


1. 还 [huán]2. 还 [hái]还 [huán]回到原处或恢复原状:~乡。~俗。衣锦~乡。返老~童。回报别人对自己的行动。~手。~击。以眼~眼。以牙~牙。偿付:归~。偿~。~本。原物奉~。古同“环”,环绕。姓。还 [hái]依然,……





汉语拼音:hái zhàng








  1. 亦作“ 还账 ”。归还所欠的债或偿付所欠的贷款。

    清 蒲松龄 《禳妒咒·闺戏》:“六年的瓜子没还账,至少也该个本利平,你可説説谁理正?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二四回:“ 上海 县断了个七成还帐,大家都具了结领了,他也具结领了。”《负曝闲谈》第十八回:“ 黄子文 道:‘我是代朋友还帐,不是我自己还帐。’” 丁玲 《母亲》二:“爷爷们既不能替我还账,又不能替我抚孤,也就管不到我许多。”



  1. Are things going to get really nasty -- so nasty that 2011 might seem like the good old days -- when the bill comes due?


  2. But later on the bill, you are the one to suffer from the bill. The doctor won't suffer from that.


  3. Empire BlueCross paid $6, 566. 40. We paid nothing. So who did the paying?


  1. 他们一个劲儿要他还帐。

    They kept at him for payment.

  2. 还帐不拖延是我得原则。

    It is my policy to pay all my bills without delay.

  3. 他欠我们钱,却不愿还帐。

    He owes us money, but he won't cough up.

  4. 格林先生只好为他儿子还帐。

    Mr. Green has had to stump up for his son's debts.

  5. 我凑不出这笔款子来还帐。

    I cannot make out the required sum to settle this account.

  6. 不还帐或不付工钱给他人从而欺骗他人

    to swindle a person by not paying a debt or wager

  7. 赖帐不还帐或不付工钱给他人从而欺骗他人。

    To swindle a person by not paying a debt or wager.

  8. 你能不能告诉我,你还帐的钱是怎么来的?

    Would you mind telling me how you made the money to pay back my loan?

  9. 我得在亨廷顿沿街叫卖这堆烂东西来还帐了,伙计

    I need to peddle this shit at huntington to cover the check, man

  10. 你的帐还没付。

    Your account is still unpaid.

  11. 转房帐还是付现金呢?

    Charge to your room or by cash?

  12. 我明天把帐还给你。

    I will settle with you tomorrow.

  13. 他卖了一些债券还了这笔帐。

    He paid the bill by cashing in some bonds.

  14. 客户已经存款很长时间, 资金目前还没有到帐。

    The client deposited money a long time already, to date the capital did not receiv yet.

  15. 要一个帐单还是分开算帐?

    Is it going to be one check or separate checks?

  16. 你会赚大钱而你的伙伴们还在学算帐。

    You'll be rich when your pals are still studying accounts.

  17. 质举人举钱数目较大,还得自己在帐上签名或画押。

    Exams give money to a larger number of quality, have to own account on the signature or initialed.

  18. 爷爷打了一冬天的猎, 但帐仍然没有还清。

    Grandad hunted all winter long but could not clear up the debt.

  19. 他还记了本后帐,就锁在抽屉里。

    He also kept a undisclosed account book locked in the drawer.

  20. 您的帐要一起结还是分开呢?

    Would you like your bill one check or separate check?

  21. 我不敢相信那混帐还没打来。

    I just can't beIieve that prick hasn't called.

  22. 付现还是记帐?

    Cash or charge?

  23. 他赖帐不还。

    He welshed on his debts.

  24. 噢,还不是帐单。

    Oh,it must be a bill.

  25. 噢,还不是帐单。

    Oh, it must be a bill.

  26. 你还没有结帐。

    You hve not settled the accounts yet.

  27. 还在往来的帐户

    open account

  28. 帐单分开还是合开?

    Separate bills or one bill?

  29. 这些帐册还未被审计

    The book have not yet be audit

  30. 你付现金呢还是记帐?

    Are you paying cash or is this a charge?