guy who's 4 months behind on his payments?

  29. 客栈老板把那个人欠的帐记在石板上。

    The innkeeper scored up the man's indebtedness on a slate.

  30. 进行这个报复计划欠得卡帐也可以还了。

    I have to pay the credit card bills from the revenge plan.


  1. 问:欠帐拼音怎么拼?欠帐的读音是什么?欠帐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欠帐的读音是qiànzhàng,欠帐翻译成英文是 outstanding accounts