







汉语拼音:shāo jiǎn






  1. The method has been used on the ion-exchange membrane caustic soda system in Shenyang Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. with good performance.


  2. In his view, the production of caustic soda over to Taiwan every year, 70% of the chlorine can be recycled to make plastic PVC powder.


  3. The result showed that the rate of lost weight and fineness increased as the concentration of alkali of flax tow increased.


  4. Experiment results show that as cooking additive quinone compounds are more suitable for soda cooking without sodium sulfide.


  5. The total quantity of caustic soda should be realistic, according to the viscosity request.


  6. Then it analyses the main problem existing in the cost management, and finally presents advise for the duty cost control.


  7. increasing the concentration of alkali decreases the over length fiber but increases the rate. . .


  8. As an example, the method is used in the assessment of a caustic soda production process, obtaining reasonable. . .


  9. Paper wasp: Caustic and burning. Distinctly bitter aftertaste. Like spilling a beaker of hydrochloric acid on a paper cut.


  1. 烧碱泡泡纱

    caustic soda crepe.

  2. 离子膜烧碱

    ion film caustic soda.

  3. 耗烧碱产品

    product consuming caustic soda.

  4. 烧碱生产设备

    caustic soda equipment.

  5. 烧碱蒸发工艺

    alkali to evaporate the craft.

  6. 烧碱浓缩装置

    caustic soda concentration unit.

  7. 烧碱生产能力

    caustic soda production capacity.

  8. 苛性钠,烧碱

    hydrate of sodium.

  9. 烧碱用离子膜

    Ion film for caustic soda.

  10. 离子膜法烧碱

    Ion film method sodium hydroxide.

  11. 烧碱法制浆废液

    soda spent liquor

  12. 烧碱法纸浆

    soda pulp

  13. 隔膜法烧碱生产

    diaphragm caustic soda production

  14. 离子膜烧碱蒸发

    evaporation of ionie membrane eaustie soda

  15. 烧碱法蒸煮

    alkaline cooking.

  16. 烧碱用离子膜生产

    Production of ion film for caustic soda

  17. 烧碱, 苛性钠, 氢氧化钠

    caustic, caustic soda

  18. 烧碱生产线下水零排放

    Zero discharge of water in production of caustic soda

  19. 剑麻纤维爆破烧碱法制浆

    SENaOH Pulping of Sisal Fibre

  20. 苛性钠, 氢氧化钠, 烧碱, 苛性苏打

    caustic soda

  21. 烧碱单位产品能源消耗限额

    The norm of energy consume per product of caustic soda

  22. 浅谈隔膜烧碱的节能降耗

    Brief discussion about energy conservation and consumption decrease in the production of diaphragm caustic soda

  23. 关于全卤离子膜烧碱的探讨

    Discussion on ionic membrane caustic soda by whole bittern

  24. 依靠技术改造降低烧碱蒸汽消耗

    Technology innovation for decreasing steam consumption of caustic soda

  25. 采取有效措施,降低烧碱蒸汽消耗

    Reducing steam consumption in caustic soda production by using effective measures

  26. 降低烧碱盐耗的有效措施

    Effective Measures to Reduce NaCi Consumption in Caustic Soda Production

  27. 衡阳烧碱厂水源地泵房设计

    Design of the Pump House of Hengyang Caustic Soda Mill

  28. 烧碱蒸发过程汽耗的影响因素

    Influential factors of steam consumption in the process of caustic soda evaporation

  29. 烧碱碳酸盐含量测定范围的研究

    Study on the Measuring Range of Carbonates Content in Caustic Soda

  30. 浅谈原盐质量对烧碱生产的影响

    Introduction to the influence of primary salt quality on caustic soda production


  1. 问:烧碱拼音怎么拼?烧碱的读音是什么?烧碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧碱的读音是shāojiǎn,烧碱翻译成英文是 caustic soda

  2. 问:烧碱液拼音怎么拼?烧碱液的读音是什么?烧碱液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧碱液的读音是shāo jiǎn yè,烧碱液翻译成英文是 white liquor

  3. 问:烧碱石棉拼音怎么拼?烧碱石棉的读音是什么?烧碱石棉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧碱石棉的读音是shāo jiǎn shí mián,烧碱石棉翻译成英文是 soda asbestos; ascarite

  4. 问:烧碱石灰拼音怎么拼?烧碱石灰的读音是什么?烧碱石灰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧碱石灰的读音是,烧碱石灰翻译成英文是 natroncalk

  5. 问:烧碱石棉剂拼音怎么拼?烧碱石棉剂的读音是什么?烧碱石棉剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧碱石棉剂的读音是shāo jiǎn shí mián jì,烧碱石棉剂翻译成英文是 ascarite



氢氧化钠,化学式为NaOH,俗称烧碱、火碱、片碱、苛性钠(香港亦称“哥士的”),为一种具有高腐蚀性的强碱,一般为片状或颗粒形态,易溶于水并形成碱性溶液,另有潮解性,易吸取空气中的水蒸气。氢氧化钠也有不同的应用,为化学实验室其中一种必备的化学品,亦为常见的化工品之一。纯品是无色透明的晶体。密度2.130g/cm³。熔点318.4℃。沸点1390℃。工业品含有少量的氯化钠和碳酸钠,是白色不透明的固体。有块状、片状、粒状和棒状等。成浓溶液的产品俗名液碱。固碱吸湿性很强,易溶于水,同时强烈放热。并溶于乙醇和甘油。露放在空气中,最后会完全溶解成溶液。有强碱性,对皮肤、织物、纸张等有强腐蚀性。易从空气中吸收二氧化碳而逐渐变成碳酸钠,必须贮存在密闭的铁罐或玻璃瓶(不能用玻璃塞盖住瓶口,原因Si+2NaOH+H2O= Na2SiO3 +2H2↑ Si+2OH- +H2O =SiO32-+2H2↑ )等中。用途很广,如制造肥皂、纸浆、人造丝,整理棉织品,精炼石油,提炼煤焦油产物等。制法有电解法和化学法两种。化学法又有石灰苛化法和亚铁酸盐法等。参见电解食盐法。